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This is the construction sequence of our final design proposal. As can be seen, the design is made up of a complex range of wooden components which all attach in various ways. Throughout the design project, all the undergrad students took it upon themselves (with some assistance from the masters team) to figure out some of the joints and connection points. With the use of sketching, detailing and model making, the students were able to finally produced a well thought out design proposal as reflected above.
Posted 4 May 2019 23:23
As the project slowly comes to a close, this post gives insight into our publication in highlighting some of our best work. With consideration to the amount of work done by myself and my fellow Trollfesters, the publication offers details about the project and insight into our design process. This includes drawings from the introductory workshop we did on hand-drawing, AutoCAD and SketchUp details of our proposal, and photographs of the models made by the undergrad team.
Posted 4 May 2019 23:15
As the final designs have been completed, it is time to start modelling! As a way to include all the BA students into the stages of this project, we created three separate groups including team 1 - for detail drawings, team 2 - for renders and final publications, and the final - team 3 - for model making which have been working on the B15 Workshop building the final proposal.

For people that haven’t spent a lot of time in the workshop, we were aware that some of the equipment would be foreign to them so through the aid of myself and the fellow 5th year student, (including much help from the B15 staff), we were able to teach and guide the BA students through whatever assistance they needed
Posted 5 Apr 2019 17:07
Moving forward from a productive week, the three groups said goodbye to their individual designs and began working on the final design proposal chosen by the Modernist society. The drawings above are retrospective of some of the design strategy the BA students used in creating their proposal which we have encouraged them to implement through this final proposal.

Some were particularly interesting where the students aimed to resolve (3 Point) timber joint details through sketching and modelling, which we believe helped them resolve their designs - a strategy we’ve encouraged them to use for the final Trolleyfest proposal.

Posted 4 Apr 2019 17:34
Group Presentations of early design concepts | Day 2

Today was a brilliant start to early design concepts assisted by the Trolleyfest team. Following a presentation from the Modernist society and design presentations by myself and my fellow 5th years, we encouraged the 1st and second year students to start thinking about early design concepts through the use of sketching and model making.

As the day went on, we went around the room and helped the BA students figure out some design elements most would not consider, including joints, materiality, functionality and usability; something they felt helped them understand the design process a little better. As the day went, on we encouraged the BA students to work more collaborative with each other which then resulted into their (stage 1) design proposals.

Presentations of said designs took place after lunch where we had detailed discussions about the individual thought process for their proposals. Based on the designs and concepts produced, the next stage (taking place tomorrow) will be to resolve the concepts and to start the orthographic drawings and massing models. By and by, today was a very successful day!
Posted 26 Mar 2019 20:28