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Today we had a lecture about comics and architecture. The lecture starts from the difference of closure in comics to the history of comics-related to architecture. This lecture aims to provide another view for BA participants to explore their stories with certain technics. Make their drawings more coherent and stand out.
Posted 11 May 2021 23:29
DAY 02:

We followed this up by researching specific materials and how they can be re-used, and the issues that occur when trying to re-incorporate them, such as; damage, contamination and redundancy. This will inform our continued research of the Manchester Town Hall conservation project, and the material waste that has been produced during its development.
Posted 11 May 2021 22:56
Day 2:

Today, we researched and discussed the impacts that construction and building material waste has on the environment. We set ourselves some key questions to answer about existing material waste in construction to help reason as to why this area of research is needed and to help guide the project.

It became evident that waste from the construction and demolition of buildings is a large contributor to our landfills. This became a key area of concern, as architecture student we believe that we should be trying to not only produce sustainable designs but make the whole life-cycle of a building sustainable, from concept to construction and into its future or re-use.
Posted 11 May 2021 22:56
#DAY 3 - Diagramming

10:00 MArch - Sharing 3rd Year Works
11:25 Illustrating / Diagramming Ideas in the Site Analysis
Posted 11 May 2021 22:23
Youth Group Session

As our team has no direct involvement with the LGBT+ Centre, it was important for us to get input into the project from those who do. One of the main and longest standing youth groups within the centre is called LGYM (Lesbian & Gay Youth Manchester) a group that we decided to get involved. To not overwhelm the youth group, only a few members of our team attended the session.

During the session we got to know each other through an ice breaker known as the ‘name game’, in which everyone introduced themselves, their pro nouns, and answered a set question. Moving on, we shared with the group our work so far and asked how they would like to be involved. The majority of this first session was a conversation about their memories of the centre, as well as their experiences of the virtual meetings. The content from the session will be a vital part of the work within the website and zine that we are producing. As a team we learnt a lot about the more intimate workings of the centre, and how for many, the building is simply there to protect them from the rain, with the members of the groups being the true embodiment of the LGBT+ Centre.

We will be attending the session again on the 18th, where we will explore their wishes for the future of the centre, as well as collecting any content they have produced since the first session.
Posted 11 May 2021 22:09
Archive Search

The group started its in depth search of the archive today, provided to us by The Proud Trust and Manchester Central Library. To split the task, we assigned each member a set of documents to look through and pull out all the relevant data for the project. This was done using a miro board so everyone had the opportunity to read what each person was finding, and so that it could be organised chronologically. The documents dated back to 1975 where MAGIC (Manchester Gay Information Centre) was first formed, by a group concerned that there was a need for a general information service for gay people in Manchester, which through the years has developed into the LGBT+ centre that we know of today.

Many of the team were shocked by some of their findings, especially regarding the amount of hate crime towards members of the LGBT+ community, and the security measures that were put into place to protect those using the centre. This led the group into a discussion and mind mapping exercise about what we know about queer history as well as the discrimination and issues members of the community experience around the world today.
Posted 11 May 2021 22:09

Today, all four design groups have developed their site approach and programme.

Group 4 has focused on programme that caters for families and children during the daytime, and can be transformed into a venue for events during the weekends or in the evenings.

The students have concentrated on creating spaces for improving children's wellbeing and stimulating learning experiences by planning out sensory paths through external space inbetween the shipping containers and different workshop spaces that each focus on a certain sensory experience: space for crafting with clay and arranging puzzles for the sensation of touch, zone with light and shadow for visual stimulation and others.
Posted 11 May 2021 22:07

Today, all four design groups have developed their site approach and programme.

Team 3 have developed site analysis diagrams to show the sun path, wind direction, greenery and the site’s views.

Additionally, students drew diagrams to show the level of privacy on the site as well as all the possibilities such as green roof, views, and entrance.

Initial ideas for the community would be to create a safe environment for students, including studying space to share ideas and integrating the concept of education into a social space.
Posted 11 May 2021 22:05
#DAY 2 - Context

10:00 Sharing Precedents
11:00 Sketching
13:30 Meeting the Guest Speaker
14:45 Site Analysis
Posted 11 May 2021 22:04

Today, all four design groups have developed their site approach and programme.

Drawing inspiration from the nearby Chorlton water park, Team 2 has combined the idea of a water playground and community market.

Apart from generating organisation fund through the profit of stalls, the aim of the scheme is also to benefit the Chorlton community by providing a leisure and fun environment for the residents and especially children.
Posted 11 May 2021 22:02

After sharing precedents and sketching, we separated BA students into three smaller groups for site analysis: wider context, access and routes, climates and privacy. We annotated satellite maps and site plans in the Miro boards, highlighting our observations on the site.
Posted 11 May 2021 22:01

Philip Watson, of HLM Architects, joined us this afternoon to talk about his perspective and experience designing with Modern Methods of Construction in mind.

