(Day 10 of Events)
With the last minute finishing touches being added to the pod, we conclude the events week, with our event exhibiting the project to members of the community and the center.
It has been nice to speak to some of the community centers members and agree that this project has not only been a brilliant opportunity for Manchester School of Architecture to physically engage in constructing a design but also to work so close to their client and users, thereby forming a catalyst for potentially new spaces of inhabitation for those in need.
During the 1960’s and 70’s radical one radical group occupied a piece of land, which was only for single occupancy developments with multiple occupancies. Although against regulations at the time, with the great designs and efficiency in their sustainable methodologies of living, they proved successful and somewhere even granted to stay.
Its projects like these, which could defy regulations of our current culture, that can fight against the restriction to help those really in need, by proving they are functional and feasible.
Posted 7 May 2018 21:01
(Day 9 of Events)
We have had some further interest and engagement from the surrounding community as they are able to see the more finishing touches of the space constructed and installed. It is a great opportunity for both our events group and the first and second-year students to engage with the users and hear their thoughts.
As designers, when working with a client on more public orientated projects, often the chance to engage with who will really be using these spaces can be missed, and this is a great chance for both ourselves and the lower years to be exposed to this so early in our careers.
Posted 7 May 2018 21:00
(Day 9 of Events)
It was a successful day today in sourcing the last bit of free carpet from a very generous carpet distributor for the pods internal cladding system, and there’s nothing like a rich chocolate brown to make the space feel that little bit cozier. However, it has been a shame to see the raw and beautiful array of exposed timber structure from the palettes and very well organized and fitted milk bottles covered over.
Posted 7 May 2018 20:59
(Day 8 of Events)
Today we began the sizing and cutting for the carpets to form the internal cladding of the pod. The students managed very well following the directions of our team, as well as yet again being recorded for our short film time-lapse.
We would like to thank the community center for being very patient and accommodating for our work within the center in the warm and out of the rain to continue on schedule ready for the weekend, which also required some creative construction with an umbrella and my clothing to protect the camera from the rain.
Posted 7 May 2018 20:58
(Day 7 of Events)
Recording all the hard work continues on site today, as we follow some of the projects through it’s continuing development. It is a great opportunity to not only overlook some of the project's progress, but also observe the reactions and interactions of our events team and the visiting community members, who have offered nothing but interest and eyes of excitement.
In addition, some changes have been made to the bottles insulation method. The water has been removed due to the milk bottles being prone to leaking, however, they will still be able to fulfill some of the insulating abilities, that could provide further adaption and expansion upon in further prototypes; if taken on by other community centers or societies alike.
Posted 7 May 2018 20:57
(Day 7 of Events)
In addition to our events team keeping the students well engaged in the construction, we are also ensuring they continue their excellent example of wearing the appropriate PPE on site at all times, making sure we meet the criteria outline in our very lengthy risk assessment, but mainly protecting theirs and one another’s safety.
Posted 7 May 2018 20:57
(Day 6 of Events)
Having my first day on site it was great to see most of the main structure had already been constructed.
As well as the continuation of building the structure, we also undertook the second delivery of bottle to be fill and sealed with water, to create the igloo-like system that will enable the space to stay warm in the winter, as well as hold the colder temperatures from the night in the summer, much like the thermal gains we can see in concrete.
The first and second years got on brilliantly, almost finishing an entire walls worth.
Posted 7 May 2018 20:56
(Day 5 of Events)
Another great day of hard work with the Events team and our artist Tom. Not only have they managed to work through drawing on two full panels, but also began another two.
In regards to architecture, art can often have a very powerful message and not always directly, in-directly too, by forming an indirect message that can target ones sub-conscious thinking for potential later reflection or activism.
Posted 7 May 2018 20:55
Interviews are exhausting and we sincerely apologies what Ben inflicted on you, but many thanks to those individuals who participated. It has been incredibly rewarding to witness so many people offer their opinion both on and off camera.
We are in the final stages of video production and eagerly anticipate tomorrows reveal. Hopefully, all members of återvinna have both enjoyed and are satisfied with this weeks efforts. Congratulations all.
