Group 17

Heaton Mersey Village Conservation Group (HMVCG) is powered by the energy of dedicated volunteers, tending to greens and orchestrating events that ignite community spirit. With the introduction of their whimsical dog-themed sculpture trail, they are set to transform the pavilion into a lively hub! We're rallying for your support to craft a dynamic space, where innovation and enthusiasm converge. Join our student-led team as we reimagine spaces and breathe life into the park and its pavilion. Together, let's fashion a flexible design that meet their needs and create a graphic map for the Mersey greens!

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Mustafa Cem T / Pak Ling W / Maiwenn Louise Felicitee LB / Rodrigo UG / Wenjie Z

Hello, I am in March 1, Infrastructure Space.
I am originally from Leeds.
I am passionate about reuse, sustainability and creating architecture that can positively impact peoples lives. I am particularly interested in how we can form more harmonious and united communities through the use of architecture.
Posted 6 Mar 2024 18:27
Hello, I am Maiwenn, originally from France. I am a March 1 in Infra. Skills: Sketch Up, AutoCAD, Adobe suite, Escape, Rhino & grasshopper. I like painting, urban sketching and going on small adventures.
Posted 6 Mar 2024 19:32
Hello, I'm Rodrigo, originally from Mexico. I am a March 1 in SKN.
Skills: Adobe Suite, CAD, Rhino, and hand drawing.
I really enjoy drawing maps and morning coffee. Nice to meet you!