As a finalist of the 2030 Forever Home competition, HLM have developed a platform design dwelling that can be adapted for multiple sites. Its users can fully customise the dwellings that have been designed around central courtyard for private outdoor space and to increase natural daylight within the floorplans.

A standardised kit of parts has been developed levelling the procurement playing field from SMEs to Tier 1 contractors. Taping into this circular economy, inhabitants are able to purchase and sell back housing parts as the household grows and shrinks over time so they can be refurbished and reused. This allows for customisation of dwellings externally and internally contributing to a strong sense of place within walkable neighbourhood communities.

Read Philip’s article about positive trends that will shape procurement in 2021:
Posted 11 May 2021 21:23

Michael Swiszczowski from Chapman Taylor joined us this morning to talk to us about modular design and construction with specific reference to Umbrellahaus and the design factors we should be considering.

Designing for longevity is key, especially as we move towards a net-zero carbon society. Alongside some current housing market context, Michael used project examples to show how modular apartment housing can create community cohesion through active ground floor frontages and community amenities. These amenities can be modified, along with the façade materiality, allowing the scheme to be adapted for multiple urban contexts.

Modular construction allows us to concentrate on quality as the manufacture is completed within controlled factory style environments. By using a Just-In-Time (JIT) construction process, less materials need to be stored on site and 50-90% of construction waste can be saved compared to traditional methods.

Find out more about Umbrellahaus:
Posted 11 May 2021 21:23
Day 2 - Small group works on Programme

In the afternoon, we split into 3 smaller groups, developing the program for our interventions in the following sub-categories: sports & leisure, redeveloping the Hollins and a new community building. The smaller groups produced adjacency diagrams and began exploring precedents... to be further developed tomorrow!
Posted 11 May 2021 21:14
James Williams is the Co-Founder and Managing Director of Sero a hybrid technology and housing company which specialises in developing Zero carbon homes. Sero also supports partners to deliver Zero Carbon in both new build and retrofit, Sero operates those homes to benefit the residents and grid decarbonisation, and aggregates homes to deliver the best outcomes for families, energy grids and the planet.

James will be talking to us about Sero homes and their revolutionary Parc Hadau development which aimed at creating zero carbon homes development. Through the project, he will show how they were able to integrate zero carbon, placemaking and biodiversity into one scheme whilst maintaining the quality and aesthetic appeal. He will talk about what net zero carbon really means and what is needed to achieve it.

Find out more:
Posted 11 May 2021 21:14
Earlier today, we were joined by chattered architect Jack Davies, who shared his invaluable experience of progressing through architectural education and towards a career that champions sustainable design. As the former sustainability lead for IBI's Cardiff office and the co-founder of the sustainable studio, Jack was able to share with us a range of projects that put sustainable design and well-being at the heart of the process.

Different certifications and standards were discussed during the presentation, such as Passive House, LEED, and BREEAM. Jack was also able to talk through how these are achieved and explain the inherent nuances.

His methodology encourages social, cultural, and environmental sensitivity, particularly relevant towards sensitive planning projects.
Posted 11 May 2021 21:11
Guest Speaker: Tomaso Boano

We were joined by our third guest speaker today, Tomaso Boano.
Founded in London in 2015 by Jonas Prišmontas and Tomaso Boano, Boano Prišmontas is a studio that fosters a creative and hands-on approach to propose design solutions in the urban environment. Their projects, ranging from bespoke furniture designs to public space interventions, often adopt modular systems that can be assembled with ease, This discussion was really helpful for our team considering our brief requires a temporary structure that can be moved around site.

Thanks for joining us Tomaso!

Take a look at some of Boano Prišmontas ingenious designs with the link below :
Posted 11 May 2021 21:10
Day 2 - Group Discussion

To bring together the work of GT3 and Joe’s findings, we as a group produced an opportunities and constraints diagram. This would help us place any interventions that we make. Next task was the begin developing the program!
Posted 11 May 2021 21:08

Finally, we want to reimagine the base of the Epping Walk bridge to become a more attractive part of the 'Lost Highway'. This could include features such as market stalls, seating, sleeping pods and tool stores. This could be a place for community grocers such as 'The Bread and Butter Thing' to trade and share high quality locally sourced food within the community at a more affordable price.
Posted 11 May 2021 21:02
We followed up from yesterday afternoon’s initial sketch models by beginning to form groups in which the main cultural pavilions could be formed, with an aim to begin conversations on accommodation schedules, function requirements, cultural representation and plot position. The main tasks involved jumping into some quick digital designs as well continuing to refine some conceptual physical models to inspire the concepts that are evolving. The ideas are loose and expressive here and we’re loving the mixed media approach by all the guys involved!
Posted 11 May 2021 20:58

Today, all four design groups have developed their site approach and programme.

