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Day 6.
In the end, the presentation went well and Z Arts Gallery client liked some of the ideas.
Posted 21 May 2015 22:06
Day 6.
In the last day we took pictures and assembled the stop motion video for the final presentation.
Posted 21 May 2015 21:59
Day 5.
We continued by creating a testing model of our idea and putting it all together in the room model. In the end we had an outside and inside playground, that had a lot of fun and educational factors for the kids. We had a colorful net idea for the outside room, the spinning tops that became furniture when dismantled and a really nice set design for the kids plays that usually occur in the gallery.
Posted 21 May 2015 21:53
Day 4.
In our individual groups we all had different tasks and for this specific day. I personally had to draw a couple of kids doing different activities. Those drawings will be further placed into our final presentation to create a short stop motion video.
Posted 21 May 2015 21:46
Day 3.
This day was dedicated to a small presentation with our main ideas for the playground. Each and one of us presented a whole bunch of amazing ideas and precedents. The day ended with concluding for a final design. Based on the story and style of each creation, we grouped in 4 main groups to work together on the final idea.
Posted 21 May 2015 21:42
Day 2.
In the following day, we mainly tried to create a realistic file of the whole room, as well as a laser cut file for the future model. Afterwards, we started brainstorming for the project.
Posted 21 May 2015 21:36
Day 1.
The main activity of the day was visiting the Z Arts Gallery from Hulme, palce that will hold our project development . We started by taking a tour of the building and ended in one of the main gallery rooms. Here we have listened to our client specifications for the project and took measurements of the room. The task was to create an educational and fun interior playground for kids.
Posted 21 May 2015 21:32