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On our last day we went to Whitworth Park and tested our kites. It was a great way to finish our collaboration with year 1 and 5 for this year and celebrate the success of our project. I would say I started and finished the year on a good note and the work for events made me even more enthusiastic for next year and my future projects.
Posted 22 May 2015 15:26
Day 6

We started the construction of our kite. Using bamboo sticks helped us create light structure, to which we attached even lighter textiles. At the end we drew on it a diagram reflecting our research and also reminding of Norway and the landscape surrounding the Hut.
Posted 22 May 2015 02:52
Day 5

My group started designing a kite. We wanted it to have two similar parts, representing Wittgenstein's earlier and later period, as well as concentrating on the transition between the two. We started with a test model in order to avoid mistakes when proceeding with the final one.
Posted 22 May 2015 02:44
Day 4

Our next task was to build up the model of our final proposal for the Hut. The result was a Hut with a series of open and more enclosed spaces, representing the two periods of Wittgenstein's life. Our design was based on the circulation diagram drawn by the philosopher and successfully represents his views on the questions of logic.
Posted 22 May 2015 00:32
Day 3
All groups presented their proposals using either sketch models or computer software. After showing our ideas and receiving some constructive critics we headed back to our studios and started applying the changes, trying to come up with a better design.
Posted 22 May 2015 00:26
Day 2
All the groups had to laser cut the parts from the Hut and spray it in white. The only bits we had to spray in different colour were the extension parts. Our next task was to start thinking of an interpretation of the original Hut, relating it to our research on Wittgenstein's logic.
Posted 21 May 2015 14:59
On our first meeting we were introduced to the project and in groups of four we had to start a research on one aspect of Ludwig Wittgenstein's life. My group had to study the questions of Logic, how they have changed throughout the philosopher's life and the way it's principles can be applied to Wittgenstein's Hut Extension.
Posted 21 May 2015 11:31