Team 1 have developed a scheme centred around a community produce garden, with the intention of providing allotment space to the population of Chorlton. The scheme also aims to combat food poverty through a voluntary donation veg market.

Community engagement will be ensured by involving the population in the build process. Recycled materials will provide opportunities for ongoing DIY projects that will instil a sense of ownership.
Posted 11 May 2021 20:54
For the afternoon session, we had the opportunity to meet with Dan James, a graphic designer from Birthdaystudio and have a great design workshop regarding producing good graphic on paper and examples on how to use appropriate images and text/font for our colouring booklet.
Posted 11 May 2021 20:49
This is the social media account of Mixed Space, please follow it!!
We'll post more about the event here!
Posted 11 May 2021 20:45
Guest Speakers! (Archiving Albert - Day 2)

We were so pleased that our collaborator from Lendlease, Tamara Karim, could introduce us to some of the many faces working on the renovations around Manchester’s Albert Square.

Whether it be historical curation, social values, or even masonry refurbishment, we think we’re covered for consultants!

Stay tuned for day 3; we’ve an exciting line-up ahead!
Posted 11 May 2021 20:44
Group 16 is excited to share that our guest speaker for the day was Dominic Sagar from WOAH! Dominic gave us an insightful presentation on homelessness and various projects that tackle the issue, and an open discussion followed this. The presentation served as an excellent opportunity for the team to know about the homelessness issue in depth.

In the latter half of the day, the BA cohort studied some good and bad website design examples and developed a website structure diagram to form the foundation of the website's layout.
Posted 11 May 2021 20:41
Another successful day working with team 28, all contributing to the project. We have formulated an 'output schedule' for the 2 weeks, first week prioritising on the framework document, whilst the second week focuses on applying the document to our own design projects.
Keep updated on the progress of this project.

Week 1
1. Project Client
2. Site/ Project Location
3. Materials
4. Identify Materials
5. Further Analysis
6. How to Reuse materials
7. Understand a Framework
To apply
Week 2
8. Create a project using the framework
9. Further implementing how to apply framework to MCR Town Hall.
10. Creation of document for framework.
11. The publication will be presented to client (Purcell)
12. Blog will be updated daily will discoveries and interesting acknowledgement.
13. Connect with projects in the area to apply this to.
Posted 11 May 2021 20:35
"Even if I became a millionaire tomorrow, I would never stop doing my Saturday tours."


The whole team was divided equally for a chance to experience the virtual tours led by Danny and Laura from Invisible Manchester.

Group 2 went for a tour with Laura, exploring the history of inspirational Mancunian women who have influenced her journey of transition as a transgender woman. Laura's enlightening tour introduces visitors to thoughts, struggles, and tales about empowered women, as she delves into stories about Emmeline Pankhurst and the Suffragette movement, Manchester's past, and homelessness. Here are some feedbacks from the group:

"Laura's tour was so inspirational and moving, always honest"

"Such a unique and eye-opening experience!"
Posted 11 May 2021 20:20
"I used to sleep on Market Street, now I am getting a suit fitted on Market Street."

OFF THE COBBLES with Danny - Group 1

The whole team was divided equally for a chance to experience the virtual tours led by Danny and Laura from Invisible Manchester.

Group 1 went for a tour with Danny, focusing on the flip side of the city, which encapsulates memories from his personal experience of homelessness. The whole tour narrates his poetic exploration of the city as each part of the tour is integrated with poems, making it a lot more interesting! It was really a remarkable experience to be on this tour! Here are some feedbacks from the group:

"I really enjoyed our tour with Danny!"

"His poems were also integrated really well throughout the tour and made the tour have a better flow."
Posted 11 May 2021 20:19
We start the day with our very first meeting as a team with the Invisible Manchester team. We've heard lots of short presentations from our collaborators on their really interesting and insightful stories on who they are, what they do and how they’ve adapted over the past year. We were then been assigned to go on the virtual tours, followed by series of discussions and exchanging photographs, locations & text/poems with the tour guides.
Posted 11 May 2021 20:18

We want to develop the lay-by along the highway to provide space for a community kitchen. The community kitchen should be multifunctional and modular so it can be used for a variety of events. This will become a valuable space for food community initiatives around Hulme and Moss Side and when not being used for cooking it can be used as a sheltered space for picnics and gathering.
Posted 11 May 2021 20:17
Welcoming new members of our team!

We are delighted to introduce the BA1 and BA2 students who will be joining us in this exciting project. After the ice breaking session and briefing of the project yesterday, we have allocated the students into two subgroups and will be doing different chapters respectively for the colouring booklet. Teamwork makes the dream work!
Posted 11 May 2021 20:16
Today was a chance for us to develop our ideas for the tasklets in our individual groups, doing mock-ups of models and showing our team members some of the software skills they will need to complete the task.

Tomorrow will be our final day to finalise our tasks for the MHA students.
Looking forward to seeing the results!

