Group 16

Our project redesigning Victoria Park to provide an accessible and inclusive play space for children with a sensory playground, community garden and storytelling space. This new development will provide a safe area for children with disabilities to learn, play and explore in nature to allow for Victoria Park to become a place for people of all ages and backgrounds to enjoy the outdoors safely.

Download Final Report

Yaqi G / Ling Fung Brian C / Wei F / Jing Yi P / Nisha M

Brian Chang
MArch Year 1
Atelier: &

I graduated from the University of Hong Kong, where my final project focused on creating an innovative tectonic system for high-rise residential buildings under flyover highways in Causeway Bay. Post-graduation, I worked for a year at Aedas, contributing to the design of The Ellinikon Commercial Hub in Greece. Responsible for detailed drawings, interior design, and master planning. My passion lies in designing innovative tectonics to solve real-world problems and benefit communities. I am excited about participating in the redesign of Victoria Park with 'Friends of Victoria Park,' I look forward to contributing to this collaborative project.

Skills: Rhino, Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, Rendering
Posted 5 Mar 2024 12:14
Wei Feng
MArch Year 1
Atelier: Some Kind of Nature

I completed my undergraduate studies at Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpool University and the University of Liverpool. My final year project focused on heritage related building protection and renovation. After graduating, I spent two years working at a small-scale practice in Lake District, focusing on residential house and hotel refurbishments and extensions. I contributed to RIBA Stages 0–3 and part of Stage 4. I am interested in community based projects, sustainable materials, and green technologies. I am looking forward to working together with Victoria Park at Stretford.

Skills: Revit, Sketchup, AutoCAD, Photoshop, Indesign, Rendering, Detailing, and Sketching
Posted 5 Mar 2024 13:33
Jing Yi Pang
MArch Y1
Atelier: And

Hi, I'm Ashley, originally from Malaysia. I graduated from Taylor's University in Malaysia with a bachelor's degree, delving into community-centric projects during my studies. Post-graduation, I worked at a small interior design firm in my hometown to gain experience. Now, I've embarked on a new journey with And Atelier. My experiences in my Bachelor's degree have instilled in me a deep appreciation for collaborative design and community engagement and I'm excited to channel my passion into projects like the Friend of Victoria Park.

Skills: Sketchup, Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop
Posted 5 Mar 2024 13:49
Hello, I’m Nisha!

I’m in the Praxxis atelier, MArch 1. I completed my undergraduate studies at Coventry University, and my final project focused on city regeneration through art collaboration and material reuse. After graduating I worked at Corstorphine & Wright Architects working on primary healthcare buildings and nurseries where I learned a great deal about inclusive design.

I’m looking forward to working on the Friends of Victoria Park project and how we can come up with creative ways of providing a safe and fun environment for children in Stretford.

Skills: Hand Drawing, Revit, AutoCAD, Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign.
Posted 5 Mar 2024 13:50
Yaqi Guo
Adaptive Reuse

I initially pursued a major in Graphic Design during college but later switched to Environmental Design. Eventually, I decided to study Architecture in graduate school. Throughout my academic journey, I found great pleasure in creating physical models using various materials. And I am good at spatial narrative, digital modelling, planar collage and morphogenesis. I often collaborate with other majors to do interdisciplinary research, and have studied the use of fabrics and machinery in architecture. I’m looking forward to working on the Friends of Victoria Park project and how we can come up with creative ways of providing a safe and fun space for children in Stretford. 
Skills: Rhino, Grasshopper, AutoCAD, Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, and Enscape.  
Posted 5 Mar 2024 15:46
Site & Users

The site is situated in a residential neighborhood in Stretford, Manchester, and is part of the beloved Victoria Park—a widely cherished communal space within the community. Within the park, there is currently an empty grass field serving as a communal garden and a children's playground.

On January 17th, we had the opportunity to meet with Jane from 'Friends of Victoria Park,' an NGO actively involved in the development and planning of the park. This organization not only conducts weekly activities for park users but also operates a cafe that contributes to the financial needs of the office. During our site visit, we explored the park with Jane, gathering insights and information.

Our designated task is to transform the existing grass field located at the south side of the park into a space that is SEN (Special Educational Needs) friendly. The envisioned space aims to incorporate key features such as a community garden, a storytelling area, and a playground specifically designed for SEN users. To better understand the needs and requirements of the park's users, we engaged in discussions with Jane and some other individuals who frequent the park. Thorough notes were taken during these interactions, and our planning process has since commenced, guided by the valuable information gathered from the site visit.
Posted 10 Mar 2024 14:52
First Team Meeting

On February 6th, our group convened for our initial team meeting. Each of us had prepared ideas for the designs related to the specific functions required for the site. These ideas were presented on a screen to ensure that everyone in the group was informed. Towards the conclusion of the meeting, we assigned distinct roles to each team member. Simultaneously, we initiated the planning process for our action week, specifying the time required for each activity and identifying the deliverables due by the week's end.

Once all the details were settled and our plans were in place, we progressed to our subsequent meeting with our tutor. During this session, our tutor provided valuable suggestions for us to incorporate in our upcoming weeks of work.

Posted 10 Mar 2024 15:05
Day 1

On May 7, the Action Week began. In the morning, we had a team meeting to introduce the programme and explain the purpose of the site. Each team member introduced themselves individually. Later in the afternoon, we took a tour of the venue together to gain a practical understanding of the site.
Posted 10 May 2024 15:02
Day 2

On the morning of May 8th, the group collaborated on site analysis. Then we separated into three groups, with each group responsible for a different area. Later in the day, each group analysed their respective area and reviewed some cases to learn and discuss the design.
Posted 10 May 2024 15:28
Day 3

On May 9, each group gathered their area's concepts to make a collage, followed by learning Rhino software skills.
Posted 10 May 2024 15:39
Day 4

On May 10th, we discussed how to creat the physical model, especially focusing on material use. We modelled the digital model using Rhino and Sketchup software.
Posted 10 May 2024 16:01
Day 5

On May 13, members from all three groups collaborated to merge designs and add more specifics about feasibility. We made some sketches together and built the digital model.
Posted 13 May 2024 22:44
Day 6

On May 14th, we got started on preparing CAD files and models for our physical model. After that, some of us went to B15 for laser cutting, while others stayed at the MTC to discuss the layout and content of the A2 presentation board in a big group. In the afternoon, when the laser cutting team returned, some groups began building the model.
Posted 16 May 2024 11:12
Day 7

On the morning of May 15th, we are putting the finishing touches on the physical models created by each group. Following that, we all began working on the illustrations, diagrams, and sketches required for the booklets and presentation board.
Posted 16 May 2024 11:22
Day 8

On the 16th of May, we discussed the final layout and what we need to present with the client tomorrow. We made an A1 board for the prasentation and printed it out.
Posted 17 May 2024 14:15
Day 9

On the 17th of May, we went to Victoria Park to do a presentation with our client Sarah, she loved our design and left a solid model of what we had done.
Posted 17 May 2024 14:17