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Though we did manage to get the kite to fly for a little while it took us many attempts which unfortunately took their toll on the kite itself.
Posted 22 May 2015 16:41
After the kites werte made, we headed down to Whitworth park to fly them. However, the wind was perhaps too weak to get most of the kites up, ours did fly for a time.
Posted 22 May 2015 16:35
For the second week we were looking into one of Wittegnstein's past times which was the making and flying of kites. We responded to this by interpreting our idea of the 'invisible hut' into a transparant kite. the idea was to accentuate the funtion of the kite (only the frame would be visible against the sky).
Posted 22 May 2015 16:16
In order to demonstrate the two-way mirror efect of the walls we designed two interchangable wall pieces. One was made from mirrored perspex which represented the extorior view of the model, preventing external observers from viewing the inside and helping the model to blend with it's surrounds. The second piece was transparant perspex that was used to demonstrate the interior view form inside the hut.
Posted 22 May 2015 16:06
When assembling our design for Wittgenstein's hut we decidied that the walls themsleves were unecessary and have been almost completely left out. The floors and the roof (with the original tiles) have reamined.
Posted 22 May 2015 15:55
In order to respond to this brief we chose to explore Wittgenstein's language tractus, specifically his theories on 'language games'. The scheme we began with closely examined the idea of 'form over function' that words are represented by their function and not by visuals. From this we began to explore the idea of removing the hut from its context completely by using two-way glass.
Posted 22 May 2015 15:16