Posted 11 May 2021 20:16

Over the next two weeks we will be reimagining the Lost Highway. This stretch of land is an invaluable green space for the residents of Hulme and Moss Side however it has been neglected and become a place where people dump litter.

The focus is to design a noise and pollution barrier which improves community relationships, public spaces, access to activities and resources and the needs and aspirations of residents.

To kick off DAY 2 we spent our time brainstorming and then collaging our ideas on to photographs of three areas of interest along the Lost Highway.


We want to re-landscape existing green verges along the highway to facilitate food growing spaces. These will be a continuation of the structure for example, planter walls which act as a buffer to noise and vehicular pollution along Princess Road. We want to ensure we design these spaces so residents take pride in them and view them as their own back yard'.

Posted 11 May 2021 20:04
On the second day of the Pay Inn Display project, our team continued building on the research of day 1 and consolidating the information required to carry out the graphic outputs for the end of week one and the cohesive and comprehensive design charrette we are to undertake next week.

The 4 sub teams - culture, people, the valley & the building - continued to research their respective disciplines and began the production of graphic information ahead of tomorrow's internal Pay Inn Display presentation review which hopes to mirror a real-life design meeting for the undergraduate students.

The image above, created by Zoe for the 'People' team, were created to explore the three types of people that we believe the Farmer's Arms are trying to connect with. They are the established local community, who are aware of the programme and it's history and actively engaged, the middle-aged and middle-class holidaymakers who are likely to pass through the area and the younger more diverse 'arts' crowd who Grizedale are hoping to attract to the programme.

These profiles were created to explore the desires of, impacts to and barriers for the various demographic groups when visiting (or planning to visit) the Farmer's Arms in order to aid a strategy to best ameliorate these issues for the disparate groups and maximise the outreach and positive impact of the Farmer's Arms programme.

Posted 11 May 2021 20:01
A productive second day for the Manchester Blue Line group! Today we split into 3 groups focusing on the different themes which will make Manchester Blue Line an enjoyable, fun, and safe place to be! From signage, landscaping, furniture, to art installation strategies, each group analysed a range of precedents and explored varying approach. With the ideas and work produced, the group can now holistically plan for the next steps and start to integrate the important themes altogether.
Posted 11 May 2021 19:52

We discussed the issues in existing real estate models that could be resolved by ownHaus.

As a “crowfunded” housing model, ownHaus removes the burden on homeowners to pay interests on top of their loan repayments to banks or mortgage providers.

This disintermediation also removes the burden to abide by the rules of traditional financial institutions, to have to repay the cost of a property within the lifetime of one homeowner. Housing can be affordable when its cost can be financed over the lifetime of the building instead, and charges one only what they need, as they use it.

More sustainable, energy-efficient design can further relieve the financial burden on low-income residents, to cover expenses for instance in energy bills and furniture, which has been a long-exisiting problem in some existing social housing buildings.

ownHaus opens up the possibility to incorporate more revenue-generating amenities that can be shared with the city, and to gain revenue through its digital real estate investment tokens, thereby providing a stable share of affordable accommodation for singles, families, students, workers, creatives and pensioners.
Posted 11 May 2021 19:42
Day 2 – We split our team into two groups. One focused on site analysis of Platt Field market garden, the other focused on precedent ideas of accessible planters and transferable interventions. These are some examples of the ideas we have brainstormed re-using materials available on site. Developing the ideas identified yesterday, we explored different solutions:

Wheelchair accessible planters, fold-down tables, vertical planting, handrails, movable tool storage, hanging planters, inclusive seating arrangements, roll out wheelchair mats, raised planter layouts.

And how these solutions could be made from recycled materials:

recycled brick, left over pallets, tyres, old filing cabinets, plastic trays, old doors, plastic and glass bottles, barrels, old furniture.
Posted 11 May 2021 19:40
Day 2 – We split our team into two groups. One focused on site analysis of Platt Field market garden, the other focused on general interventions that could be applied to any site. Platt Field market gardens has a variety of ground surfaces that are not easily accessible, and with an organic layout. We have identified specific problem areas and have started sketching masterplan ideas to tackle these issues:

Lack of location markers, organic layout that is not clear to navigate, large expanses of ground growing beds without wheelchair accessible planters, thin paths that would be difficult with a wheelchair or walker.
Posted 11 May 2021 19:40
Today our team had a talk from Brian Tyrell on ownHaus Token (cryptocurrency). It was a very productive session that enabled the students to understand the ownHaus’ funding model based on blockchain.
Posted 11 May 2021 19:39
Posted 11 May 2021 19:39

We split our team into smaller groups. One focused on the ownHaus community value and how we can think of creating an inclusive community with members of multiple social categories.

Our community values for this project:
1. Respect for Diversity
2. Equality and Equity
3. Inclusivity
4. Community-led development
Posted 11 May 2021 19:31
Day 1 of MSA LIVE 2021 was off to a great start!

