Group 04 { Architecture behind the Scenes }
Employing architectural skills and creative thinking in the alternative field of set design. // Download Poster
Atelier: CPU, MSAp
Paraskevi V // Iustina N // Yu T // Mansvi J // Isabelle C // Jing L // Georgia H // Alice M // Srishti N // Mahishini V // Katherine F // Andrew A // Elina B // Panrawee S // Chun O // Jack W // Maria-Magdalena A
6. The presentation to the client went well. We need more images to show all the schemes in context more as currently they feel like separate projects. However, the design fun was and imaginative.
Posted 22 May 2015 16:24
5. This is the plan of the scheme. The pods and covers of the holes used for the noodles are in different colours.
Posted 22 May 2015 16:24
4. A 1:50 model was made along with a 1:20 partial model of the room. We needed both scales to show the scheme as the hair curler used are at 1:20, however doing the entire space at 1:20 would be too big. The noodles and pods are then made at 1:20 while the outside space is at 1:50.
Posted 22 May 2015 16:21
3. We formed groups and discussed and combined our ideas. We talked about the issues with the design brought up at the previous review session with the client and worked through them. Then we discussed how to best present the idea through models.
Posted 22 May 2015 16:21
2. This is a sketch of the initial idea. Soft furniture is used in the play area and also forms the set for children’s theatre. They deck outside is extended with an outdoor green area.
Posted 22 May 2015 16:19
1. On the first day we met with the client who informed us of what was needed in the space. We also measured the room to draw the section and plan.
Posted 22 May 2015 16:16
Reflection: Although initially there was a lack of enthusiasm for the project (because the event had been changed last minute), we all became more enthused once we started exploring and developing ideas. Being involved in a live project was a great opportunity, giving us a first-hand insight into how things work in the "real world". The prospect of our proposals really being built made the whole process much more exciting and motivated us to produce the best designs possible in the little time we had. I look forward to hearing back from Saskia about which ideas she chooses to take forward and eventually see them resolved and finaly constructed in the centre.
Posted 22 May 2015 15:43
Thursday: we presented our final proposals as a group to Saskia using a digital presentation and models (as they proved successful in last weeks presentations). It was good to present to someone outside of architecture - the feedback we received shone a light on other aspects that we and others hadn't considered.
Posted 22 May 2015 15:26
The final model was the most important element of the presentation as it allowed Saskia to visualise our proposals. We made the model at 1:20
Posted 22 May 2015 15:19
The final day morning was dedicated to getting the final presentation, photographs and the stopmotion video ready. Refining the model before presenting it to Saskia.
Posted 22 May 2015 14:42
On the second day we presented our diagrams, sections and plans for the space. A simple circulation diagram was made on site showing the potential and existing entrances represented by yellow and red arrows.
Posted 22 May 2015 14:40
Stop motion images showing the use and movement of the exterior netting space by the kids.
Posted 22 May 2015 14:35
On the fifth day, the group worked on the final presentation model. The interior concept was based on the rope and pulley system, which was a bit tedious to create on a 1:50 model. The outdoor space, the balcony, was were the vertical zoning idea was based on. The initial model was not that ideal to represent the idea, hence I had to refine it.
Posted 22 May 2015 14:26
On the fourth day we had to refine and present our ideas to the fifth years and a member of the Z- Arts Gallery. Later on, we were divided into groups to collaborate our ideas into the space.
Posted 22 May 2015 14:22
The third day was dedicated to finalizing and presenting our initial ideas for the gallery. The key focus was on safety and creativity as Saskia was concerned about the heavy furniture the kids had to work with. My initial ideas were modular furniture and vertical zoning.
Posted 22 May 2015 14:20
From the model and renders, the other group members were able to bring the renders into photoshop and create perspectives including people and the use of the schemes. Together these were then combined into a presentation which showed diagrams, drawings, perspectives and precedent to give Z Arts a detailed image of what we were proposing.
Posted 22 May 2015 13:12
Our main target for completion of work was by Thursday so we could present our proposals to Saskia from Z Arts. So to represent some of our ideas we created diagrams and axos to show how the floor could be changed with pieces being able to be removed to create seating.
Posted 22 May 2015 13:03
In the second week we got into groups of 4 to combine ideas and create an overall scheme for the space. We decided to go the route of using a 3D model to gather perspectives from. So I used rhino to create a model of the space with each of the different ideas being represented.
Posted 22 May 2015 13:02
Day 06
On our last day, we presented our proposals with the final finished models to Saskia and the 5th year students.
The model here shows the interior space of the gallery space with movable walls with different purposes.