Posted 9 Mar 2024 16:27
Hello, I am a March 1 student studying in the atelier - CPU(ai).
I came from Hong Kong and also did my Part 1 in MSA.
I am fascinated by architecture's blend of art and functionality and find joy in exploring diverse designs and historical influences, appreciating how structures shape our surroundings and experiences.
Posted 9 Mar 2024 16:30
Wenjie Zeng
MA Adaptive reuse
Skill: Rhino, Sketch up, Auto CAD, Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign
I have studied landscape, interior design and graphic design, and I am very interested in sketching and discovering the relationship between the new and old buildings. Nice to meet you.
Posted 9 Mar 2024 19:39
Meet the Collaborators!
Today, we met on site with our collaborators from the Heaton Mersey Village Conservation Group. Our collaborators are passionate about conserving and promoting Heaton Mersey's greenspaces and heritage assets. They are keen to work with us to create fresh design concepts for their existing pavilion buildings to be transformed into multi-use community spaces which positively impact social interaction in the community. They would also like to see how we can work together to map and better connect the park to improve community interaction with the various attractions of the park.
Posted 11 Mar 2024 20:32
Site Measuring.
We have visited the site to conduct our initial measuring of the existing pavilion structures. Join our team to gain further experience in site measuring and gathering information from existing structures. This data will be used to produce our design concepts during the action weeks, using various CAD tools and rendering software.
Posted 11 Mar 2024 21:29
Explore Heaton Mersey Park!
Our collaborators provided us with a full tour of the park. We discussed how various areas can be better linked and how we can build on the existing events hosted in the park to further improve community interaction. The activities currently provided aim to tackle issues such as loneliness and anti-social behavior.
Join our group to explore everything Heaton Mersey Park has to offer and sketch your ideas for how to promote the park and generate new ideas to improve community interaction.
Posted 11 Mar 2024 21:49
Walk around Heaton Mersey Park's dog sculpture trail!
HMVCG have placed a trail of dog sculptures around the park to encourage visitors to move around the various areas of the park. Dog walkers often use the green spaces of the park and these sculptures are representative of them. We as a team have explored this trail and you can too! Join us as we look to map the dog sculptures and different areas of the park to improve navigation of the park and make people more aware of everything the park has to offer.
Posted 13 Mar 2024 14:47
We have explored the various green spaces of the park and you can too!
Heaton Mersey Park features a park and bowling green, nature park with an orchard, and the Heaton Mersey Common. Join us as we look to map these different areas of the park and link them together, improving visitor awareness of what the park has to offer and where different areas are located.
Posted 18 Mar 2024 13:51
MSA Live has begun! We have now been joined by our BA1, BA2 and MLA Students and have begun our action weeks by visiting the site, meeting with our collaborators and exploring the Heaton Mersey Park. Along the way, we collected images and made sketches of the site, whilst discussing possible ideas for our reuse of the Pavilion and strategies to encourage more community engagement in the park.
Posted 7 May 2024 19:55
Day 2
Today, we visited Fletcher Moss Park, which will serve as a precedent study for the development of our proposals for Heaton Mersey. We also began to brainstorm ideas for our interventions in Heaton Mersey Park and specifically the Pavilion building.
Posted 8 May 2024 20:45
Day 3
We began to sketch possible design ideas for the Pavilion building and ideas for landscaping surrounding the pavilion. We discussed how the spaces could be used by the community, fitting our clients desires, by looking for ways to integrate a kitchen, storage space, seating/ flexible use space and WC's within the footprint of the existing building. We also began software tutorials and discussed different methods of representation of our ideas.
Posted 9 May 2024 21:41
Design Sketches for the Pavilion Building
Yesterday, our students in BA1, BA2, and MLA created concept sketches envisioning potential alterations to the Pavilion building and its landscape. These sketches explore ways to reconfigure current spaces to meet the demands of both clients and the local community. Additionally, they include proposals for adaptive reuse designs for the Pavilion building.
Posted 10 May 2024 15:14
Day 4
The team began to draft designs for a new map to better link the different aspects of the park. We identified key areas to be represented, including the communal garden, pavilion, bowling green and orchard. This map will visually connect key areas and encourage more movement around the park. We also provided illustrator tutorials during the drafting of the first map.
Posted 10 May 2024 15:21
Development of the Site Map
The team has started to develop the design of a new map to better connect different areas of the park. This map will be visual and easy for visitors to follow, highlighting key areas and points of interest with the use of icons we have made. This map will encourage community and visitor engagement across Heaton Mersey Park.
Posted 13 May 2024 15:53
Day 5
We have continued development of our site map and proposed plans for the pavilion building. We have continuously been in contact with our collaborators during the design development process, using their feedback to improve our designs.
Posted 13 May 2024 16:17
Day 6
Conservation Meeting!
Today, we visited the site again to meet with our collaborators and a Conservation Specialist from Stockport Council. We discussed our design ideas and possible approaches for the reuse of the pavilion building and development of the park. We discussed how neglect and lack of funding for development has resulted in the park being subject to vandalism. We discussed methods to make the park and pavilion more attractive to members of the community and visitors, whilst respecting the heritage and surrounding environment. We explored ideas for a cafe and spaces for art, whilst considering how to tackle issues around security and vandalism.
Posted 14 May 2024 16:26
Pavilion Design Development
We continue to develop our design ideas for the pavilion, whilst discussing developments with our collaborators to generate a suitable proposal to meet the aims of the brief. This includes providing flexible space for a cafe, art and crafts and more, storage space, new internal toilets and tackling issues around security and vandalism. We have discussed methods of discouraging vandalism, such as through lighting and CCTV. Ideas for sustainable energy generation have been discussed, such as through PV Panels and Ground Source Heat Pumps.
Posted 14 May 2024 16:48
Day 7
The team has continued development of the new site maps. Following our conversations with collaborators yesterday, we have developed our concept designs for the pavilion, updating our plans, sections and elevations. We have also begun productions of 3D visuals showing how the building could be used.
Posted 15 May 2024 16:35
Heaton Mersey Valley Map!
View our new map covering the Heaton Mersey Valley area, designed to encourage more movement and community interaction around the site.
Posted 15 May 2024 16:53
Heaton Mersey Park Map!
A new map our team has designed, zoomed in on the main Heaton Mersey Park area, identifying points of interest in a visually engaging way for visitors.
Posted 15 May 2024 16:58
Day 8
Development of our concept views for the reuse of the pavilion. We have compiled new information booklets to work alongside the new maps we have produced. These contain information about the points of interest shown on the maps.
Posted 16 May 2024 16:35
Pavilion Design Development
Our team has continued to design visual concepts for the pavilion building, showing how it can be used as a cafe space, for exercise activities, arts and games. These concepts show how the community can come together at the pavilion and how issues with security and vandalism can be addressed.
Posted 16 May 2024 16:47
Existing Pavilion Plans
Following our measurements of the existing building on site, we produced plans of the existing building for our collaborators, which they previously did not have. These provide a base for the development of concepts to reuse the building.
Posted 17 May 2024 12:07
Pavilion Elevations
We have created a range of visually engaging elevations for our client to show how the building could be developed.
Posted 17 May 2024 12:18
Map on Display
View an example of how our new maps of the park will look on site, encouraging community interaction and movement around the site. The visually engages visitors, encouraging them to explore everything the park has to offer.
Posted 17 May 2024 12:31
Visions For The Future!
We have produced a 3D Digital model with rendered views to allow our collaborators and the Heaton Mersey community to see how the pavilion and park could be used in the future. We hope these concepts will attract more investment and engagement to the site.
Posted 17 May 2024 13:13
Day 9
Final Outputs!
We have produced and printed our final site maps and completed our design concepts for the pavilion building, ready to be used by our collaborators to develop the park as a vibrant space for the community.
Posted 17 May 2024 15:42