The day started off with the team spending some time getting to know each other. The members then worked on researching and collecting information about the homelessness situation in Manchester and the UK. Initial impressions of the project which was later presented to and discussed among the team. It gave us many ideas to work with for the rest of the week and helped get the project started.

We're looking forward to developing these ideas further over the next two weeks!
Posted 11 May 2021 19:26
Welcoming new members of our team! We are excited to introduce the BA1 and BA2 students who join us in our project. They are:

Iva Velichkova (BA 2)
Tian Yilan (BA 2)
Lewis Burford (BA 1)
Cheng Peng (BA 1)
Ethan Hadfield (BA 1)
Daria-Ioana Teodorescu (BA 1)
Abigail Thompson (BA 1)

Posted 11 May 2021 19:21
Day 2 - Research Questions:
Questions that could be asked in the ‘Re-Use’ Framework:

How easy is it to extract the materials?

Is it damaged?

Can they be fixed?

Can it be melted down and re-shaped?

Are they contaminated?

Can the elements be separated?

Can it be used for the same purpose previously?
Posted 11 May 2021 19:08
Team A

Using the landscape and circulation as a key driver for the concept team A explored this through a series of sketches. The key part of the concept is addressing the threshold between the existing gallery and the proposed gallery extension. The way this has been addressed is through the use of a glass link that acts as a buffer but also the circulation space. All this whilst considering the social value it adds to the community using the user profiles.
Posted 11 May 2021 19:04
Team 1

Following on from the morning activities, group members were put into two groups whereby individual ideas were combined. Team 1 focused on the programmes of the gallery extension looking at the relationships between each space. In addition to this, the exploration of form was carried out alongside the idea of incorporating a roof terrace.
Posted 11 May 2021 18:58
The team had a really productive talk from Laura, a primary school teacher, to show the team how she communicates complex sustainability, human rights and historical topics to small children. We have developed some characters for the website to act as a guide through the virtual experience and worked on our illustrations showing the wonders & quirks of power stations & mines!
Posted 11 May 2021 18:55
BA2 student from Australia studying at Manchester School of Architecture. Passionate about contemporary architecture combining innovative materials with a strong influence on sustainability and passive design strategies. Highly ambitious with a strong work ethic, focused on creating a connection between architectural developments and the ways in which they co-exist within their environment.
Posted 11 May 2021 18:55
Year 1 BA architecture student from Glasgow currently studying at MSA. I am interested in the future of sustainable architecture and renovating existing places to look more modern. I enjoy doing technical drawings and developing my 3D software skills. I work great both individually and in groups.
Posted 11 May 2021 18:54
A first year architectural student. I am most interessed in the storytelling of architecture and how to create structures that communicate and interact with users as they move through them.
Posted 11 May 2021 18:53
Currently a 1st year student at MSA. I have great passion in architecture where I love to invest my time into drawing and I also enjoy designing special and intriguing stuctures. I strive to help the world through architecture by building sustainable structure that can help the environment.
Posted 11 May 2021 18:51
A second-year student from Trinidad. I am particularly interested in passive design and vernacular architecture. I hope to make a positive impact on the natural and built environment wherever I end up!
Posted 11 May 2021 18:50
I am a first-year student at Manchester School of Architecture from Indonesia. I am interested in designing spaces with particular attention to generating enjoyable user experience. I also like urban sketching and photography.
Posted 11 May 2021 18:48
We had an excellent field trip to Tetley, Leeds. We've been able to identify the interesting historical art deco element on the site, and from there we can then develop our scheme.
Posted 11 May 2021 18:46
I am a first-year student passionate about modern architecture and art. I am interested in creating sustainable, green architecture and designing unique spaces that influence human life. I am keen on learning new things and broaden my knowledge through exploration, research and teamwork. I especially enjoy using graphic skills and various media to develop and represent different concepts.
Posted 11 May 2021 18:46
Currently a second year student at the Manchester School of Architecture. I am from Italy and have a particular interest in contextually rooted design that recalls historical heritage. I am very much eager to explore and discover new methods of design while expanding my skill set and testing sustainably innovative concepts. I particularly enjoy working with mixed media, combining hand drawing with digital diagramming.
Posted 11 May 2021 18:43
Day 2 - Reviewing mapping tasks

In the morning, we reviewed student’s responses to a short task we set on day 1. They had the choice of creating a mental map of their hometown/Manchester or they could map the paths, landmarks, edges, nodes, and domains onto a map of our site, Marple’s Memorial Park, as inspired by Kevin Lynch’s book ‘The Image of the City'.

The first exercise allowed students to recognise how they mentally picture areas that are familiar to them. Which, in turn, would help them understand how residents of Marple might feel about our Community building project and what would be important to them.

The second exercise enabled a deeper understanding of the site. It helped to identify areas of importance and key areas of weakness on the site, which would come to inform our opportunities and constraints diagram, which we produced together afterwards.
Posted 11 May 2021 18:34
All about our site!