On our last day, we presented our proposals with the final finished models to Saskia and the 5th year students.
The model here shows the interior space of the gallery space with movable walls with different purposes.
Posted 22 May 2015 09:45
Day 5.
Working on the interior of our proposal. Ropes were glued to the metallic connection elements (70 bent wires to create circle connection element). Image above shows progression of swing glueing. Trying to create different spaces, sets and furniture types for the project.
Working on the interior of our proposal. Ropes were glued to the metallic connection elements (70 bent wires to create circle connection element). Image above shows progression of swing glueing. Trying to create different spaces, sets and furniture types for the project.
Posted 22 May 2015 02:38
Day 6.
Screenshots from our final presentation video. They show couple of different scenarios how the space could be used.
Screenshots from our final presentation video. They show couple of different scenarios how the space could be used.
Posted 22 May 2015 02:35
Day 4.
Some quick AutoCAD diagrams and a SketchUp model that are describing my idea about rope usage in the space. In the end of the day we were divided into 4 groups with an aim to put our ideas together into one project.
Some quick AutoCAD diagrams and a SketchUp model that are describing my idea about rope usage in the space. In the end of the day we were divided into 4 groups with an aim to put our ideas together into one project.
Posted 22 May 2015 01:58
Day 3.
Everyone came in with their own precedents and research. After presenting our own ideas we had to narrow our choice to one. The images above show the idea that I decided to focus on more, try to find a way to mix playfulness of swings with functionality of set design (for theatre).
Everyone came in with their own precedents and research. After presenting our own ideas we had to narrow our choice to one. The images above show the idea that I decided to focus on more, try to find a way to mix playfulness of swings with functionality of set design (for theatre).
Posted 22 May 2015 01:10
Day 2.
The following day was spent drawing plans and sections so that they could be shared with the whole group. Later on, while in the model making workshop, drawings for laser cutter were created.
The following day was spent drawing plans and sections so that they could be shared with the whole group. Later on, while in the model making workshop, drawings for laser cutter were created.
Posted 22 May 2015 00:53
Day 1.
A trip to Z arts in Hulme where we had a tour through the whole building, received our brief, took down measurements and diagramed the site.
A trip to Z arts in Hulme where we had a tour through the whole building, received our brief, took down measurements and diagramed the site.
Posted 22 May 2015 00:25
Exterior part of finish model. A close up image showing the light effects and hanging chairs.
Posted 22 May 2015 00:01
Day 5
We were put into groups to discuss the concepts and combine all the ideas. The main concept is the rope and pulley installation to enable countless possibilities of settings in the gallery. By changing the hung boards and decorations, children could also get to design the programme of the learning centre themselves.
We were put into groups to discuss the concepts and combine all the ideas. The main concept is the rope and pulley installation to enable countless possibilities of settings in the gallery. By changing the hung boards and decorations, children could also get to design the programme of the learning centre themselves.
Posted 21 May 2015 23:48
On our final day, each group presented their ideas to Saskia from Z arts. It went quite well where all groups received positive feedback and some ideas would be taken forward.
Posted 21 May 2015 23:44
On Monday we started working in our small groups where we had to incorporate all our ideas to arrive at one scheme for the final presentation. As a group we discussed and drew a few sketches to understand how to connect the exterior and interior spaces. We made a few changes to the existing gallery space by raising the height of the floor to incorporate one of the ideas in the group. It was a very productive day and we coordinated well as a group. The perspective above shows one of the ideas as to how the exterior balcony space could be converted to a place where kids could interact with nature by growing their own flowers.
Posted 21 May 2015 23:32
On day 7 each group presented our schemes to Saskia from Z-Arts.
Posted 21 May 2015 23:24
Perspective showing a possible division of the room once everything has been put away, leaving a plain, unobstructed space.
Posted 21 May 2015 23:23
Today we presented our developed concept 'Into the Jungle' to Saskia from Z-arts. The presentation went well, although it could be improved by creating a photomontage showing all the concept models within one room. Saskia liked our ideas and hopefully will take aspects of them forwards.
Posted 21 May 2015 23:23
Perspectives showing how the flexible wall can be utilised with the other aspects of the scheme still being used.
Posted 21 May 2015 23:22
On Day 6 we completed our model, showing inside and outdoor space. We also took videos to show the affect of the coloured roof used in the outdoor space.
Posted 21 May 2015 23:22
Diagramming various ways the soft wall (by molo design) could be utilised to divide the space.
Posted 21 May 2015 23:21
A photograph of the 1:50 model tunnel I created for the outside space. Netting has been added in places to improve safety and provide extra grip when the tunnel requires climbing.
