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After working on this project independently, we presented our finished work to MSA tutors along with other Events groups
Posted 22 May 2015 16:46

We had a visit from architect Jim Chapman, who reviewed our ideas and gave us useful feedback on how to improve. For the remainder of the day we worked on visualising our concept in this SketchUp model
Posted 22 May 2015 16:41

From what we came up with for the program inside the Cornerhouse building, we preferred the idea of creating a coffee market, exhibiting a wide selection of coffee beans from around the world.

After learning that coffee can be served on tap in a similar way to beer, we enjoyed the possibility of programming the coffee market much like a beer festival. This would provide a quick and fun way for commuters to get their morning dose of caffeine.
Posted 18 May 2015 17:37

Each group presented their ideas to Polly Bentham - founder of the 'Save the Cornerhouse' campaign. She provided feedback and discussed with us how we might to continue to develop our concepts.
Posted 18 May 2015 17:05

A day spent in studio coming up with initial ideas for the possible reuse of the Cornerhouse. These ideas were developed through diagrams and diagrammatical sketches.

The principal element of our concept is to influence the movement of commuters, and encourage them to pass through the Cornerhouse. To do this we would create a sort of passageway which would also provide a service for commuters.
Posted 18 May 2015 16:51

Site analysis. We visited the old Cornerhouse site in pairs and completed some diagrams and sketches. Afterwards we went to the new cultural hub, 'HOME' designed by Mecanoo.

From our analysis of the site, we concluded that a suitable reuse of the Cornerhouse would compliment one of the surrounding buildings. We considered the train station to heavily influence the site and the ideas we develop are likely to follow on from this.
Posted 18 May 2015 16:30

We looked at a series of case studies which examined the different methods of reusing a site. These methods were divided into three categories: Intervention, Insertion and installation.

In small groups we researched individual case studies. My group looked at the Lullaby Factory at the Great Ormond Street Hospital- an installation by Studio Weave.
Posted 12 May 2015 10:53