Group 23

Discover Sale's hidden gem with Group 23! Be a part of something meaningful as we collaborate with Emporium M33, a unique gathering place for local artisans and businesses in Sale. Our project aims to elevate Emporium M33's visibility, promoting its diverse offerings and strengthening its role as a hub of creativity. Project Focus: We're on a mission to create a buzz around Emporium M33! From a modern website highlighting traders to captivating signage that guides visitors through the space, our project aims to enhance the Emporium's identity and appeal. During Action Week, get ready to implement our plans for Emporium M33 with tasks like signage design and community outreach. This week is all about making a difference and gaining hands-on experience.

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James K / Amber R / Amira AN / Yuji H

Hi there, I'm Amber

Course/Studio: Infrastructure Space, MArch
Skills: Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop, Revit, Sketch Up, AutoCAD, Vectorworks

I studied at De Montfort for my undergrad and worked at MDA during my year out, working in depth on technical design for a residential renovation and extension. Outside of Architectural work, I love to spend time in nature, climbing, and generally pushing my limits. I love experiencing new things - one which this project will definitely achieve!
Posted 11 Mar 2024 13:40
Hi guys! I'm Yuji Hirota

Course: Architecture & Adaptive Reuse
Skills: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Indesign, Rhinoceros, SketchUp, AutoCAD, Qgis

I'm studying the possibility of adapting historic buildings to contemporary design to fulfill prospective demands and trends. Indeed, this programme is relevant to my interest in how existing buildings and living environments can be redesigned on a different scale, rooted in my previous master's course, Architecture and Urban Design, at Meiji University in Japan.

Apart from my academics, I've always liked indulging myself in travelling, sketching, and watching anime. Traveling allows me to discover new things and inspires me, which enhances my creativity. Also, I love to meet new people and experience new fashion, food and smells at local retail shops and markets.

I am incredibly excited about the prospect of this project and eager to explore the limitless possibilities of design.
Posted 11 Mar 2024 13:54
Hi there, I'm James

Course/Studio: Flux, MArch

Skills: Adobe Creative Suite, Revit, Sketch Up, AutoCAD, Enscape

I graduated from Sheffield Hallam University, specialising in sustainability within the built environment. During my year out at Scott Brownrigg in Guildford, I focused on mixed-use office and laboratory new builds, I refined my skills in technical design, project management, and the integration of sustainable principles into architectural projects. Outside of architecture, you'll find me scaling cliffs, hiking remote trails, and attempting to snowboard (though I'll admit, I'm not the best!)

I'm excited to work on this project with Emporium M33 and collaborate with the students who will be joining us. Let's create something amazing together!
Posted 11 Mar 2024 14:18
Hi, I’m Amira.
Course/Studio: MArch, Continuity.
Skills: Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop, Revit, Sketch Up, AutoCAD, Enscape

I’m originally from London but did my undergraduate at the University of Liverpool and stayed there to complete my Part 1 with Ryder Architecture where I still work part-time in Manchester.

Outside of architecture, I play netball and enjoy running, hiking, drawing and cycling.
Posted 11 Mar 2024 19:05
We are excited to kick off our collaboration with Emporium M33! Meet our team alongside Scott Lyon (Owner), Claire Hines and Carolyn Jackson (small business owners).

The Site:
Our project centres around Emporium M33, a three-story Victorian building within the town of Sale. This unique space houses a mix of approximately 50 local, independent businesses. From artisan crafters to a café and everything in between, Emporium M33 serves as a shared space for creativity and community in Sale.

The Brief:
Emporium M33, though brimming with character and offerings, often goes unnoticed by the foot traffic of Sale's town centre. Our mission is to change that. As a collective of makers, crafters, and retailers within Emporium M33, we're embarking on a campaign to raise awareness both locally and online. Our aim? To showcase the value, creativity, and uniqueness of Emporium M33, transforming it into a thriving hub that supports local businesses and charities alike.

