Group 32

The town of Alsager is looking to enhance its open space for the community and especially for young people – something that will become the heart of the town. Our project aims to initiate beneficial change for the community of Alsager through a real design project - on a real site! The brief asks for reinventing the current skatepark and designing a place for entertainment, where people can meet on a daily basis and events can be held. Apart from that, the project will be guided by your imagination and ideas! The site, currently a standard skatepark and car park, is part of a park in the centre of town. The main aspects of our work will focus on urbanism and designing a proposal, informed by the conducted urban research. Alsager is the hometown of our collaborators from StudioLab, so they are deeply invested in bringing about positive change and will use the project to promote possibilities for new improvements to the local authorities.

Download Final Report

Min Jing T / Samuel J / Adriana S / Zhengping X / Oleh I

Hi, I’m Sam, I’m from Manchester and am in the Continuity atelier. I am interested in contextual, sustainable, and adaptable architecture. My current area of study surrounds the ‘Fun Palace’, an interactive, adaptable machine of education and leisure, and applying it to an existing theatre. Relating to architecture, I enjoy drawing, photography, and making physical models, and outside of architecture I enjoy hiking, running and ice hockey. I’m looking forward to developing some exciting ideas and designs with you guys!
Posted 11 Mar 2024 20:19
Name: Zhengping Xia
- Hometown, Country : Hangzhou, China
- Atelier : Flux
- Interests in architecture : Parametric design, techtonic, Urban design
- General interests : Football, Travel, Photograph, Pool, Food
- Skills : Sketch Up, Rhino, Indesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Final Cut Pro, Lumion,
Vray, Stable diffusion
Posted 11 Mar 2024 21:08
I’m Adriana and I’m from Sofia, Bulgaria. I’m currently in the Some Kind of Nature (SKN) Atelier.

My main architectural interests are Holistic architecture, Community-oriented Urbanism and Sustainability in architecture. My current topics of exploration are the way in which the built environment and people’s way of life affect each other and non-human-centered architecture.

I’m interested in drawing and painting, other art techniques like digital drawing and hand printing, photography, graphic design, physical model making, film, fashion, nature.

My main skills are hand drawing, digital drawing, Photoshop, InDesign, AutoCAD, Sketchup, physical model making.
Posted 11 Mar 2024 21:23
Hey there, I'm Oleh, from the CPU[Ai] atelier. My background in two different areas - a BA in Architecture and a BSc in Maths & Physics - has shaped my interest in generative design and parametricism. I also enjoy drone flying and a bit of programming (anything tech-related, really), as well as photography, which has proven quite helpful for my architectural projects. Rhino+Grasshopper and Revit are my trusty companions, but I'm always keen to learn new software.
Posted 11 Mar 2024 22:14
I'm Min Jing from Malaysia, and I'm part of the SKN atelier. I'm interested in sustainable architecture and public architecture. My main software skills include Revit, Adobe Suite, Enscape, and AutoCAD. Beyond architecture, I enjoy traveling, orchestral music, water sports, and photography. I'm looking forward to collaborating on exciting designs!
Posted 12 Mar 2024 11:31

Aims: The goal of our project is to introduce positive change to Alsager by designing a space for the community. What that entails is a space for: leisure, daily activities, meeting, artistic expression, events. One of the main aspects is creating a place for the young people of Alsager, who currently do not have many options for entertainment, as part of that the current skatepark will be redesigned.

Process: The work process will start with an urban planning exercise that will showcase how the site is related to the rest of Alsager. Through this, ideas for the site will be generated. We will then proceed to sketch and model both physically and digitally the proposals we come up with.

Outputs: The team will create an urban map, design sketches, physical models of the proposals and the master students will show and guide you through the production of digital renders of the final designs.
Posted 7 May 2024 11:48

StudioLab is an emerging local interest group with an interest in arts, architecture, technology, and the alternative. Conceived as a collective, currently comprising of Home Coffee & Studio and Studio 100a in Alsager. Their aim is to educate, collaborate and facilitate creativity by offering studio space but to also inspire real-world change by engaging with the people and places around them through projects and initiatives.
Posted 7 May 2024 11:51

You will have the opportunity to participate in various methods of design:
- Hand drawing
- Digital drawing and collage
- Physical modelling
- Digital modelling
- Ai tools incorporation