We started the day off through analysing our site to see how different aspects of it can affect our design decisions at later stages!

Things we have come up with, are that it rains a lot in Manchester and is quite windy which could affect our pods but luckily the site is protected by tall buildings so this can benefit how we design them!

We are also based near a small park so our pods could be transported to it to benefit the local community and help in local events!!

Have a look at the concept designs to see how we have taken this knowledge and started designing!
Posted 11 May 2021 18:23
Day 2
Matthew talked through his PS2 group project in Manchester which is a “Re-Use” of an abattoir both with the existing buildings, materials, and the purpose of the building.

Ismael talked through his PS1 group project based in London which is both creating a place for homeless people by “Re-Use”ing the materials from site and a retrofitting project in similar manner.

Jack talked through his PS1 group project based in Beirut which had a massive explosion last year. His project goes through ways of “Re-Use”ing the materials from the debris caused by the explosion and add sustainable materials for forming the new building.

All of these projects give light to an alternative means of thinking about building through adding value to an otherwise un used building. As we move deeper into the climate emergency, we must consider how architects can “Re-Duce” and “Re-Use” where possible.
Posted 11 May 2021 18:18
Designing for Play!

Today we had another great guest presentation from CAUKIN Studio. They took us through three of their playscape projects, from the design process to its construction. You can look at their work below:

The talk really inspired ideas for our project. CAUKIN spoke about their approach to community collaboration and interpreting children’s ideas to become something exciting and real. The talk provoked thought on the use of sustainable materials and the construction of playscapes.

We would like to thank them for delivering an amazing talk!
Posted 11 May 2021 18:09


Posted 11 May 2021 18:06
Site Analysis // Historic Analysis

The Historic analysis group looked into the history and narrative of Little Germany. First developed by wealthy European merchants, the city welcomed people from Italy, Ireland and most notably Germany who in turn built a number of Neo-classical buildings that make up the area. The wealthy entrepreneurs moved to the city to make use of its thriving textile industry that was booming for much of the 18th Century.

We looked into mapping this history, both chronologically through historic figure ground analysis and timelines as well as in more abstracted ways through the experimentation of photomontages. Additionally we produced mappings of the various listed buildings that are spread across the site as well as understanding what used to be in the vacant plots that are now used as car parking. We look forward to sharing our findings with the rest of the group tomorrow in developing our understanding of Little Germany!
Posted 11 May 2021 18:02
Pragmatic analysis
Our subgroup looked at the pragmatic aspects of the site, this includes site geometry, street hierarchy, access routes and environmental analysis. This analysis forms a base information that will guide us for the masterplan principles.
We started the session by creating a base map file in Illustrator and then came up with a list of outputs. As part of the research, we investigated the latest Conservation Area Appraisal. We produced a series of diagrams, sketches and started a Sketchup model to use in the following days.
Posted 11 May 2021 17:57
Existing Ground Floor Plan of The Tetley:

Our brief for this project
1. Incorporating bar, restaurant and shop areas to create a vibrant and sociable space.
2. Maintaining a large event space for weddings, exhibitions and events
3. Providing a child-friendly and accessible environment

In order to create a flexible and fluid space, it is important to first understand the spatial relationship between different functions and limitations of the space, especially when large-scale demolition or addition is not possible

Posted 11 May 2021 17:48
Site Analysis // Social Analysis.
One aspect of site exploration we deemed important is that of the social aspects of Little Germany. With the collaborator, Bradford Civic Society, considering the area as one in which is predominantly vacant and unused by visitors to the city centre, it is written within our brief to bring back life to the space. In order to propose successful interventions to improve the social aspect of Little Germany, we first had to understand it’s current position.

Through analysis and exploration of the current building uses, the demographics of the area and the space for social amenities, we sketched, researched and created diagrammatic drawings of our findings. One interesting aspect we found is that the BBC programme Peaky Blinders (along with many other shows), have filmed within the streets of Little Germany!
Find out more about what’s been filmed in the streets of Little Germany here:
Posted 11 May 2021 17:38
Origin and The Future of The Tetley

The Tetley name represents one of Leeds' oldest brewing dynasties, synonymous with the city for over 200 years. Our site has important social and industrial significance, with the brewery and employees greatly contributing to Leeds' rich history.

Tetley's brewery was founded by Joshua Tetley in 1822, when he bought a brewery on the site for £400. In 1839, he made his son, Francis William a partner, creating Joshua Tetley and Son. Construction of a new brewery began in 1852 and by 1860 Tetley was the largest brewery in the North of England. By 1875, annual beer production had reached 171,500 barrels.

