Group 03

We’re thrilled to announce an exciting project dedicated to making a positive impact on our environment and community. Collaborating with The University of Manchester, our aim is to drastically reduce the use of disposable coffee cups within the hospitality industry. Why focus on disposable coffee cups? The University currently uses around 300,000 disposable cups a year, each of these cups requires 0.58 litres of water to produce and leaves a carbon footprint equivalent to up to 60.9 grams of co2, causing a huge environmental impact. This reusable cup scheme will therefore be vital in improving the sustainability of UOM, with hopes of expanding it citywide in years to come. This exciting project will promote this positive message through a visual installation. This outdoor structure will serves as a catalyst to kick-start a campaign, aiming to highlight the issue, foster discussion, change behaviour, and ultimately, significantly reduce the number of disposable cups used.

Download Final Report

Nupoor Vivek A / Xin L / Anne  GRDE / Wil G / Fatin Najihah Binti M

Hi, I am Anne!
I am in &rchitecture atelier, March year 1! I completed my undergraduate studies at the Manchester School of Architecture in 2022 and worked as a Part 1 for a year at AEW Architects.
I am really interested in sustainability and positive environmental contributions so I am particularly excited to be working on this amazing project, especially one which will be transforming the university.
Outside of architecture, my interests include music, sports and fashion!
Posted 8 Mar 2024 21:42
Hi, I am William!

I am from China. I got my first part of my degree at the University of Liverpool and I'm currently studying at the FLUX studio at the Manchester School of Architecture. In the design part of the programme, I am passionate about the aesthetics of all kinds of drawings, similar to producing detailed renderings and various illustrations. I would be happy to discuss these skills with you if we get the chance.

In my day to day life I love cooking and watching films and usually travelling on holidays.

Looking forward to completing this exciting project in the coming weeks!
Posted 8 Mar 2024 21:43
Hi, I am Fatin!

I am from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I obtained my Part 1 in International Islamic University Malaysia and subsequently worked at UIG Architects in Kuala Lumpur prior pursuing my Part 2. I am currently in PRAXXIS Atelier at Manchester School of Architecture.

My interest include sports,music and cooking! Fun fact about me is that I can play netball.

Looking forward to spend few weeks ahead in completing this exciting project!
Posted 8 Mar 2024 21:45
Hi, I am Wil!

I am from a small town in Wales called Llandeilo. Here, I spent my part 1 experience at a small practice designing and constructing modular pods alongside traditional architectural work. I graduated From Liverpool John Moores and I'm currently studying at Manchester School of Architecture.

Beyond Architecture, I enjoy travelling the world, playing football, and having a pint with my mates!

Looking forward to meeting you all soon!
Posted 8 Mar 2024 21:46
Hi, I am Nupoor!

I am from Pune, India. I completed my undergraduate studies in India, and my major is architectural design. During my practical training, I realized I wanted to pursue masters in architecture. After graduating from university, I came across the adaptive reuse course which complied with my thesis project for my final year.
Architecture is my comfort subject as it makes my imagination go all crazy. I wish to explore more of sustainable architecture in the coming future. Apart from architecture, I am interested in dancing, fashion and books.
Posted 8 Mar 2024 21:51
Target User: The University of Manchester

Manchester City Council are exploring introducing a city-wide returnable cup scheme to the city and the wider Greater Manchester area; they have approached the University to see if it would be willing to be part of a trial. The MCC shall take into account any decision made by the University on this programme. The principal users on the UOM campus will be the students, staff and the visitors. The focus of the University is to adopt and support the returnable scheme and financial cost of implementation.
Posted 18 Mar 2024 16:03
Detail action plan of week 1
Posted 6 May 2024 11:16
Detail action plan of week 2
Posted 6 May 2024 11:16
Action Plan of week 1&2
Posted 6 May 2024 11:18
Overview of Action week
Posted 6 May 2024 11:19
Posted 7 May 2024 22:44
Day 1!!!
Posted 10 May 2024 00:02
Day 2,
Today we and the students, worked on marketing schemes and the installation design ideas. It was a brainstorming session, where they sketched out their ideas which helped us get an overview of the student's perspective on the topic.
Posted 10 May 2024 00:06
Day 3 was all about learning software tricks and helping students in developing their posters and installation model. Students creativity helped us understand the various design perspectives. It was a well-communicated and unique brainstorming session for the design activity.
Posted 13 May 2024 19:57
Poster design for different marketing strategies. We tried various options to suffice the needs for the scheme.
Posted 13 May 2024 22:07
Installation- Street furniture
Posted 13 May 2024 23:00
Installation- Framing structure
Posted 13 May 2024 23:01
Day 4, Collaborator meeting-
We had a brief discussion with the collaborators about the designs and the marketing schemes. They were really happy with the work produced by the students. They were impressed by the Installation designs as both had unique story and identity. With all the posters designed, they decided to merge them all into one and create a well-organized marketing pamphlet showing graphical bee story and the factual data of the cups.
Posted 13 May 2024 23:34
Following the successful meeting with our client on Day 4, Day 5 consisted of finalising the installation design picked out by Alison and Laura on Friday. Students were split into two groups developing similar but differing designs, the first being simpler and the second being a more complex alternative, to give the client flexibility and options to pick a final option in our final meeting on Day 7.
Posted 17 May 2024 11:02
Day 6, After a week of hard work, today was focused on refining both the simple and complex concepts in preparation for tomorrow's presentation.
Posted 17 May 2024 11:54
Day 7, Following a successful presentation, the collaborators opted for the simpler concept for the art installation. Therefore, today was all about bringing our art installation to life! Split into smaller teams, students tackled tasks from refining the posters to detailing construction plans and ideas for the installation. Then, it was hands-on as we started crafting the physical model at a 1:5 scale.
Posted 17 May 2024 12:03
Day 8,
It's the last day before submission! All students are working hard for the final push. Some of them are completing the scale model in B.15 workshop while the rest are working on the renderings for publication. Everyone are eager to make this project a success!
Posted 17 May 2024 12:39
Day 9,
We photographed the model and we gathered for our farewell activity. We would like to thank all the students for their hardwork over the last two weeks and we had a great time working with each of them. We wish all of them the best of luck!
Posted 17 May 2024 12:46
The Final Design! Visual renders created by the students to display their design proposal for the BeeCup installation.
Posted 17 May 2024 12:47