Posted 2 May 2018 01:06
As a significant element of the project, and of Events 18, members of återvinna invited a collective of professionals to an exhibit of works demonstrating both the prototype and supporting documentation. It has been a pleasure to discuss with several guests the success of the project and how they envision potential scalability and expansion.
The exhibition welcomed over 30 individuals of whom many found the project to be of significant importance when concerning current levels of homelessness in Manchester. Whilst we could not truly anticipate the results, the project successfully instigated a conversation with both professionals, community members and students present. Many thanks to all those in attendance.
Posted 2 May 2018 00:53
And the final exhibition was capped off with a brilliant summarising talk by our mentor and leader Dr Leandro Minuchin. His passion for this amazing Welcome Centre has really inspired us as a team and we look forward to returning in the summer to help with further exciting projects he has in line.
His presentation spoke of the economical challenges institutes such as the Wai Yin Society face when developing their facilities and encouraged us that this project has succeeded in challenging the policies and conditions that impose such issues.
We cant wait to continue to support the great work he does!
Posted 2 May 2018 00:45
After an intensive week of construction, the prototype finally reached completion and received the addition of cladding panels produced by Tom Brown and the undergraduate students. Overall, we have successful managed to follow the IKEA style manual produced earlier this semester with only a few minor additions.
On reflection of the build, the MArch students involved have expressed a high level of satisfaction, with both the quality of work produced and overall contributions made to the Wai Yin Welcome Centre.
Posted 2 May 2018 00:40
Today was not just about the build and subjects that we have been looking at reaching out to the community about as a team. Today was also about spending one last afternoon with the centre and its community before wrapping up for Events18.
Some of our team, like Matt here, had the chance to work with one of the locals who has taken up a recent interest in painting whilst visiting the centre.
Posted 2 May 2018 00:37
It has been a busy final couple of days on site here at the Wai Yin Welcome Centre as we reach the climax of the project. Yesterday was spent putting the final touches to the shelter before today's final closing event.
Eve here had the privileged of placing the final bottle brick within the timber pallet structure. Its one of around 450 bottle bricks (900 bottles) that we have recycled and used for the build!
Posted 2 May 2018 00:34
That's a wrap on events...
Massive thank you to all our collaborators and influencers: the Wai Yin Society for hosting us for the entire construction & event, to Tom Brown for working with us on the façade designs, Leandro Minuchin for giving up his time & encouraging this event through his research method unit and to all those that have given us help and guidance along the way.
Posted 1 May 2018 23:12
Absolute pleasure working with all the students during 'Events 2018.' Very pleased with the prototype emergency shelter that we were able to construct. Hopefully they have all enjoyed it as much as we did. The project has been a brilliant opportunity to engage with the wider community and develop skills that are not necessarily utilised within a normal studio environment.
Looking forward to finishing editing all the video to show off our project and the actual event we held at the Wai Yin Community Centre today
Posted 1 May 2018 22:51
Again a big thank you to Tom for coming in for an interview. Some more great footage for the final video.
The 1st and 2nd years are working hard on some final posters for the event day at the Wai Yin Community Centre.
Posted 30 Apr 2018 11:54
Interview done. Another part of the video completed. Brilliant to get the insight of our artistic collaborator, Tom Brown, who has been kind enough to give up his time to work with
the students during Events. Discussing how he started, what his inspires him and how he has found working with us all.
Cannot thank him enough for all his help during this project!
Check out his amazing work:
Or follow him on Instagram:
Posted 30 Apr 2018 11:54
As the week has continued on site, the återvinna team and the welcome centre community have continued to build a relationship we hope will continue long after the build is over.
We have been; treated to some brilliant food produced within their grounds, given guided tours of the chicken coupe and vegetable sheds, and even had our portraits painted by one of the locals. And this is to name just a few!
We cant thank the centre enough for offering an experience to the team not only focused around construction project and hope the diverse nature of the centre's activities have been as inspiring to the students as they have to us!