In 1931 the art deco Tetley headquarters building was erected. In April 1960 Tetley's took over Leeds' Melbourne Brewery and in 1961 it merged with Ind Coope of Burton upon Trent and Ansells of Birmingham, forming Allied Breweries. Allied Breweries was the world's largest brewing conglomerate, with the Leeds site employing 1000 people. In the 1980s Tetley's became the world's largest producer of cask ale, and was taken over by Carlsberg in 1998.

The Leeds brewery was closed in 2011 and demolished in 2012, with production contracted out to other UK Carlsberg breweries. Tetley's retains its Leeds connections through the No.3 Pale Ale, brewed again in Leeds and recreated from the 1868 recipe – using the same unique double strain of yeast, with distinctive taste.

The Tetley was refurbished by Chetwoods Architects in 2013 into a unique gallery space, a learning studio, an artist residency studio, offices for creative businesses, a busy Bar & Kitchen and welcoming spaces for meetings and events, from performances and parties, to conferences and meetings.

In 2017, The Tetley becomes part of a large scale redevelopment scheme in South Bank Leeds that supports the expansion of the city core, provides a vital link connecting the city centre and the creative neighbourhood, through to the education district and the communities to the south.
Posted 11 May 2021 17:33
Day 2 Schedule:

10:30 - Background Investigation
11:30 - Ideas Presentation from Dominic Sagar
13:30 - Background of WOAH and Issues of Homlessness in Manchester
Presentation from Dominic Sagar
14:30 - Initiatives and Precedents Studies
16:30 - Debrief
Posted 11 May 2021 17:29

To wrap up the second day of MSA LIVE2021, our students were asked to create compositions out of random household objects. The aim of this practice was to encourage creativity, especially considering how the current Health Crisis situation has restricted access to model-making materials. With the use of books, kettles, pens, flower pots or even fruit, BA and MArch students created some simple compositions which were later manipulated in post production in Photoshop.
Think outside the box!
Posted 11 May 2021 17:16
On the first day of the task, each student was asked to follow the Tetley space, choose an identity, and create a story that told the exhibition and experience associated with the Ground Floor of Tetley. The students used different ways to express their creations.

Day One Task: Story Creation-Experience in the Tetley

Family (Story written by Daria-Ioana Teodorescu)
From the very beginning,right after entering the Tetley, you are introduced to a small part of the building s history,through the memorial located on the right side of the building and also through the architectural style of the elevator and the stairs which remained intact through all these years.The whole place conveys the atmosphere which is preserved until this day- authentic,artistic and,at the same time,cooperative.The place contains spaces that can create connections between people,can make them more involved and engaged in the process.The restaurant,bar and terrace located on the ground floor near the reception area and lobby, represent spaces where people can relax,disconnect from their daily lives and enjoy the beautiful historical environment that surrounds them.Also,the open terrace offers visitors the chance to take a breath of fresh air and connect with the external surroundings.In the middle of the ground floor area,there is the athrium-an open space part of the building at the top of which there are placed windows,which allows the natural light to come in during the day and bright up the space,also contribuing to the atmosphere and the vibe of the internal environment.The athrium area continues with the next three floors,on which exhibitions containing modern art are located.Those spaces have the purpose of educating people about the gallery s activity and also introduce this beautiful way of expressing themselves-through art.The vintage internal environment kept until this day within the building educates young people to preserve the beautiful heritage left by their ancestors and encourages them to do the same.The building itself is a historical treasure for the community and, at the same time, a place that has the ability to establish a powerful connection with each person that steps inside.

Children (Story written by Cheng Peng)
Walking in the Tetley is an interesting experience. The space here is Tetley allows me to explore and wondering around, where I pass by many interesting modern art installations. The open kitchen in the restaurant provided a chance for parents and children to cook and enjoy their food together. It was lucky to have suitable chairs and desks for my size in the restaurant, so I won’t have to site on my parents’ knees and waiting to be feed. There are some rides provided for kids in the corner of the lobby. While waiting for my parents who enjoy art shows upstairs, I stayed in the area and play with the rides. I come across some new friends who also stay there.

Artist (Story written by Lewis Burford)
My time at the Tetley is spent engaging the public with any subject through any medium. The space allows for the translation of the intangible into tangible form, acting as a canvas for my work, a stage upon which stories can be told. It is not an empty space, but a flexible one, one whose qualities can and will be transformed at will, to create any kind of space as required, whether varying by form, light, or colour.

Elderly (Story written by Iva Velichkova)
Out again, on another adventure to the Tetley. An ever-changing familiar place. When approaching, it is as if not much has changed from what I recall in my early days. The history of the place still written on the front door and my attention immediately grabbed, yet again, by the details on the elevator and the staircase.
Passing through my memories and the ground floor foyer I go up into the unknown spaces. Unknown, simply because of the constantly renewed reality of the same upper floors. There, in every visit of mine, I find myself in a different actuality of new art. I would compare it to going on an adventure, not knowing what I will find. Perhaps something peculiar?
After my occasional adventures on the upper floors of the Tetley, I always go back to the ground, where I immerse myself in the warm atmosphere, the restaurant, or even the bar. That is where I conclude almost all of my Tetley walks, in the comforting past and the fresh air of the present outside.

