As an exchange student from Politecnico di Milano, I am excited to explore and learn about how things are done here in the UK. I am all about community
Group 37
The BAM!! initiative entails creating interactive audio walks and signage interventions in Brinnington, Stockport. Over the past four years, Life Leisure in Stockport has been working in Brinnington, an area marked by high deprivation and health disparities, to positively influence population behaviour by promoting physical activity. The concept for the audio walks originated from community requests for a map of the area, leading to the creation of Brinnington Maps. These audio walks and interventions seek to enrich the maps by providing residents with descriptions of historical sites and landmarks through various mediums such as Signages, a web page, or Gamification. The project targets a diverse range of groups, including those experiencing depression, individuals with long-term health conditions, elderly residents, children and adolescents and so on. Beyond simply increasing physical activity levels, the project aims to tackle broader issues such as social isolation, mental well-being, accessibility, and area revitalization. The approach involves adopting a holistic strategy, considering various factors encompassing health, community development, and more, to foster increased activity within the local community.
Sanah M / Patricia Susana MG / Karim Tharwat Talal A / Atikatu Yaya A / Siddharth KM