Today we are introducing the case studies that Manchester City Council has showed us and is looking to Retrofit. Some located in Hulme and Rusholme. Hopefully we are able to push towards Manchester Sustainablity Goals and help City Council.
Posted 20 Mar 2020 12:52
One of the key speakers that we were able to invite was WONDRWALL, a complete solution to home automation.

They are the world leader in intelligent home management and renewable energy technology. Developing a range of modular home automation, clean energy and efficient heating products.

The system can take advantage of solar panels, heating systems and battery storage for complete clean energy throughout the home.

We are excited to talk to them about the cutting edge technology in sustainable architecture.
Posted 26 Mar 2020 18:10
With the Events finalising, we are excited to showcase the Event's schedule. It highlights all the points at which we have guest speakers and exercises.

Our Event is centred around networking and communicating with other parts of industry.
Posted 26 Mar 2020 18:19