17// Day 6 // Sketchjam // we were grouped into 5/6 , each person is given a paper, one person shout one word, everyone interpret it into paper until one person say stop, then pass the paper to the person next to him/her, and the round continues until everyone get their on paper. This activity is very helpful in generating and linking ideas in group.
Posted 22 May 2015 14:50
Spaceport Exhibition Set Up. Posters made only with pen and paint.
Posted 22 May 2015 14:24
Spaceport Exhibition Set Up. Final Sketch with context.
Posted 22 May 2015 14:23
Spaceport Exhibition Set Up. Initial Sketch.
Posted 22 May 2015 14:22
Day 2 Sketch Walk: 15 second sketch on Market Street.
Posted 22 May 2015 14:21
Day 2 Sketch Walk: Market Street and Surroundings.
Posted 22 May 2015 14:21
Day 2 Sketch Walk: Piccadilly Gardens and surroundings.
Posted 22 May 2015 14:20
Day 1 Sketch Walk: Town Hall and surroundings.
Posted 22 May 2015 14:18
Day 1 Sketch Walk: Central Library and surroundings.
Posted 22 May 2015 14:17
16// Our pieces corner at Chorlton Art Festival
Posted 22 May 2015 02:03
15// Setting up boxes for our mobile exhibition
Posted 22 May 2015 02:00
14// Indoor sketching, The Whitworth Art Gallery
Posted 22 May 2015 01:50
13// Sharing session with the urban sketchers regarding sketching techniques, material and mix media and experience as urban sketchers.
Posted 22 May 2015 01:47
12// 3rd Day. Whitworth Art Gallery. We were lucky to be given the chance to engage with amazingly talented sketchers from Manchester Urban Sketchers Group.
Posted 22 May 2015 01:40
11// Indoor sketching in one of the atrium in Arndale
Posted 22 May 2015 01:37
We headed to Albert Square, doing our first sketch walk. It was such a great experience and the task was we were given 30 minutes to sketch which I would usually take an hour to finish it. This is the first sketch that I made during the activity.
Posted 22 May 2015 01:34
10// Group photo for the day
Posted 22 May 2015 01:22
9// Sketch of The Market Street, using pens and coloured marker
Posted 22 May 2015 01:11
8// 2nd day of our sketchwalk started at Piccadilly Garden. We started off the day with sketching the garden and later move to the Market Street. We were given task to do a quick sketch, as quick as 15 second to adapt with moving scene.
Posted 22 May 2015 01:10
7// Trying the exaggerated perspective technique for the first time. I guess as a first timer, its not bad after all.
Posted 22 May 2015 00:59
6// Trying out the hand-eye coordination technique thought by the fifth year earlier during the morning session. This technique requires us to draw/sketch without lifting the pen and without looking at the sketch. This is important to not lose the coordination.
Posted 22 May 2015 00:57
On our first meet up, we had a brief on the activities during the 2 -week event and more about urban sketching. Afterwards, Hakim gave us tutorials and tips on it such as how we draw the lines, drawing people in the scene, using different mediums in sketching and composition. Those were really helpful when we did our sketch walk.
Posted 22 May 2015 00:53
5// 1st sketch: The Central Library. I must admit my live sketching skill has become rusty
Posted 22 May 2015 00:53
Day 8 (20/5/2015)
It's the exhibition day! By using the doodled boxes, sketch books and strings, we designed the SpacePortX area into an art exhibition. We were lucky there were four columns in the area so we decided to use them to tie the strings and hang the loose sketches on them. We build up columns from the boxes and put out sketch books on top of them. Mr. Phillip Chin, our guest of the day also exhibit his 3D model and shared some tips on drawing. It was a good day!
Posted 21 May 2015 22:26
Day 7 (19/5/2015)
The second day at SpacePortX! This time we had a slideshow video by Hakym on how he started sketching and what inspired him. We then continued doodling on the boxes that were to be used for the final exhibition. After a while we stopped doodling and divided ourselves in a group of 4 to 5 people. By using pens, A2 papers and orange paint, we did posters using our hand and fingers as the brush. It was messy but exciting!