Posted 21 May 2015 23:20
Day six - the models looked great together and made our presentation a lot more visual and tactile.
Posted 21 May 2015 23:19
This final photomontage of the outdoor area shows how the completed tunnel model fits within the space. Adults are able to interact with the tunnel as well as the children as it also functions as a seating area. The 'noodles' that were developed mainly for the inside space have been added as a permanent feature outside- this ties the two spaces together.
Posted 21 May 2015 23:18
Day six - on the final day we presented our team ideas for the space to Saskia, the creative director at Z-arts.
Posted 21 May 2015 23:18
Day five - we split into groups of four and then discussed how our ideas could fit together as one proposal, taking aspects of all of them and working to solve issues with each, as a team. The next couple of days were spent model-making in order to creatively represent our design.
Posted 21 May 2015 23:16
Drilling holes for "noodles" on Tuesday in prep for the the model and presentation on Thursday. The model only shows a portion of the gallery and is 1:20 in scale. We decided to make a larger model so that we could use real hair curlers as noodles (which the concept is based on) instead of finding smaller and less suitable substitutes. There will be another smaller model (1:50) which will show the whole gallery and other proposals within it.
Posted 21 May 2015 23:13
The fifth day was spent combining each group members ideas and starting to make models. I made this larger scale model of the 'life-size' pop-up book that would be used by children when performing plays.
Posted 21 May 2015 23:03
Day 6
Final Model completed in time for the presentation. Overall had a wonderful time building the model with my group mates and it came out well.
Final Model completed in time for the presentation. Overall had a wonderful time building the model with my group mates and it came out well.
Posted 21 May 2015 22:14
Day 6.
In the end, the presentation went well and Z Arts Gallery client liked some of the ideas.
In the end, the presentation went well and Z Arts Gallery client liked some of the ideas.
Posted 21 May 2015 22:06
Day 6.
In the last day we took pictures and assembled the stop motion video for the final presentation.
In the last day we took pictures and assembled the stop motion video for the final presentation.
Posted 21 May 2015 21:59
Day 5.
We continued by creating a testing model of our idea and putting it all together in the room model. In the end we had an outside and inside playground, that had a lot of fun and educational factors for the kids. We had a colorful net idea for the outside room, the spinning tops that became furniture when dismantled and a really nice set design for the kids plays that usually occur in the gallery.
We continued by creating a testing model of our idea and putting it all together in the room model. In the end we had an outside and inside playground, that had a lot of fun and educational factors for the kids. We had a colorful net idea for the outside room, the spinning tops that became furniture when dismantled and a really nice set design for the kids plays that usually occur in the gallery.
Posted 21 May 2015 21:53
Day 4.
In our individual groups we all had different tasks and for this specific day. I personally had to draw a couple of kids doing different activities. Those drawings will be further placed into our final presentation to create a short stop motion video.
In our individual groups we all had different tasks and for this specific day. I personally had to draw a couple of kids doing different activities. Those drawings will be further placed into our final presentation to create a short stop motion video.
Posted 21 May 2015 21:46
Day 3.
This day was dedicated to a small presentation with our main ideas for the playground. Each and one of us presented a whole bunch of amazing ideas and precedents. The day ended with concluding for a final design. Based on the story and style of each creation, we grouped in 4 main groups to work together on the final idea.
This day was dedicated to a small presentation with our main ideas for the playground. Each and one of us presented a whole bunch of amazing ideas and precedents. The day ended with concluding for a final design. Based on the story and style of each creation, we grouped in 4 main groups to work together on the final idea.
Posted 21 May 2015 21:42
Day 2.
In the following day, we mainly tried to create a realistic file of the whole room, as well as a laser cut file for the future model. Afterwards, we started brainstorming for the project.
In the following day, we mainly tried to create a realistic file of the whole room, as well as a laser cut file for the future model. Afterwards, we started brainstorming for the project.
Posted 21 May 2015 21:36
Day 1.
The main activity of the day was visiting the Z Arts Gallery from Hulme, palce that will hold our project development . We started by taking a tour of the building and ended in one of the main gallery rooms. Here we have listened to our client specifications for the project and took measurements of the room. The task was to create an educational and fun interior playground for kids.
The main activity of the day was visiting the Z Arts Gallery from Hulme, palce that will hold our project development . We started by taking a tour of the building and ended in one of the main gallery rooms. Here we have listened to our client specifications for the project and took measurements of the room. The task was to create an educational and fun interior playground for kids.
