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This is a perspective of the city, show the transporters located between the domestic or commercial towers.
Posted 21 May 2015 17:47
The city plan illustrating how the transporters are located within the city to allow for people to travel within the city or outside.
Posted 21 May 2015 17:46
My final design was based on the sci-fic universe ‘Star Trek’. And the transportation method I designed comes from the existing idea in star trek, the transporter. In this universe, the people use the trap sorter to beam people to and out of the spaceship.

My idea was to apply this technology on the planet, allowing people to used this method to have international space travel for the people across the globe. This methods allow people to instantly travel anywhere on the planet.
Posted 21 May 2015 17:40
The scenario for my project is that it takes place roughly 300 years in the future. Technology has expanded and evolved dramatically from what we know today, and through it the prevent issues of society are all resolved. The entire world operated as a single government or system. Cars, plane, boats, all major methods of transportation have become obsolete. This is for several reasons, firstly, the energy used to power these vehicles are outdated, secondly the amount of materials used to construction the vehicles or the roads and paths is too much. And finely, the time consumption for traveling through these vehicles is too much. The technology of 2315 allows for instant travel around the world, individually, or in large numbers.

This has lead to the lack of need for motorways, or any other form of major or international travel paths. Transportation technology allows for people, food, good and everything else in-between to be transported instantly across the globe.
Posted 21 May 2015 16:06
Trying to create forms of space travel with a concept that humans create a Utopian society and working along side creatures of other planets.

Looking at a possibility that light particles can be used to create spaceships.
Posted 14 May 2015 23:02
Researching the future of Earth. Trying to come find out how the future will allow the advancements of technology and to know how much technology will advance.
Posted 14 May 2015 22:59