Posted 21 May 2015 22:24
Day 6 (18/5/2015)
It's our first day (and first time) at the SpacePortX. When we arrived at the space, we were asked to assemble the boxes and doodle on them. I decided to make paisley patterns with Manchester's details and landmarks on them. We then played a game where we drew things that were mentioned by the 5th year students and then pass it around in our group. It was challenging as we only conveyed the message through the drawings but it was fun! The output was ridiculous! Can you spot the 6 items in the drawing?
Posted 21 May 2015 22:20
Day 6: We continued to work on the boxes for the exhibition and also worked on creating posters to advertise the event. We were supplied with only orange paint in small groups and could only use our hands to create the poster.
Posted 21 May 2015 17:34
Day 7: We spent the day building our final exhibition by arranging the boxes. We displayed various drawings that were collected from Instagram by hanging them from string and also put our sketchbooks out for people to look through. We then talked about our work with guests who visited the exhibition.
Posted 21 May 2015 17:32
Day 5 (16/5/2015)
It's Chorlton Art Festival! We went to St. Clements Church in Chorlton to join the fun. This time we get to do sketch walk and interact with the society especially family even more. Some of the kids even joined us to sketch. We did a sketch and drawings of the church and the environment. Since it's a very lively festival, we had some colourful sketches :)
Posted 21 May 2015 15:57
We set up our final exhibition on Wednesday. The boxes were placed around a circle and all the sketch books were displayed on the top of the boxes. More drawings were hanging on the strings. The visual impact was pretty good and the visitors were all happy with what they see.
Posted 21 May 2015 15:52
Output Finalization.
Last day!
Working with my group to create booklet.
Posted 21 May 2015 13:21
4// second pit stop of day 1, The Town Hall
Posted 21 May 2015 12:55
3// first pit stop of our sketchwalk, The Central Library
Posted 21 May 2015 12:53
Day 8
The final day has come: Exhibition Day
We set up all of the boxes, drawings and sketchbooks into a sculpture like ensemble, we got a few visitors for our exhibition as well, but the result looked really good which made all of us happy.
Posted 21 May 2015 10:35
Day 7
On Tuesday we finished doodling on the boxes, for my box I chose to use different Romanian patterns that are usually used on clothing.
Posted 21 May 2015 10:32
Day 6
This week we moved indoor in SpacePortx where we started doodling on the boxes to create the final exhibition piece, along with sketching we also had some creative activities such as SketchJam which implied a group of people would start sketching a word and than exchange the sheets of paper and someone else would continue with another word what the first one started. The results were fantastic and very funny.
Posted 21 May 2015 10:29
Day 5
On Saturday we took part in the Chorlton Art Festival where we went to sketch and people also got to join us in sketching. After a few hours of sketching we started building our exhibition from the boxes we decorated on Friday and exhibited all of our drawings from that day.
Posted 21 May 2015 10:21
Day 4
On Friday we started preparing the exhibition pieces (boxes) for Saturday's Chorlton Arts Festival.
We decided on the arrangement of the boxes as well as the colour we should paint them and proceeded to paint
Posted 21 May 2015 10:12
Day 3
Interview with David Steeden from Manchester Urban Sketchers
Industrial Valuer
Favourite technique
Black ink and watercolours
For how long have you been sketching?
“A long, long time. I could say over 50 years"
Why did you start sketching?
“When you sketch, you get to understand a building, you start researching and finding out more about its history, you get more from it than just by taking a photograph"
Why did you join the Manchester urban sketchers?
