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Day 12

Today was when we had our presentations, to give three peers our ideas about the re-use of the Cornerhouse. We were split into session, in which we listened to other groups propositions, as well as giving our own ideas. We took it in turns to each explain our ideas and then received feedback. Overall, the project was very interesting and progressed very well
Posted 22 May 2015 15:07
Day 8

Today, we started off by doing a self directed study, progressing with our designs and also producing our final sheets for presentation. In the afternoon, we had a visit from Jim Chapman who gave us feedback on our proposals. The feedback helped us to see where our designs could benefit from a few changes and additions, and also allowed us to get an architects opinion on whether they would be viable. After this, we went back to our designs and made the some changes.
Posted 18 May 2015 18:50
Day 5

Today, we had a visit from from Polly Bentham from the Save the Cornerhouse Campaign. She talked about their efforts to save the Cornerhouse from demolition after it was relocated to HOME, further down Whitworth St West. After listening to what the group are trying to do, we took it in turns to pitch our ideas to her, and receive feedback on them to help develop them further. We then carried on refining our ideas and producing our sheets for the presentation on the 22nd.
Posted 18 May 2015 10:56
Day 3

Today was a day of expanding our ideas further. We had come up with the idea of a beer garden, and continued with this theme throughout the day. A sketchup model was provided to us, and with a bit of editing, it resembled what we were looking to achieve. With the idea in mind, we started designing or portfolio sheets, so that we knew what we needed to accomplish.
Posted 13 May 2015 20:57
Day 2

Today, we went on a site visit, to do a bit of analysis. We visited the Cornerhouse and the buildings surrounding it, before heading down to HOME, the site of the relocated Cornerhouse. There was a noticeable lack of emotion at the new site, making it seem like it was only the function of the Cornerhouse that was relocated, and not the emotion and atmosphere. Having wandered round, and gotten an idea of what HOME was like, we headed back to uni to discuss what we had found during the site visit and were asked develop any ideas that we had in pairs.
Posted 12 May 2015 16:05
Day 1

Today, having been introduced to the event, we were sent away to find precedents of re-modelled Architecture. This fell under three categories: Insertion, Installation and Intervention. Our group of four managed to find an example that had aspects of all three, the New York Highline, a repurposed trainline that was turned into a linear public park spanning 1.49 miles
Posted 12 May 2015 15:52