REMNANT - A FEELING FOR TIME Hello and welcome to the AJ Events Blog 2019. Remnant: A FEELING FOR TIME is in collaboration with the Woodland Trust. They are planning to develop a series of toposcopes around the site for visitors. A toposcope is defined as: a viewing point on a hill, mountain or other high places which indicates the direction, and usually the distance, to notable landscape features which can be seen from that point. This project provides the opportunity to come up with a contemporary architectural version of a familiar landscape landmark. These rest points should highlight the history of the site, educate visitors and offer some respite from long walks. Through education of the effects that humans have had on the landscape they hope that people think, react and care about the site. What we will be creating is an atlas of research on the site, as well as design responses reflecting these. Through tracing of the historical, cultural and physical resources on the site we will be able to design toposcopes that fulfil the requirements of the Woodland Trust. This is a project that the Woodland Trust plans to carry out in the future, meaning this work forms an essential grounding and potential influence for the final project. So if you're interested in landscapes, history and the environment come join group AJ! // Download Poster
Christopher M // Adam N // Kelvin P // Sarah K // Joshua H
The atlas is nearing completion and we are ready for our presentation to the Woodland Trust tomorrow. Here is a taster of some of the works we have copleted
Over the past two weeks we have curated our site research into the atlas document. From which we were able to narrate our design proposals along thre different lines of investigation on the site.
The groups have worked incredibly hard and we are really pleased with their outputs. Keep an eye to see the in depth site responses.
A productive day building on Tuesday's development of concepts and designs ahead of the final presentation with our collaborator. Groups have begun modelling their designs through a range of mediums and programmes, aided by design and software tutorials throughout the day.
Based on selected pictures of key views on the site, we have developed our toposcopes around the idea of the view. Drawing upon our precedents studies, these framed views will be the defining aspect of the toposcope.
We hope for the atlas to be an interactive aspect to the site. With key views highlighted in the atlas for visitors to find and engage with.
The materials used for each toposcope with be reflective of the local materials identified in the site analysis.
The sites have been selected along the route we took on our site visit. We have been focusing on different views around site with using the natural terrain in our site selection.
The toposcopes will offer seating integrated into the landscape using the natural and local materials identified in our week 1 research.
We aim to be as non invasive to the landscape as possible, which is why we have been using as many local materials as possible.
This group have been exploring their toposcopes as creations of space to be achieved through prefabricated construction methods. These spaces will offer respite from the often bitter wind on the site, with some designed to adapt to the ever changing landscape on Winter Hill.
The precedents studies we worked on have informed our designs in combination with the Week 1 analysis of the site.
We will continue to develop our designs to match the various contexts in which our toposcopes have been situated.
Following on from last weeks site analysis work, Kelvin and Sarah both introduced workshops on layout presentation and precedent studies, to help the groups with their design work.
Having collected some rich data from the site visit to Winter Hill, the aim was to shift the focus towards design and to consider different storytelling techniques, that will ultimately drive the toposcope designs throughout the week. The groups have now began to develop their concepts based on 3 different ideas, Pre-fabrication, framed views and smaller inventions on the site.
Further analysis of the site findings, followed by group discussions which aimed to open up a dialogue as a group, ahead of next weeks design workshops.
The Human Activity /Site History research group exploring user groups and potential influences to consider for their own designs.
Areas such as materiality were explored to gain an understanding of the site context as a whole, while user profiles were also established by focusing on remnants and current inhabitants.
Following Tuesday's site visit and Wednesday data collecting session, this day was focused on drawing conclusions from the information found as a collective.
Groups began exploring the site further, expressed through analysis of potential toposcope locations, with analysis ranging from studies of the valleys contours and landscape profile, to more focused research such as different types of vegetation and trees within the area.
The groups on site focussed on capturing different aspects of the site to represent in the atlas. Here are some photos of the different gems that can be found on Winter Hill. A mixture of natural landscape and human intervention are finely balanced. Could this theme be celebrated through a toposcope design?
Following on from our site visit, we curated the information we gathered so we can start our analysis.
We will use our photographs, sketches and notes from the site to direct our site research, highlighting key features of the site to inform the development of the toposcopes on our site.
The team was split into smaller groups focusing on various aspects of the site and ensuring we were not duplicating information.
Each sub-group then went o to present their findings, expanding the detailed knowledge amongst the rest of the group.