"Because their purpose was sketching outside, and that’s what attracts me. For some people it might be the fear to sketch alone and other people watching them, but I just feel that sketching in a group is more productive"
Tips on sketching:
“The line does not have to be perfectly straight, its charm stands in the imperfection, and to be honest it makes the final output look more professional"
Posted 21 May 2015 10:03
Final exhibition at SpaceportX. We had an inspired sharing session with the talented artist, Mr Philip Chin.
Posted 21 May 2015 09:03
Day8// Exhibition Build
Posted 21 May 2015 03:04
Day8// It is exhibition day. We showed our sketchbooks on those doodled boxes and hanged up some sketches from 5th year seniors with clips and strings. And also a local illustrator Phillip Chin shared some drawing techniques with us which can benefit on our future architecture study.
Posted 21 May 2015 02:29
Doodles on the box for exhibtion.
Posted 21 May 2015 02:18
Day7// We continued doodling on our boxes. Then we had another activity that we need to design a poster to represent our event. Our group was like using orange paint and our own fingers to create one.
Posted 21 May 2015 02:16
Sketchjam! In this activity we got to experience a very different approach in generating ideas. We were split into groups of 5/6 and one of us had to say a word. We then drew what would represent the word best and passed the paper to the next person and the process was repeated, but under one condition: we had to connect the drawings. It's an effective way in making us think and because we each think differently there are a myriad of possibilities in conjuring up ideas.
Posted 21 May 2015 02:09
Day6// We prepared for our sketch fest exhibition in SpaceportX which located in city centre. We doodled those boxes for the exhibition. We also did a group activity that drawing something can fit together to make an image making sense.
Posted 21 May 2015 02:02
Day5// We went Cholton for the art festival with some urban sketchers. Quite a lot people came to this festival and they enjoyed the live music and food. After sketching, we tried to set up an exhibition, hanging our sketches with some clips.
Posted 21 May 2015 01:49
Day4// After 3 days sketching parade, we went back to Chatham to think about our exhibition. We designed to use 25 cardboard boxes which have been painted with white and orange colors to be the"display desk". And we were allocated into 4 groups. Different groups have different tasks. My group is doing a booklet of our event journey.
Posted 21 May 2015 01:30
Day3// We sketched with a group of urban sketchers in Whitworth Art Gallery. Those urban sketchers are really nice that shared some sketching tips with us. A sketcher told me that it is really important to keep drawing and draw it in a simple way, like using colors to create the atmosphere that you feel and sometimes, you just don't need to draw everything you see so accurate.
Posted 21 May 2015 00:58
Chorlton Arts Festival- with wide range of exhibitions and events both indoor and outdoor, Countless amount of artists and musicians who showcase and contribute their talents to us. The image above shown we were interviewing one artist and he showed to us how to draw sketches using watercolor. I have enjoyed this festival very much.
Posted 21 May 2015 00:57
On the 16th of May, we went to the Chorlton Arts Festival, we dis sketches on one A2 size paper, it's different than usual one, because the scene here is more active, people are singing, dancing and moving around.I feel a bit difficult to capture the moving people but it was not a bad practice and i realize how important to capture the most important outline of the drawing, we were engaged in this festival.
Posted 21 May 2015 00:41
Day2// We went to Piccadilly Garden and Market street which always crowded and busy. We were given some short tasks that sketched within a few seconds. This helps us to be more efficient while sketching moving scenes.
Posted 21 May 2015 00:38
I interviewed this photographer called Sarah.H, she just started drawing recently since the beginning of January, the reason for her to draw is that drawing will look more and think more than taking photos, it will look deeper on a site,been photographer is just simply click the button for 1 second. Just keep drawing, no matter what people think, Just do it.
Posted 21 May 2015 00:14
On the first day- 11th of May, we gathered around the central library and received the sketches material from senior; did some sketches and started our sketch journey.
Posted 20 May 2015 23:46
On the 20th of April, we have set up our sketch event show and have learnt a lot from the artist called Phillip Chin, he showed us how to sketch perspectives using pencil and ruler and afterwards highlight with fine line pens.
