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Technology for the Tycoons Transport (Upper Class)
The automobile that the Tycoons will be driving in 2094 is going to be self-driven with a manual overdrive. They will have the freedom to control where they go unlike the automobile that the Fugalites have. The Fugalites will only have automobiles at ground level whereas the Tycoons will have the ability to fly around their Ultra Rich, luxurious skyline city allowing them complete freedom. The technology that is used within these automobiles will be the same as the Fugalites vehicles, therefore jet power but with a dragonfly main tail rotor to allow the dragonfly (transportation) to fly in different directions, therefore up, down and sideways. The main tail rotor will be connected to the jet power engines; the rotor will then start to spin creating a torque effect, which then allows the dragonfly (transportation) aspect to maneuver the vehicle in any direction. The primary objective of the technology is thrust and speed with maneuverability being a key factor.
Posted 20 May 2015 18:22
Technology for the Fugalites Transport (Lower Class)
The automobile that the Fugalites will be driving in 2094 is going to be self-driven. The Fugalites will have a limited sense of freedom, as they will only be allowed to go to the preset destinations contained within the vehicles satellite navigation system. They will be propelled using the same jet power technology as the Tycoons but without the dragonfly rotor. Again, the primary objective of the technology is thrust and speed but with restricted maneuverability unlike the Tycoons vehicle.
Posted 20 May 2015 18:21
Final Future Cityscape
Posted 20 May 2015 09:34
Mode of Transport
The mode of transport is different for the Ultra Rich (Tycoons) and the others (Fugalites) because within my scenario it is all based around the idea of humanity being divided in two different diverse classes based societies. Therefore, the Tycoons will be able to have more freedom than the Fugalites (having the ability to live in the Ultra Rich, Luxurious Skyline above the Fugalites) – meaning they have the ability to fly around in the dragonfly (transportation). The Fugalites are more controlled within the overpopulated, poverty ridden society due to them travelling around in self-driven cars.
Posted 20 May 2015 09:33
Based on a fictitious story where humanity is divided in two different diverse class based societies. The Mega Rich known as the Tycoons, live in a luxurious, ultra rich skyline city and the others known as the Fugalites reside below the Mega Rich in an overpopulated, poverty has ridden society.
A chain of events occurs that triggers the Fugalites to find a way to the luxurious, Ultra Rich Skyline city in order to create equality between the two classes whatever the cost.
Posted 19 May 2015 13:43
Elysium: Idea of control between two different classes. Isolate the two distinct classes by situating them in two different places (poor on the overpopulated planet and the ultra rich on a luxurious ship). No equality but the idea that everyone can achieve the American Dream and that you can gain equality from perseverance.
Posted 19 May 2015 13:40
Minority Report: I was specifically looking at the different modes of transport and the effect of this control element. The film included completely autonomous, self driven cars which the passengers had some but not a lot of control over. The fact that the cars were self driven with no manual override demonstrated that the public are controlled in respect of where they could venture within the environment and illustrated the inequality. Certain individuals were not comfortable with this inequality and wanted the ability to control and manage their future. The self drive cars were obviously a small part of this control mechanism. Ultimately they wanted the abilty to make their own decisions so that the pre-crime division could not prempt their actions.

This is a quote from the film Minority Report:
John Anderton: Why'd you catch that?
Danny Witwer: Because it was going to fall.
John Anderton: You're certain?
Danny Witwer: Yeah.
John Anderton: But it didn't fall. You caught it. The fact that you prevented it from happening does not change the fact that it was *going* to happen.
Posted 19 May 2015 13:39