Once we collated our information, we were than able to use skills from our photography workshop to enhance and develop the images taken for the Atlas to be presented to the Woodland Trust.
Group AJ spent a day on Winter Hill, appreciating the views and taking quality photographs of the site.
Covering 10k by foot, we were inspired by the landscape, and have plenty of material to start developing the Atlas.
Many thanks to Chris Waterfield at the Woodlamd Trust for a guided tour of the grounds, we look forward to presenting our proposals to him at the end of next week!
The team has been split into a range of different focused reach groups, to provide a wider scope of the site as a whole, which will act as an informative base ahead of the design process.
The following groups will explore:
1.Materials and plants
2.Human activity/Site history
3.Remnants and weathering
4.Landscape and views
Busy day introducing the project to the events team. We had Stephen Connah of MMU and Chris Waterfield fro the Woodland Trust giving presentations on the Project, Site and explaining Toposcopes ahead of our site visit on Tuesday.
We then had an interactive workshop on photography led by Adam, explaining the technicalities of photography and techniques to bring forward for our site visit. Comparing the uses of Subjective and Objective photography on site for collating data and developing our designs.
Looking forward to our site visit tomorrow.
Here is some information about our site visit on Tuesday.
We will be heading to Winter Hill from Manchester Victoria Train Station. Please me us at 9.45am on Tuesday 26th March so we can get our tickets before getting the train.
We will be given a tour around the site by representatives and volunteers of the Woodland Trust so this is a great opportunity to learn about the site from the people who know and use it. We need to be ready on site by 11am and expect to be there for a out 4 hours
What you need to bring: Sturdy Walking Boots,Warm Clothing, Waterproof Jacket,A Hat,Packed Lunch,Camera, Notebook + Pens, Water.
We have a jam packed 2 weeks for the events project plan including design workshops, meetings with the client, a site visit to Winter Hill and a final presentation to the client.
All of this, with the design and building of an Atlas of information which will be presented to the client after the Events19 project. Contained within it will be our site research and response, this will then be used to inform their toposcopes that they will be planning to use on site.
Looking forward to getting started on the weeks ahead and seeing the concepts we come up with.
King Henry's Mound - A great example of a toposcope:
- It captures the history of King Henry VII,
- It preserves the views of St Paul's Cathedral,
- It facilitates the public using small sculptures and landscape.
Have a look on the link below (copy and paste the link into your browser to find a 360 view),-0.2948242,3a,75y,63.34h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipNe1O_ZVJBwRuTKFJuijtXWyEcmUSUvjJHXWZQY!2e10!3e11!!7i8704!8i4352
Winter Hill provides views to Manchester City on a clear day.
But how can we as designers create architecture that responds to its context when it is not physically connected to the urban fabric?
How can we create a feeling of, 'place' without street signs, neighbours or landmarks?
During the event weeks, the team will have an opportunity to develop and learn a range of skills.
Photography – Cameras provided, along with focused tutorials and exercises on how to use them
Research - Key elements, where to look & what to use how to present
Design - Sketchup, Hand drawn, Photoshop, Illustrator
Presentation - Indesign, Photoshop Illustrator, Verbal presentations
"Good artists copy great artists steal" - Pablo Picasso
Preview of a brief presentation on Precedents:
Where to find precedents?
How to pick a good precedent?
How to commit to a research focus?
How to draw diagrams for precedents?
Bernd and Hilla Becher are highly regarded objective photographers that have documented different industrial structures and are most famous for their water towers. This technique of similar captures taken out of context is good for documenting parts of a site and will be an essential part of the site visit to Winter Hill.
Layout techniques for Publication
Design - Relating site to concepts
Relating theoretical investigation (week 1) to design
How to represent concepts
Draft Portfolio/publication
Presentation of Final publication to Woodland Trust
The second week is much more design orientated, with each group creating design responses reflective of the previous weeks investigation. The design will be represented through drawings and models with the aim of each group presenting their concept to representatives of the Woodland Trust on the final Friday.
Our collaborators, the Woodland Trust are a well established woodland conservation charity that has existed since 1972. The Smithills Estate, which we are fortunate to work on is by far the largest site that they own, making this a fantastic opportunity if you have an interest in landscape conservation.
