Group 11

Transforming Sale West Community Centre: A vibrant rebranding initiative is breathing new life into Sale West Community Centre. Inspired by community spirit and symbolising unity. The facility’s interiors will embrace modern aesthetics, fostering a welcoming atmosphere that caters to its many provided activities, hosting community driven events to emphasise inclusivity. This rebrand positions Sale West Community Centre as a hub of collaboration and empowerment, fostering a stronger, more connected community.

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Tara Louise S / David Nabil Boshra A / Kyle L / Zihao L

Our teams Action Plan for the first intensive week!
Posted 7 May 2024 14:26
Our teams Action Plan for the second intensive week!
Posted 7 May 2024 14:27
Day One!
Visiting the Sale West Site with the team to see building and woods. Looking over the current floor plan and talking with the Sale West community chairs to understand the area and needs for the building. Dividing up tasks for the week and taking photographs of the site.
Posted 7 May 2024 15:01
Today's been a busy day of drafting new ideas ranging from the reconfiguration of the building, collages of individual rooms, interactive art instulations and deciding on a new name and sign that reflects the rich community spirit.
Posted 8 May 2024 22:48
Day Three:
Working with the team to measure the dimensions of the exterior and interior rooms of the Sale West community and draw the floor plans. Continue to refer to the precedent and discuss the renovation ideas of the interior and exterior of the building
Posted 9 May 2024 20:04
Creative preparation for community day activity - Seeking a better future and elevating the community spirit.

Thinking through engaging activities across ages, bringing individuals' visions to life and finding the potential within.
Posted 10 May 2024 13:34
Community day under the sun, where we discussed with the Sale West communities what changes they wish to see in their buildings. We imagined a brighter future and searched for hidden treasures that we could help bring to life.
Posted 14 May 2024 20:03
Further discussed and optimized the graphic design floorplan and discuss the selection of building facades and materials. We formatted the final booklet and allocated the group drawing tasks.
Posted 15 May 2024 00:03
Developing concepts and detailing interiors based on the community's feedback. Creating proposals and floor plans that visualize the users' requests, as well as developing pricing lists and signage.
Posted 15 May 2024 15:20
Today marks the final day of MSA Live, after 2 weeks of development and community engagement, reimaging the community centre in a new light. The Sale West team was invited to the university for a presentation, showing this development from the first-day engagement on-site to the final collective vision of the team. With all members engaging in the conversation answering questions and quires the day went perfectly and the information provided we hope will act as a firm stepping stone for any future developments.
Posted 17 May 2024 19:23