Posted 21 May 2015 21:32
Today we got to present our final group proposals to the creative arts director, Saskia. After presenting our ideas she seemed really happy with our ideas, which was really gratifying for us after the work and the enthusiasm we put in this project. Overall this project was an amazing experience for me that gave me an insight on the way real life projects are approached.
Posted 21 May 2015 20:52
On Tuesday each one of us developed a specific part of the design creating perspective images based on the 3D model that would portray the textures of materials and indicate the scale by the addition of human figures of both the interior and the exterior. Having worked on the images beforehand on Wednesday we got the opportunity to discuss technical improvements we could make to make our concepts even clearer. At the end of the day we started out planning how the presentation would be organized.
Posted 21 May 2015 20:34
On Monday we worked in our group trying to finalize an idea of how both the interior and the exterior will look like. After discussing our ideas and sketching out some general ideas of how specific elements would work within the space we realized that in order to materialize our idea we had to make significant changes to the level of the floor, by lifting it and adding ramps to the two sides. We managed to visualize the design more accurately by making a 3D model with Rhino, which a second year student was really good at and helped us through.
Posted 21 May 2015 19:54
On the fourth day we had to present a bit more of a developed idea to Paul from Z-Arts. After our presentation we recieved feedback from both Paul and our Fifth Years and were sorted into groups of 4 to work towards our final schemes.
Posted 21 May 2015 19:28
Our group's proposal for the exterior space is to make use of the natural lighting available and create interesting patterns using coloured windows. This will create a vibrant space when the shadows are cast on and it would change constantly with the direction of the sun.
Posted 21 May 2015 18:24
Some finishing touches before the final presentation. Models were used to sell our whole idea as it would be the best way to show how the interactive walls operate.
Posted 21 May 2015 17:34
We are working on different components of the final proposal. This is the beginning of a model of a drawing wall where there are paper rolls for children to draw on. Lots of colours are going into our proposal as it is going to be a fun space for kids.
Posted 21 May 2015 17:20
On Friday, a representative form Z-Arts came and we each presented our individual proposals for the given site. It was interesting to see all the different fun and unique ideas from other group members. At the end of the day, concepts from different people were grouped together to further improve the ideas for the final group proposal.
Posted 21 May 2015 17:15
Day 3 - we were set the task of finding precedent and ideas for our scheme and spent the third day presenting them and getting feedback
Posted 21 May 2015 13:31
Day 6
Made progress with final model. Today was basically a full work day on the final model and presentation for the upcoming day.
Made progress with final model. Today was basically a full work day on the final model and presentation for the upcoming day.
Posted 21 May 2015 03:28
Day 3
We present our concept for the Z -arts gallery space, which is a creative learning space for kids. Most precedents we have looked are about movable furniture and interior playing and learning space. I was searching for examples on movable furniture until I stumbled upon Pentominoes, which I proposed a movable structure consist of the pieces.
We present our concept for the Z -arts gallery space, which is a creative learning space for kids. Most precedents we have looked are about movable furniture and interior playing and learning space. I was searching for examples on movable furniture until I stumbled upon Pentominoes, which I proposed a movable structure consist of the pieces.
Posted 21 May 2015 02:08
Day 2
We produced some drawings and diagrams of the site to prepare for our task. We would develop our concept and look for some precedent for the next day.
We produced some drawings and diagrams of the site to prepare for our task. We would develop our concept and look for some precedent for the next day.
Posted 21 May 2015 01:43
Day 1
Site visit in Z arts Hulme and meeting with Saskia to get the brief. We get to tour around and measure the interior which we would work on later.
Site visit in Z arts Hulme and meeting with Saskia to get the brief. We get to tour around and measure the interior which we would work on later.
Posted 21 May 2015 01:33
Day 2 - we had to complete tasks in groups of creating plans sections and perspectives, from which we all combined our work to get a general idea of dimensions for us all to work from.
Posted 20 May 2015 16:09
Day 1 - we took a trip to Z arts in Hulme to receive our brief and to take down measurements and diagrams from site analysis.
Posted 20 May 2015 16:03
Today has been a very slow, long,messy day of tunnel sculpting. I've found it very difficult to bend the wire (and then papier-mâché it) into a position that is not only structurally sound but aswell be practical for the adults and exciting for the children. Hopefully tomorrow things will start to come together!
Posted 19 May 2015 23:30
Day 05
Today, all the individual groups had to work on their respective designs for the mock presentation in front of the 5th year students.
The picture above is of my group working on the model of our proposal
Today, all the individual groups had to work on their respective designs for the mock presentation in front of the 5th year students.