We will also give tutorials on the following:
- Mapping
- Photoshop
- 3D Modelling (Introduction to Parametric Architecture and Digital Modelling)
Posted 7 May 2024 11:52

On our initial site visit to Alsager, we had the opportunity to tour the town with our collaborators from Studio Lab - Alex M. and Alex H. Alsager is a small town located to the south of Manchester that hosts the annual Alsager Summer Carnival and Music Festival. There are several parks in Alsager, and the largest one is Milton Park, where our skatepark site is situated adjacent to. The site has two main sections: a small concrete skatepark mainly occupied by teenage students, and an empty space being used as a car park. We managed to capture some photos and drone footage to fully understand the experiential quality of the site.

Following the tour, our team sat down at Alex H.’s Two Door’s studio to further discuss the scope of the project and their visions. We identified some opportunities to revitalize the usage of the site, setting the stage for our collaboration.

Find the article from the local press here:
Posted 7 May 2024 14:36

Prior to the action weeks, the team had an online meeting with collaborators to conduct a final check on the key dates and key outputs for the action weeks.
Posted 7 May 2024 15:46

The first week focuses on researching the site and developing project concepts. The team will split into two thematic groups, each with a different focus, to gather diverse approaches to the site.

The second week begins with some MArch 1 students bringing the conceptual work from the first week to Alsager to present to members of the community, gathering feedback to further develop the projects. On Thursday, the team will visit Alsager to meet with our collaborator and receive their feedback on our project.
Posted 7 May 2024 15:56
DAY 01

The first day of MSA Live began with the MArch team presenting an overview of the projects to the BAs, covering its outputs, goals, and timeline. Following this, a workshop was organized to assist them in understanding various approaches to master planning.

After lunch, the team was split into two groups, one working on mapping strategies for the site at the scales of 1:5000 and 1:2500, and the other creating serial visions to understand the experiential qualities from different perspectives of the site.
Posted 10 May 2024 14:49
DAY 01

Serial vision drawings from day 1
Posted 10 May 2024 14:49
DAY 01

Serial vision drawings from day 1.
Posted 10 May 2024 14:50
DAY 02

Today's focus was on collecting individual conceptual ideas, achieved through researching precedents, sketching, and creating collages. The day started with a presentation showcasing the work from Day 1, reflecting on the insights gathered from site analysis and studying precedents. Students were encouraged to select their preferred focus, whether accessibility, modular design, multilevel structures, or flexibility in usage. They were then granted the freedom to explore their chosen idea using their preferred media. A good amount of sketches and collages are created by the students. The day concluded with a brief reflection session, where all ideas were gathered, discussed and shared by the team.
Posted 10 May 2024 14:55
DAY 02

Concept sketches.
Posted 10 May 2024 14:56
DAY 02

Concept sketches.
Posted 10 May 2024 14:56
DAY 02

Concept collages.
Posted 10 May 2024 14:56
DAY 02

Concept collages.
Posted 10 May 2024 14:57
DAY 02

Concept drawings recreated from site photos.
Posted 10 May 2024 14:57
DAY 02
Posted 10 May 2024 14:57
DAY 03

Today we focused on developing individual concepts through sketch model making. A site model at the scale of 1:250 was built by the MArch students, so that the we can fit our sketch models into context.
Posted 12 May 2024 18:00
DAY 03

site model at the scale of 1:250. The 3D printed area (site boundary) can be removed for the purpose of fitting new designs into the area.

Posted 12 May 2024 18:01
DAY 03

Sketch model making.
Posted 12 May 2024 18:01
DAY 03

Sketch model in site model to explore the relationship between each concept and the site.
Posted 12 May 2024 18:01
DAY 04

On Day 4, our collaborator from the Studio Lab visited to provide additional explanations about the project. The team showcased our progress on concept development and received positive feedback from the collaborator. Additionally, we finalized details for Monday's presentation to Alsager's community members and created presentable materials for the event, including posters, presentation and models.
Posted 12 May 2024 19:29
DAY 04

More explanatory sketches for our site and concepts.
Posted 12 May 2024 19:29
DAY 04

Collages and drawings to demonstrate in 3D how our designs fit into the site and may be used by the community.
Posted 12 May 2024 19:39
DAY 05