Posted 28 Apr 2018 20:08
Its been a tough week for all our students, constantly exposed to undesirable weather conditions. Nevertheless, we have continued to be impressed by there efforts to complete construction, with work completed on Friday exceeding that of the proposed schedule.
Similarly, as the prototype has continued to progress, many of the community members have expressed considerable interest in our chosen construction method. The project begun as a manual that could enable individuals to do so and it is a pleasure to witness the real world applications unfold.
Posted 28 Apr 2018 19:31
Great work from everyone involved today in producing some posters for the event next week.
Good research and design input by a key few!
Posted 27 Apr 2018 16:26
All the cladding panels are completed and ready to move to site for construction next week. Very pleased with how they have all turned out.
Check out all the panels in a 360 photograph:
Posted 27 Apr 2018 16:23
More top content being recorded for our final production video.
Great to see the project nearing completion.
Posted 26 Apr 2018 21:18
As you can tell by this happy looking chap, today we managed to complete the insulation and waterproofing of our little pod!
Its been a really productive day, with some great teamwork and commitment from our återvinna members who really do seem to be embracing the local community we work amongst everyday at the Wai Yin Centre.
Posted 26 Apr 2018 20:22
återvinna students have made significant progress on-site today with the prototype now weather tight and insulated. Community members visiting the centre have been fascinated with the use of plastic milk bottles as insulation. Our students have willingly engaged and encourage conversation explaining both the practicalities and benefits involved.
One particular visitor, who experienced homelessness at the age of 14, approached the team wishing to express his support. He explained the worst part of that period was not knowing where to spend the night, feeling both abandoned and alone. Offering just a basic shelter would have provided him with the security and minimal comfort needed, away from being homeless on the streets.
Posted 26 Apr 2018 19:55
Productive day with the students, weather-resistant varnishing almost completed on the cladding panels. Once the varnishing has finished drying in the MMU workshop spray booths, then it will be ready for transportation to the site.
This week, the students have been very productive both on site and in studio, exceeding all expectations that we had of them. Already achieving something that they hopefully found enjoyable and posed a different challenge to regular studio commitments
Posted 26 Apr 2018 14:07
With well over 100GB of video footage captured in only 6 days, we have begun editing the small documentary that will feature in the event exhibition next Tuesday!
Members of återvinna, as part of Manchester School of Architecture, are constructing a prototype emergency homeless shelter in Cheetham Hill, Manchester. The project has attracted the attention of both local councilors and surrounding community centres, as well as, architects and engineers curious to explore the concept. Invitations have been distributed and we very much look forward to discussing the assembled prototype and further applications with you soon.
Posted 25 Apr 2018 23:21
Despite only making it half way through construction, the prototype shelter's basic structure, aided by a little tarpaulin, manged to successfully protect seven students from the onslaught of hail witnessed this afternoon. Many thanks to all the BA students on our team who have continued to push through this typical British weather.
Surprisingly, we have managed to remain on schedule with very few minor amendments made to the original manual. Lets hope this continues throughout the remaining few days!
Posted 25 Apr 2018 22:56
Another successful day on site and the build is really coming along! The team have braved all matter of weather (including today's short hail storm) to get to this point and we are well on schedule to finish in time!
Lets hope for some sunshine to see us out!
Posted 25 Apr 2018 22:21
Cladding Panel 2 completed, very pleased with how well we have all worked as a group. We are all really impressed (including Tom, our artistic collaborator) with how the design has turned out. Managed to get some brilliant footage for the final production video.
Hopefully be able to varnish them tomorrow, then they can be brought to site ready for final construction and our event on Tuesday 1st May.
Posted 25 Apr 2018 17:10
Hard work from återvinna’s 1st and 2nd years means the mandalas are coming along nicely.
Getting some great close-ups for the final production video.
Can’t wait to see the finished product come together.
Posted 25 Apr 2018 11:51
Cannot thank Tom Brown [one of our collaborators] enough for giving up his time, coming in and working with the students. The cladding panel designs are starting to come together, and
are looking incredible.