In our first week, we will be taking a site visit to Winter Hill, where we will meet some of the members from the Woodland Trust that are based in Smithills Hall. We have arranged for us to be taken around the site in order for us to gain a better understanding of the site, as well as the Trusts ambitions to enhance the landscape. This will also give the undergraduate students a chance to hone their site analysis skills which will later inform the series of toposcopes that they will be designing.
For more information about Smithills Estate check out the Woodland Trusts website below:
MA student Presentations of desired objectives
Site Visit
Contextual Theory
Design - Drawings Models Diagrams
The aim of this will be to help the Undergraduates develop their research and interpretation skills. At the end of the week each group will Present theory and site investigations through drawings, diagrams and text to the other groups.
The second week will focus on formulating a response to this research.
The output for the two week events project is an analysis and design proposal publication in the form of an ‘Atlas’. This atlas will aim to provide a historical, environmental and experiential account of the site. This will be achieved through: site analysis, historical mapping and photography.
The atlas will also include design proposals for a series of toposcopes that are clearly informed by the analysis.
These designs will be expressed through varied graphical outputs that will thoroughly convey the design intention. The Woodland Trust are keen for their expectations to be tested and this work will influence them to potentially build these toposcopes. The proposals should be a pleasant place for a walker to rest their legs whilst referencing the important historical/geographic context. It is a chance to explore creative design and representation in a rural context.
We have started to look at examples that show what an atlas can be. This Dutch Water defence line atlas has given us more of an understanding of an approach that can be taken when producing an atlas.
It uses a series of maps and 3D model renderings to show a clear understanding of the the area. We hope to include many different forms of content focussing around analysis and proposals on Winter Hill.
Please follow the link for more information about this atlas.
Discussions took place about what the poster should suggest about our project.
Our poster design aims to highlight a key skill needed for the project which will be photography. The atlas we create will require rich photographs that express the experiential qualities of the site to the reader.
The poster also gives a clear understanding of the aesthetics of the landscape.
Our initial visit to the site, situated on Winter Hill , which lies on the border of the boroughs of Chorley, Blackburn with Darwen and Bolton, in North West England.
Winter Hill is a landscape that has been shaped by the actions of man. The pathways of past industries still cut through the landscape and they have shaped the way hill has formed over time.
The river course was changed to increase flow by removing many of the trees in the area which allowed an increased water flow into the mills that were situated at the base of the hill. This in turn shaped the contour of the hill as the increased water flow eroded the landscape.
The Woodland Trust plan to re plant trees to control this waterflow as it now poses a flood threat to the towns below.
There are other examples of human intervention on Winter Hill. Could the toposcope incorporate the rich history of the site into the design?
Hello and welcome to the AJ Events Blog 2019. Our project is Remnant: A Feeling for Time, situated on Winter Hill. The landscape is filled with rich history, and although it may not appear like it, scarred from human activity.
Back in November we met up with some members of the Woodland Trust to get some more information on the project and what they would like from us. They are planning to develop a series of toposcopes around the site for visitors. The aim of which has been split into three objectives: Learning, Behavioral and Emotional. These objectives will highlight the history of the site, educating visitors who visit whilst also offering some respite from long walks. Through education of the effects that humans have had on the landscape they hope that people think, react and care about the site.
What we will be creating is an atlas of research on the site, as well as design responses reflecting these. Through tracing of the historical, cultural and physical resources on the site we will be able to design toposcopes that fulfill the requirements of the Woodland Trust.
This is a project that the Woodland Trust plans to carry out in the future, meaning this work forms an essential grounding and potential influence for the final project. So if you're interested in landscapes, history and the environment come join group AJ.
REMNANT - A FEELING FOR TIME is in collaboration with the Woodland Trust. They are planning to develop a series of toposcopes around the site for visitors.
A toposcope is defined as: a viewing point on a hill, mountain or other high places which indicates the direction, and usually the distance, to notable landscape features which can be seen from that point. This project provides the opportunity to come up with a contemporary architectural version of a familiar landscape landmark.
These rest points should highlight the history of the site, educate visitors and offer some respite from long walks. Through education of the effects that humans have had on the landscape they hope that people think, react and care about the site.
What we will be creating is an atlas of research on the site, as well as design responses reflecting these. Through tracing of the historical, cultural and physical resources on the site we will be able to design toposcopes that fulfil the requirements of the Woodland Trust.
This is a project that the Woodland Trust plans to carry out in the future, meaning this work forms an essential grounding and potential influence for the final project. So if you're interested in landscapes, history and the environment come join group AJ!