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A day in the studio collating photographs, videos, drawings and documents for the video and individual portfolios. We then arranged and organised them in a logical sequence by sketching out a template for the 3-minute video of our events process before setting up the time frames for each of them to put in the video.
Posted 27 Apr 2018 23:57
At the end of the day on Thursday (26th April) as a team we were finishing tying together the smaller triangles to the larger ones and inserting it into the large structure. The translucent spheres were also added to the string and loose ends from the cable ties and string were cut and removed. A team effort was made to insert and tie together the large triangle into the main structure ready to take a group photograph with the installation.
Posted 27 Apr 2018 04:25
Presentation by Decordia on Thursday (26th April) to our whole group introducing the work they produce and create for different festivals.

Decordia spoke about the many different job routes she went through from prop design and stage design to how she got into working on installations for festivals.

Decordia complemented the work produced and said collaborating and talking to different people helps to guide you down the path you want to take. Decordia reinforced that people are always advertising for freelance work and good design skills, sketching and visuals are highly sort after.
Posted 27 Apr 2018 04:23
On Wednesday (25th April) we were assembling and arranging all the final design triangles together into the larger triangle. Practice presentations by each group at the end of the day for any last-minute questions in preparation to present to Decordia on Thursday (26th April).

Studio working and hands on working with the installation outside took place throughout the day encouraging people to collaborate and create conversations between First, Second and Fifth year students.
Posted 27 Apr 2018 04:21
Working in the studio on Monday (23rd April) with the first and Second years helping them with portfolio advice and working on showing their design process leading to their final design, in preparation to present to Decordia on Thursday (26th April).
Posted 27 Apr 2018 04:19
Group presentations to Decordia (collaborator) were received very positively.

Each group presented creative diverse design proposals including the process they undertook to reach their final design proposal.
Posted 26 Apr 2018 14:23
First day Introduction went well before making paper maquette models of the icosahedron.
Posted 26 Apr 2018 14:12