The picture above is of my group working on the model of our proposal
Posted 19 May 2015 19:46
On Friday our individual proposals were presented to a representative of Z-arts centre. Through this procedure I believe that our main learning outcome was that our presentations ought to be clear and straight to the point. That is a skill that we have been working on from the beginning of the year however the fact that our ideas were presented to a client, who is not involved in the field of architecture or design in general, made it even clearer for me to realize the significance of it. After the presentations we were separated into four groups aiming to develop a design combining two ideas that were proposed in class.
Posted 19 May 2015 11:23
Day four - individually, we presented our initial proposals for the room and/or outside space. We used precedents, drawings and models to convey our ideas. Getting feedback from both the client and 5th years really helped to develop the designs further. This is my proposal for wrap around pods which can be used as both partitioning walls and as an enclosed space for creative play.
Posted 19 May 2015 10:15
Day two - we used the information gathered from our site analysis to produce a collection of plans, sections, diagrams and photo montages so as to better understand the space. With these, we could then begin to think about how to redesign the space to fit the requirements of the client.
Posted 19 May 2015 10:10
Day one - we visited the site of Z arts to grasp an idea of how the building functioned with its various hosting requirements - from dance and drama to music, children’s play and this redundant gallery space. We were told that the room in question was to be redesigned to be multifunctional and ignite the imagination of children from just months old to 15 years. What particularly interested me was the enclosed outside area and the suggestion that the room might be opened up to create a better dynamic between inside and out.
Posted 19 May 2015 10:00
Day 1
On the first day we were all introduced one another and had a short brief about the event. After lunch we went to Z art Gallery for a site analysis. We were brought on a tour around the building before entering the gallery spaces. We were given information about the gallery and after that we spent our time measuring the spaces on the site
On the first day we were all introduced one another and had a short brief about the event. After lunch we went to Z art Gallery for a site analysis. We were brought on a tour around the building before entering the gallery spaces. We were given information about the gallery and after that we spent our time measuring the spaces on the site
Posted 18 May 2015 21:55
Day 2
After our site visit, with all the information obtain. We started making Plans, sections and diagram on 1:50 scale which would be helpful on the process on redesigning the gallery space.
After our site visit, with all the information obtain. We started making Plans, sections and diagram on 1:50 scale which would be helpful on the process on redesigning the gallery space.
Posted 18 May 2015 21:53
Day 3
We had a short presentation on our precedent on how we want to approach to redesign the gallery. We were given feedback by Year 5 to focus on and developed from the precedent we showed.
We had a short presentation on our precedent on how we want to approach to redesign the gallery. We were given feedback by Year 5 to focus on and developed from the precedent we showed.
Posted 18 May 2015 21:51
Day 4
We had to present our proposal concept to the Client from Z art Gallery spaces. After everyone presenting our proposal, we got feedback by our Clients and Year 5. By the end of the day we had been divided into groups to combine different proposal into one. Model during the presentation was one of the successful ways due to it was easier to show and explain the concept.
We had to present our proposal concept to the Client from Z art Gallery spaces. After everyone presenting our proposal, we got feedback by our Clients and Year 5. By the end of the day we had been divided into groups to combine different proposal into one. Model during the presentation was one of the successful ways due to it was easier to show and explain the concept.
Posted 18 May 2015 21:48
Day 4
On our day 04, we had to individually present our proposals for the gallery space in the Z arts gallery in front of the Education Head of the gallery. By the end of the day we were divided into groups of four with four basic ideas that we are expected to move forward with. The picture above show the precedents of my proposal on how the space can be used.
On our day 04, we had to individually present our proposals for the gallery space in the Z arts gallery in front of the Education Head of the gallery. By the end of the day we were divided into groups of four with four basic ideas that we are expected to move forward with. The picture above show the precedents of my proposal on how the space can be used.
Posted 18 May 2015 18:52
On Friday we presented our individual proposals to the the 5th year students and a member of the Z arts. After a discussion we were split into groups and told to in cooperate all our ideas into one. The perspective shows the idea I wanted to create of changing the exterior space into a space in which the kids can interact with nature and their surroundings.
Posted 18 May 2015 14:51
Today we presented our proposals for the refurbishment of the z arts gallery space. The use of models proved to be especially helpful when pitching to the client as it allowed him to visualise and understand our concepts much more successfully. The proposals which included models seemed to have much more impact and stir more enthusiasm in the client compared with those which didn't, showing just how crucial models can be in developing and communicating an idea.
Posted 16 May 2015 00:16
Today we each presented our proposals for the Z arts gallery space. After a discussion of where each idea could be improved, we divided up into groups of related proposals.
Posted 15 May 2015 23:32