Posted 20 May 2015 23:08
Week 2 - Day 3 of Exhibition in Spaceport - Final Exhibition
Posted 20 May 2015 22:50
Week 2 - Day 3 of Exhibition in Spaceport - Final Exhibition
Today We have had our final exhibition. We have set it up like we have planned using the boxes as columns, with doodles on sides. Presenting our sketchbooks on top. We have also displayed work of people that uploaded their sketches on Instagram hash-tag.
During the day we had a workshop from local illustrator about drawing perspectives. His confidence, speed and accuracy in drawing was truly amazing!
Posted 20 May 2015 22:50
on the 18th of April, we have to use our imagination to draw sketches on the boxes that were provided to us. My Idea is to use barcode to draw on the boxes and send to MSA Sketch Festival Event.
Posted 20 May 2015 22:48
Week 2 - Day 2 of Exhibition in Spaceport
Continuing doodling on our boxes. Making them look presentable.
We have also had an exercise where we have proven drawing can be made using any material that is by hand. Like pen, yellow paint and our hands!
Posted 20 May 2015 22:34
Day 4 - Design and Curate
After doing the sketch walks we have decided to concentrate and gather ideas on how to create an exhibition from 25 boxes we have available. We had some requirements like It had to be taken easily apart and put back together. We have agreed on making columns from the boxes and displaying the work on them.
Me and the team we have got split into have started working on the final output which is a booklet. Gathering everyone drawings and arranging it together in in-design. Booklet of our Journey!
Posted 20 May 2015 22:29
More group exercise on our second day at SpaceportX. It’s a thumb painting poster of Manchester sketch festival. Before that, Hakym gave a talk about KL Sketch Nation Global to the visitors.
Posted 20 May 2015 20:37
Our second week of the event was held at SpaceportX. The first task was to doodling on the cardboard box where it will become a part of exhibition later. We also had a group exercise on how to create narrative by connecting some random sketches.
Posted 20 May 2015 20:28
Today was the final exhibition day. We designed and prepared the whole exhibition using the work we had done during these two weeks and some sketches which had been sent through Instagram from Malaysia.
Posted 20 May 2015 18:50
Exhibition day! Today we materialised the exhibition that we had curated. We presented our sketch books; doodled boxes; sketches from our partner sketchers in Malaysia; and had a model from local illustrator Philip. It was great to see our work collected! We also had an illustrative workshop from Phillip.
Posted 20 May 2015 17:23
On the second day in our exhibition space, we started our sessions with a talk from Hakym about Sketch Fest as an organisation and movement. In groups we then created a poster that represented our sketching workshops using pen and orange paint to sketch. Finally, we then continued to doodle on boxes in preparation for the exhibition tomorrow
Posted 20 May 2015 17:09
2// first brief on the two intense week by event coordinators
Posted 20 May 2015 14:47
Day 1// We had a meeting in Chatham and received out sketchbooks& t-shirts. After that one of the 5th year students gave us some tips on sketching like line-weighting, shadowing and other drawing technique. We went to central library and Albert square in the afternoon to do some urban sketches. I never had experience that sketching with a group of people together. I quite enjoy it because we can learn much from each other.
Posted 20 May 2015 14:44
1// freebies !! we were lucky to be sponsored with these tools :)
Posted 20 May 2015 14:15
Day 4 (15/5/2015)
After 3 days of sketch walk, we decided to concentrate on the exhibition. We were given 25 boxes and thread and asked to plan a mobile exhibition using the materials given. We first build up the boxes and paint them over with white and orange paint. As a final output, we decided to make columns out of them with different heights and random arrangements. Hope they will turn out great!
Posted 20 May 2015 10:50

Day 2 (12/5/2015)
The second day of sketch walk starts at Piccadilly Garden. We were asked to sketch the scenery around the area which is quite hard for me! Before we went to Market Street, Hakym taught us few other aspects in sketching which are frame and subject. We did a 30-seconds sketching at Market Street which I find very interesting, there's not much you can do within that time but with the right technique, you can draw the subject well. We also went in to Arndale for some indoor sketching.