If you want to check out some of Tom's work, see his website:
Or follow him on Instagram:
Posted 25 Apr 2018 11:47
The Wai Yin Community Centre: Client and User
Established in 1988, the Society has been supporting Manchester's Chinese Community and other ethnic minority groups through a range of projects, events and other means of support
One such project, which the Wai Yin community Centre and our Events group are aiming to raise awareness for, is potential emergency living spaces, which could enable the community centre to house people who have been made homeless and without awareness to the means available to them, where by this temporary accommodation could be used to house vulnerable people overnight; in addition to their other means of support.
Of such, are providing support and advice in seeking the adequate financial aid, advice and helping find communities to become integrated within.
These spaces could enable to the community centre an additional stepping stones to getting these people of the streets and back into a safer environment, more efficiently.
Posted 24 Apr 2018 10:53
The MSA students did not rest in getting antiquated with the staff and patrons on their first day on site in Cheetham. Amina here even got a personal tour around the Wai Yin Centre's very own chicken community!
It has been great to see everyone working together and getting to know each other as we make the centre our home for the next week!
Posted 23 Apr 2018 23:37
We've had a very successful first day on-site, with the construction of the prototype well underway. We have successful completed the initial tier of structural work and look forward to progressing further. Construction photography to follow soon over the course of the week.
Additionally, many thanks to the Welcome Centre for providing all students with a cooked meal over lunch. It was rather unexpected but very much welcomed!
Posted 23 Apr 2018 23:37
Productive first day working on the artwork facades of the prototype. Brilliant to have our collaborator, Tom Brown, in to guide the students towards his incredible design. Background
work completed.
Check out Tom's work on his website:
Or follow him on Instagram:
Posted 23 Apr 2018 18:29
We've had a great start this Monday! After getting some awesome footage of the 1st and 2nd years as they get stuck into painting the (very mancunian) yellow base of the Manchester skyline ready for Tom's medallion art outline to go on, we have also recorded a time lapses of all the hard work and caught some lovely pictures too; which means the stock pile of material for our film is coming along well.
Additionally, it was also a lovely chance to get to properly meet some of our Events team, as well as meeting Tom for the first time to talk to him about his art work, studies in product design, and possible goals for the future afterwards.
Posted 23 Apr 2018 16:25
Incredibly pleased to announce our new collaborators... The Memoirs. Nottingham's five piece, twin guitar, alt-rock band hail from the same university that gave us London Grammar an
Amber Run. The Memoirs, having recently supported homeless charities in Nottingham, have provided exclusive access to their single 'Matter of Time'. We will be featuring the single in our final production video.
If you would like to find out more, The Memoirs' Facebook and SOUNDCLOUD are as follows:
Posted 19 Apr 2018 00:36
Productive day, disassembling pallet crates in the workshop ready for on site construction.
Looking forward to starting construction on site next week at the Wai Yin Community Centre
Posted 19 Apr 2018 00:05
First day today. Great talk from Leandro discussing our role within Prefigurative Architectures and big thank you to Mark Greenwood from the Wai Yin Welcome Center for coming down and meeting the group!
Posted 18 Apr 2018 23:56
Final design from one of our collaborators, the artist Tom Brown.
Looking forward to seeing this beautiful manchester cityscape mandala coming to fruition on our emergence shelter.
see more of Tom's work check out his website and Instagram:
Posted 10 Apr 2018 00:22
[PPE Reminder]
Please make sure you are prepared for the coming Events 18 weeks ahead with all the appropriate clothing for the onsite graft.
You must have all your PPE with you whenever we are scheduled to work onsite, or when we will be undertaking any manual labour during the coming weeks. This will include the following: A hard hat, high visibility vest, protective eye wear, protective gloves and steel toe cap boots (No alternative shoes will be accepted and you will not be allowed to work onsite).
Lastly, the Manchester weather is just worst! So, please make sure you pick clothing that will keep you dry and warm, as well as appropriate for the work, which is comfortable and you aren't afraid to get a bit grubby.
Posted 4 Apr 2018 13:14
The collection continues! Don't forget to keep your 2L drinks and milk bottles, clean and with caps!