About the Collaborators:
Joining forces with us are Scott Lyon, the passionate owner of Emporium M33, Claire Hines and Carolyn Jackson, dedicated small business owners within the space. Together with Scott, Claire, and Carolyn, we're excited to reimagine Emporium M33 and strengthen its ties to the Sale community.
Posted 21 Mar 2024 12:35
After a wonderful introduction with our students we began the day with a word cloud which quickly helped us get a grasp of what everyone's initial thoughts were on what the word 'emporium' means to them. Already faced with such enthusiasm, we then moved onto a relaxing drawing session which explored everyone's concept of what an emporium means and got our creative hats on. We then all carried our excitement through with us onto the tram to visit the site at Sale.
Posted 7 May 2024 17:28
Our first day has flown! After our ice breakers, we travelled to the emporium and introduced the rest of the group to Scott and the shop owners. We took a tour round the building, then ate lunch, had a tour round a local art museum and then a small tour round Sale. Groups have been assigned in preparation for tomorrow!
Posted 7 May 2024 17:29
A great first day!
Posted 7 May 2024 17:29
Day 2 - Today we started with a scavenger hunt and then visited Afflecks to get some inspiration for another emporium style. We found this really useful as it helped us gain insight into the dynamics of a multi-shop premises. Upon our return to campus, we separated into groups of Web design, Wayfinding and Advertising. More to come tomorrow on our selected outputs for these two weeks!
Posted 8 May 2024 16:49
Day 3 - Today, we kicked off by strategising for our upcoming event at Emporium M33. Our goal is to impress stakeholders with interactive activities and freebies like tote bags and vouchers while showcasing our major outputs: website, signage, and ads. Working in our specialised teams, we fine-tuned our contributions throughout the day. We wrapped up with a productive virtual meeting with Claire Hines and Scott Lyons, discussing poster designs and raffle ideas for the community event on Friday.
Posted 9 May 2024 16:47
Day 4 - Our day began with our teams splitting off to tackle our respective tasks. Group one started by enhancing the website by integrating the profiles of the 50 independent traders at Emporium M33, complete with descriptions and external links to their businesses. Group two dedicated their efforts to creating an AUTOCAD file for a proposed map stand, proceeding to fabricate a prototype using the laser-cutters in the workshops. Meanwhile, the final group focused on bringing their poster design to life and collaborated with Emporium M33 representatives to strategize advertising methods. Together, they erected the poster in a local shop window within Sale town centre, showcasing and advertising to the community our exciting public event planned for next Friday, where we will unveil our collective achievements at the Emporium. We can't wait!
Posted 10 May 2024 15:17
Day 5 - Today our advertising team printed the flyers for the Sale community boards and to hand out for the event on Friday! Growing closer, we are honing in on the website, completing the maps and getting in touch with local businesses and radio stations to advertise the event. Our collaboration with Emporium M33 was also published in the LifeInSale newspaper today, with more on the way!
Posted 13 May 2024 17:17
Day 6 - Today, we spent the morning working in our three groups: advertisement, website, and signage, preparing for our afternoon presentation with Emporium M33. After lunch, we hopped on the tram to 'Jackson House' in Sale. Here, we showcased our group work to Scott, the business owner, along with Claire and Carolyn, both business owners, who provided valuable feedback on tote bag design, signage, and required website amendments.
Posted 14 May 2024 23:56
After a enthusiastic and promising result from yesterday's presentation with the emporium, Group one carried on with website responding to the feedback we received, making tweaks and adding a section for FAQ's. Group two finished laser printing the final directory map along with the map stand and signage pieces which will help users navigate around the store. Group three got stuck into producing tote bags using heat transfer paper which was an exciting process.
Posted 15 May 2024 15:21
Day 8 - Today we finalised preparations for tomorrow's public showcase. Our wayfinding and signage group painted our colour-coordinated floor map for Emporium M33, highlighting different traders zones and adding blackboard vinyl sections for traders to update their locations. We also created hanging ladder blackboard signage for key areas to guide customers around the building.
We further developed the website, updating trader profiles as more businesses showed intertest in being included, enhanced the FAQ section, and added information about the charities at Emporium M33 and ways to get involved.
We’re excited to present our efforts and celebrate with the Sale town community and Emporium M33 tomorrow!
Posted 16 May 2024 16:26
After two weeks of hard work, creativity, and collaboration, we are thrilled to present our efforts at today's public showcase at Emporium M33. This event marks the conclusion of our project, and we can't wait to share our outcomes with the Sale community and the business owners of Emporium M33.
Earlier today, the Tote Bag Campaign event at Emporium M33 brought the Sale community together with a range of exciting activities. The Spin a Wheel game was a highlight, offering participants the chance to win prizes such as tote bags, cupcakes, sweets as well as raffle prizes put together by a few kind businesses within Emporium M33. Attendees engaged with live demonstrations of the newly developed website, wayfinding, and signage projects. Custom-designed tote bags, vouchers, and other goodies, created in collaboration with Emporium M33 traders, were distributed to visitors.
The event also featured a community prize draw, with fantastic prizes donated by the independent traders of Emporium M33. The new Emporium M33 website was unveiled, showcasing detailed profiles of all 50 independent traders. New colour-coordinated floor maps and directory stands were introduced, making it easier for visitors to navigate the three-story building. The extensive advertising campaign, including posters and flyers, aimed at raising awareness of Emporium M33, was on full display.
Posted 17 May 2024 16:51
What an incredible and fast two weeks this has been! We've thoroughly enjoyed being introduced to the bachelor’s students and learning alongside them throughout this process. Collaborating with Scott Lyons, the owner of Emporium M33, and the fantastic business owners Claire Hines and Carolyn Jackson, has been a highlight of our project.
We've made a meaningful impact on the local community, as evidenced by the interactions and feedback during our final showcase event. It was a rewarding experience to step outside our comfort zone and tackle the challenges of wayfinding, advertisement, and website creation—tasks beyond traditional architectural work. We're thrilled with the results and proud of what we've achieved.
A massive thank you to everyone involved in this project. Your support and collaboration were invaluable. We couldn't have done it without you!
Posted 17 May 2024 16:53