Day 3 (13/5/2015)
The last day for sketch walk was held at The Whitworth Art Gallery. We did sketches together with the Manchester Urban Sketchers and learned some useful tips from them. I met Cathy who is a teacher and she gave me very useful tips for sketching and even showed me some of her favourite tools for sketching. I used a different technique this time for sketching to explore the variation. The weather is just nice for some outdoor sketching but it was windy so some of us went inside the gallery to do indoor sketching.
Posted 20 May 2015 10:40
Sketchwalk and outdoor exhibition at Chorlton Arts Festival. The cardboard boxes were not only for exhibiton, it also became our portable table. I had a good time and it was a great experience as I never went and sketching at art festival.
Posted 20 May 2015 10:33
After three days of sketch walk, we now focus on planning the exhibition. Our challenge is to design a portable structure made from cardboard and thread. Since our event theme colour is orange, we decided to paint white as a background and smudged it with orange colour on each side of the cardboard. Due to the safety precaution, the ‘spraying’ activity was done outside the building.
Posted 20 May 2015 07:26
The events became more exciting when we were joined by Manchester’s urban sketchers on the third day of our sketch walk. It was fun chatting while sketching with them. They all were very friendly and talented. I was amazed looking on one of the sketchers sketchbook. The guy in the picture whom I forgot his name (sorry about that) had been sketching for almost three years and he already had thirteen sketchbooks. His did mention “practice makes perfect”.
Posted 20 May 2015 06:39
It was cold and windy on the second day. We manage to sketch scenery of Piccadilly Garden and Market Street before we went inside the Arndale shopping center.i never knew that we need permission to draw or take picture inside the mall. Anyway, I had fun doing the 30 seconds quick sketch exercise where it train us on what to focus in our drawing.
Posted 20 May 2015 06:04
Sketches of central library, Albert square and town hall from our first day of sketchwalk. We were lucky because the weather on that day was sunny. One of the tips that Hakym shared to us is the line for sketching doesn't necessarily need to be straight.
Posted 20 May 2015 05:46
We continued to decorate the box today and I did another abstract portrait. Then we had a fun sketching section that we used our hands to draw and only worked with one colour. Our group leader was trying to tell us that sketching does not have to be expensive and there are always numerous medium to use. Experimenting with different medium and drawing with hands is exciting and fun, the results may not look professional and refined, but the process took me out of my comfort zone and challenged me.
Posted 19 May 2015 22:06
Saturday's urban sketch at Chorlton Arts Festival. Love the sun (minus the wind), the crowd, lively music, and the beautiful sparkling tint that warms the air.
Posted 19 May 2015 19:39
We joined the Manchester Urban Sketchers on the third day at the Whitworth Art Gallery and got to know some useful tips in urban sketching. We mingled with them and I found myself learning quicker by getting to know how the more experienced sketchers sketch.
I wanted to capture the sense of the space and tried out the distorted perspective composition in one of my sketches.
Posted 19 May 2015 19:12
These three pictures were the final drawings on Monday. When I was drawing on the box, I wanted to do something abstract as we have been sketching real subjects for four days. So the idea of this random pattern was inspired by the pattern of the timber flooring in Spaceport. And the portrait drawing was just following the style of the last pattern. The third picture was from the group exercise.
Posted 19 May 2015 18:54
We started to prepare for our Sketchfest Exhibition in SpaceportX on Monday. We doodled on the exhibition boxes, then we did a group brainstorming exercise in groups of 6. Each of us got to say a random word and all of us need to draw the word and pass our paper to the next person. This process stops when we get our first paper back, this session was fun and creative, different people think differently and the drawings we produced was so unique and interesting.
Posted 19 May 2015 18:37