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Day 9 - We spent the day flying our kites in Whitworth park. Although there was barely enough wind to get them off the ground, we still managed to keep a couple of them in the air for a relatively good amount of time.
Posted 21 May 2015 22:09
Day 8 - After we finished stitching the kite, we quickly tested it outside Chatham before making any changes to increase it's stability. Once the design had been finalised we set the string with glue, ready to fly on Thursday.
Posted 21 May 2015 22:06
Day 7 - After designing our kite, based on Wittgenstein's theory of language, we began making the wooden frame and stitching on the plastic to allow the kite to fly. Our kite used see through plastic sheeting to mimic the element of camouflage implemented in our hut design.
Posted 21 May 2015 22:02
Day 5 - After a quick review with Harald and Tom, we spent Friday making any necessary changes to our models and adding any finishes like windows and doors. It was then presented and photographed.
Posted 21 May 2015 11:26
Days 3 and 4 - Time spent building our physical models. Laser cut pieces have been sprayed, ready for use in our reconstructions. New material has also been added in places, such as reflective perspex, to effectively produce our design.
Posted 21 May 2015 11:16
Day 2 - Laser cut pieces ready to be used in our reconstruction of Wittgenstein's hut
Posted 21 May 2015 11:07