Posted 11 May 2021 17:14

Following whole team discussions, which sparked many themes and ideas, we have split into smaller groups to 'visually' digest the ownHaus concept and the implications behind sustaining it. One group has dived into exploring the prerequisite for a circular economy and how we can think of creating a holistic network. We have started to draft out through infographics the concept that on-site co-production brings value to the community and secures financial resilience. By designing to accommodate potential nurseries, pet cafes/kindergarten, community allotments, we allow non-ownHaus residents to use the facilities and make connections by opening up this system. We have also pondered on the idea to have different types of rent lets, in which shorter ones could be used by people who wish to use their ownHaus unit by sharing it with others through community participation: e.g. yoga, art exhibitions, etc...
Posted 11 May 2021 17:14

The second day of the project kicked off with a talk from our collaborator Sophie, who provided the team with additional information and the positive impact our project will have on the residents of Hopton Court! Later in the morning, Craig Stott from Project Office at Leeds Beckett University gave a talk on his work at ‘New Wortley Community Centre’ and how this was approached by being heavily influenced by student-led design! Very similar to our project at Hopton Court! This provided a real insight into working with communities and working on low budgets.

The afternoon consisted of an introduction to the site (including a site video which can be seen via the link below!) and analysing the opportunities and constraints through various mind maps and diagrams; all were very good! We finished the day by presenting all the great work we have done and learnt throughout the day.

See our site video here!

We are looking forward to Day 3!
Posted 11 May 2021 17:12
Welcome to the team!

Our team is made of first and second year BArch students from Manchester School of Architecture.
We're looking forward to working together over the next two weeks.

Posted 11 May 2021 17:02
Day Two // Tuesday’s Timetable
10:00 - 10:45 Site recap & splitting into analysis groups.
11:00 – 16:30 Site analysis in smaller groups, looking into the historic development, social aspects and pragmatic analysis.
Posted 11 May 2021 17:00
Main Design Drivers

After a long meeting we had today with our collaborator, Building Bridges Pendle, we have set some design drivers that will help us for the development of our projects. Those design drivers reflect the ambition and vision of the collaborator for the redevelopment of their ground floor.
Posted 11 May 2021 16:58
Day 2

Today we held workshop lectures for AutoCAD, Rhino and Sketchup. We introduced basic skills in order to communicate and transfer work among each other for collaboration between groups. We have demonstrated commands and operations to produce basic readable plans and exporting them with detail to scale. Rhino and Sketchup has been specifically chosen as software that we think will be most suitable to model organic and free forms for park equipment. We also want to make sure that students are not limited by their ability so that they have as much freedom to produce their own bespoke playground artefacts and translate the imagination of what playscapes can be into 3D modeling and presentation.
Posted 11 May 2021 16:55
Day 2

We are pleased to welcome Atelier Scale from China. Their focus is on the relationship between the macro and the micro in the landscape. Our guest speaker, Mr. Zhong, is the founding partner and design director of Atelier Scale. From all projects presented, ‘Tetris Square’ in Guangzhou provides a unified landscape framework but creates flexibility and interaction with communities on a small scale. ‘The Fold’ inspires us to encourage children to define their own playground through unique experiences. The designer proposed the idea "Playground as a place".
Posted 11 May 2021 16:54
Guest Speakers

Today we had to listen and exchange ideas with different people from Nelson town and Pendle Area, about the impact of our project on the area's multi-cultural community. The discussion was very useful and gave us a lot of ideas about the development of our project.
Posted 11 May 2021 16:54
Day 02: Meet the Collaborator!

This afternoon our students had the opportunity to meet our collaborator, Rob Toon from This Is Change. It was a very constructive and productive session which enabled the students to understand the motive behind the project brief. Rob is very eager to challenge the current limitations of existing site accommodation and to change the perceptions of the industry with the aim of improving the welfare and well-being of construction workers. Through our Q&A session, our students learnt about these issues from Rob's personal industry experience, and his insider knowledge provided key insight of current working conditions. Through researching into current office standards, the students will develop current site accommodation in order to improve the work environments on site with the aim of improving the delivery of schemes.
Posted 11 May 2021 16:53
The BA students have met with the collaborators. Adding to our previous meeting with the BA and explaining them our project briefly, the collaborators have also introduced the project to them in details, mentioned set of goals, vision and mission and the main aim of forming this organization and the outcome they are looking forward with working with all of us BA students and March students. Moreover, the BA students engaged and all of their questions were answered clearly from the collaborators in order to have a better clearer vision of the next step.
Posted 11 May 2021 16:46

As part of our video workshops, we're creating example outputs (such as photographs, models, and sketches). Above is one of the examples from our photography workshop.
Posted 11 May 2021 16:33