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Day 8 (20/5/2015)

It's the exhibition day! By using the doodled boxes, sketch books and strings, we designed the SpacePortX area into an art exhibition. We were lucky there were four columns in the area so we decided to use them to tie the strings and hang the loose sketches on them. We build up columns from the boxes and put out sketch books on top of them. Mr. Phillip Chin, our guest of the day also exhibit his 3D model and shared some tips on drawing. It was a good day!
Posted 21 May 2015 22:26
Day 7 (19/5/2015)

The second day at SpacePortX! This time we had a slideshow video by Hakym on how he started sketching and what inspired him. We then continued doodling on the boxes that were to be used for the final exhibition. After a while we stopped doodling and divided ourselves in a group of 4 to 5 people. By using pens, A2 papers and orange paint, we did posters using our hand and fingers as the brush. It was messy but exciting!
Posted 21 May 2015 22:24
Day 6 (18/5/2015)

It's our first day (and first time) at the SpacePortX. When we arrived at the space, we were asked to assemble the boxes and doodle on them. I decided to make paisley patterns with Manchester's details and landmarks on them. We then played a game where we drew things that were mentioned by the 5th year students and then pass it around in our group. It was challenging as we only conveyed the message through the drawings but it was fun! The output was ridiculous! Can you spot the 6 items in the drawing?
Posted 21 May 2015 22:20
Day 5 (16/5/2015)

It's Chorlton Art Festival! We went to St. Clements Church in Chorlton to join the fun. This time we get to do sketch walk and interact with the society especially family even more. Some of the kids even joined us to sketch. We did a sketch and drawings of the church and the environment. Since it's a very lively festival, we had some colourful sketches :)
Posted 21 May 2015 15:57
Day 4 (15/5/2015)

After 3 days of sketch walk, we decided to concentrate on the exhibition. We were given 25 boxes and thread and asked to plan a mobile exhibition using the materials given. We first build up the boxes and paint them over with white and orange paint. As a final output, we decided to make columns out of them with different heights and random arrangements. Hope they will turn out great!
Posted 20 May 2015 10:50
Day 2 (12/5/2015)

The second day of sketch walk starts at Piccadilly Garden. We were asked to sketch the scenery around the area which is quite hard for me! Before we went to Market Street, Hakym taught us few other aspects in sketching which are frame and subject. We did a 30-seconds sketching at Market Street which I find very interesting, there's not much you can do within that time but with the right technique, you can draw the subject well. We also went in to Arndale for some indoor sketching.

Day 3 (13/5/2015)

The last day for sketch walk was held at The Whitworth Art Gallery. We did sketches together with the Manchester Urban Sketchers and learned some useful tips from them. I met Cathy who is a teacher and she gave me very useful tips for sketching and even showed me some of her favourite tools for sketching. I used a different technique this time for sketching to explore the variation. The weather is just nice for some outdoor sketching but it was windy so some of us went inside the gallery to do indoor sketching.
Posted 20 May 2015 10:40
Day 1 (11/5/2015)

We started off the day with a briefing at Chatham 513 by the 5th year students, Hakym, Akmal and Siew. They told us the aims and plan for the whole two weeks of SketchFest. We also received our sketchbooks, badges and t-shirts to represent the group. Hakym taught us the basics of sketching aspects such as lines, shape, shade and perspective.

After lunch, we gathered in front of the Central Library to do our first sketch walk. Having the Central Library and its surrounding as our main subject, we did our first sketch there before moving on to Town Hall area and Albert Square. The target is to do at least 3 sketches a day. Looking forward to the next sketch walk session!
Posted 18 May 2015 11:37