Posted 19 Mar 2018 16:40
Name: Tamsyn Rootsey
Atelier: USE
Graduated: Norwich University of The Arts
Experience: Hudson Architects Ltd. NPS Property Consultants, Norwich
Bio: Avid collager, movie watcher and intense food eater, however Architectures the game, forever looking for inspirations the game (Double pointing fingers)
Posted 16 Mar 2018 12:58
As you can probably gather, it has been a very productive week for the events team. We are well underway with the production of formal documentation required by the participating collaborators and an exhaustive risk assessment is nearing completion. In other news, our little Leandro's have been underdevelopment and will be featuring soon... watch this space.
Posted 16 Mar 2018 12:55
Amazing continued support from local companies as we continue to source material for the build! We are well under way now and our materials stockpile is building up at the Wai Yin Welcome Centre.
Posted 15 Mar 2018 08:21
Fantastic meeting today with Tom Brown, our art collaborator, a very talented local artist. Some brilliant designs ideas developing.
Check out some of his work here:
Posted 12 Mar 2018 16:41
Name: Joseph O'Brien
Atelier: QED
Graduated: University of Portsmouth
Experience: DSH Architects
Bio: Enjoys long walks on the beach, cold beers and strong spirits. Interested in art, music, travel and architecture and will debate anyone on these matters
Posted 12 Mar 2018 14:13
Name: Sean Martin
Atelier: MSAp
Graduated: University of Nottingham
Experience: Scott Brownrigg, London
Bio: Attempted to be a musician but failed. Attempted to play rugby but failed. I now stick to marathon running, a bit of travelling and navigating this architecture thing.
Posted 12 Mar 2018 12:38
Name: Aaron Perry
Atelier: USE
Graduated: University of Nottingham
Experience: Ingleton Wood Construction Consultants, London
Bio: Alright all, I'm one of the guys that unknowingly emailed three entire years, glad to be of service. Travel and technical design are my forte, but other than that I can be summed up as nocturnal, incredibly photogenic and an all round legend, of which I am quite modest about. Perry Out.
Posted 9 Mar 2018 15:54
Name: Ben Bolton
Atelier: USE
Graduated: University of Portsmouth
Experience: 3DReid, London
Bio: Enjoy rugby and skiing. Using my interest in architecture as an excuse to travel as much as I can
Posted 9 Mar 2018 15:27
We at återvinna support international women's day and support the equality of women's pay everyday.
Posted 8 Mar 2018 11:56
With only just starting on Friday, we have already gained over 300 empty 2l milk bottles and 1.5l water bottles, courtesy of MMU Catering Staff. Many thanks for your ongoing support, it is greatly appreciated. Only 700 bottles outstanding...
Posted 8 Mar 2018 00:39
Snapshot from our recent meeting with the Wai Yin Community Centre (Cheetham Hill) and Leandro Minuchin. The design was met with great response and agreed, with both staff and community.
Posted 8 Mar 2018 00:20
Productive meeting at Cheetam Hill with representative from the Wai Yin Community Centre and Leandro Minuchin this morning.
Site preparations underway ready for the events weeks. Plenty of work still to be doing. Productive to be able to establish what can be achieved within the budget raised.
Check out the grin on Leo's face..
Posted 8 Mar 2018 00:13
Interesting topics discussed at 'WOAH' lecture. Some brilliant speakers.
Some points to consider for our event, particularly discussions regarding the homeless situation in Manchester. Highlighting the challenge that our prototype hopes to combat.
Posted 8 Mar 2018 00:12
By now, the majority of you will have received our email invite to atervinna’s new facebook page. Through this page we'll be posting more specific details regarding future meeting locations and group specific information you’ll need to keep an eye on!
It’s getting interesting behind the scenes, all will be revealed soon...
Posted 1 Mar 2018 14:15
NEW poster uploaded with design proposal featured. For further details on the design process intended, please see embedded hyperlink or follow the link below. Design developed by Y5
MArch Prefigurative Architecture students.
Posted 31 Jan 2018 01:12