On Day 5, a community event was held in Alsager to showcase our conceptual work to the public and gather feedback from them. Posters on site analysis, concept sketches, and visualizations were created to present our work.
Posted 14 May 2024 11:58
DAY 05

On Monday 13th May, Sam and Oleh visited Alsager with the work the group had produced so far. They set up a stall outside the Alsager Civic Centre and gave a brief introduction to the local community about the project, inviting them to chat and give their comments.
Posted 15 May 2024 10:58
DAY 05

Many of the locals came to chat about the work and showed great interest in the project, we were also joined by members of the local town council and local press. It was an incredibly productive and exciting day, leaving us with lots of comments and suggestions to work with.

Find the article from the local press here:
Posted 15 May 2024 11:01
DAY 06

On Day 6, we began the day with a discussion on the feedback we gathered from yesterday's community event.

The main points are listed below:

- Retain the car park.
- Considering the feasibility of Alsager, including mixed-use furniture such as chess tables will be great.
- Check the circulation to the back of the bar and retain a drivable route.
- Elaborate on the idea of zoning for different usages and ages.
- Enhance the entrance to draw people into the space and create a welcoming atmosphere.
- Propose phasing ideas, ranging from feasible to less feasible in scale.
- Implement scooter-friendly routes.

The team split into three groups to develop concepts that respond to different feedback.
Posted 15 May 2024 12:04
DAY 06
Posted 15 May 2024 12:05
DAY 06
Posted 15 May 2024 12:05
DAY 06

The day concluded with students sharing their progress from the day.
Posted 15 May 2024 12:33
DAY 07

On Wednesday, the group focused on creating posters for Thursday's exhibition for the community of Alsager. The students designed posters in three phases, ranging from the most financially feasible to the most ambitious.

Posted 17 May 2024 12:09


Phase 1 of the project targets offering financially feasible options to the community.

1. Creating signs to make the currently narrow entrance more visible to the public
2. Installing ramps and bollards to make the space more accessible and pedestrian-friendly
3. Creating furniture that connects with the skatepark to accommodate a wider range of users.
4. Installing bicycle racks.
5. Providing a first aid point locker for skaters.
6. Clearing the graffiti space to give artists more freedom to create new artwork.
Posted 17 May 2024 12:09


Phase 2 of the project aims to redesign the skatepark to make it more inviting and inclusive, creating a safer area for the entire community.

1. This is achieved through the use of warm hues from entrance points to guide people into the area, making it more welcoming.
2. The skating area will also have a slower zone designed for beginners and kids to use.
3. Lighting will be installed around the skatepark's perimeter to prevent the park from becoming intimidating at night.
4. Seating will be provided in the form of wide stairs for people to rest on, situated between the skatepark and playground area, allowing parents to watch over their kids.
5. The creation of modular pavilion units will provide an illuminated seating area at night, constructed from a timber frame and sheltered by corrugated plastic sheets. The translucent sheets will allow light to filter through, providing a greater sense of safety at night. These modular pavilions could be placed around the park and utilized for stalls at summer music festivals.
Posted 17 May 2024 12:09


Through the re-development of the skatepark and car park area, Phase 3 aims to foment the approachability of this space in Alsager via a consideration of a wider demographic users for this space.

The island element segregates the space into faster and slower areas of the skatepark to accommodate different abilities and users of the space from children to the elder population of Alsager.

Posted 17 May 2024 12:09
DAY 08

Thursday is our final event day in Alsager. The group visited the Skatepark site, Alsager's community center, and Alex's studio to present the ideas and concepts to the community and collaborators. We had multiple conversations about our proposals, which were reported in the local newspaper. The local community shared ideas, making it a highly engaging event.

Find the article from the local press here:

Posted 17 May 2024 13:05
DAY 09

On our final day, the team worked on assembling the final publication and other documents for our submission.

Group 32 would like to say a big thank you to our client, the Studio Lab, for giving us this opportunity to design an engaging community project. We would also like say thank you to the local community of Alsager, who participated in the events and provided us with invaluable insights into their needs and considerations.

Finally, many thanks to all the BAs, we really enjoyed working with you all!!!

Posted 17 May 2024 13:06