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Group 19 { Transport and Transmission Futures }

Future forms of city transport. // Download Poster

Atelier: CPU

Minority Report: I was specifically looking at the different modes of transport and the effect of this control element. The film included completely autonomous, self driven cars which the passengers had some but not a lot of control over. The fact that the cars were self driven with no manual override demonstrated that the public are controlled in respect of where they could venture within the environment and illustrated the inequality. Certain individuals were not comfortable with this inequality and wanted the ability to control and manage their future. The self drive cars were obviously a small part of this control mechanism. Ultimately they wanted the abilty to make their own decisions so that the pre-crime division could not prempt their actions.

This is a quote from the film Minority Report:
John Anderton: Why'd you catch that?
Danny Witwer: Because it was going to fall.
John Anderton: You're certain?
Danny Witwer: Yeah.
John Anderton: But it didn't fall. You caught it. The fact that you prevented it from happening does not change the fact that it was *going* to happen.
Posted 19 May 2015 13:39
Posted 19 May 2015 12:50
Posted 19 May 2015 12:48
My scenario that influencing my future transport is that there is an outbreak of disease affecting humans where a bug is controlling our brain, it is not an air born disease. Earth in 2115 has turned into a zombie apocalypse. High walls will protect towns and cities as barriers all round acting as a boundary between the infected and the non-infected humans.
Posted 18 May 2015 17:42
After the first day of collaborating, I researched into many films to gather ideas for my scenario and technology for my future transport and came across a few relating to the scenario I wanted to create which was World War Z. I understood the ways in which to protect the humans form the infected ones.
Posted 18 May 2015 17:17
With the support of Hendo Technology, the hover board is not a imagination anymore. When we talk about magnetic levitation, the easiest way is to use two permanent and strong magnets to repel each other to achieve a simple object that floats.It all sounds very simple and feasible until Earnshaw's Theorem comes in. It states that when two strong permanent magnets are repelling each other, one of the magnet will then flip and attracts to the other one, no matter the size of the magnets, given an amount of time. Hendo's technology then decided to use the simple theory of Lenz's Law to create its own magnetic field and uses the Magnetic Field Architecture (MFA) to concentrate and generating stronger magnetic field to sustain human weights. The only problem is that it can only levitate over copper and aluminium surfaces since the Earth's magnetic field itself is still too weak. With the latest proposal of Floating City, I believe we are able to install our own magnetic field in the sky by then. And with this technology, I believe that hovering transportation is not just a dream anymore.

Posted 16 May 2015 01:17
Given the knowledge that the Earth might be covered in water in 100 years and because of urbanization due to population growth, I would imagine people of the future will start living in the sky.
Posted 16 May 2015 01:06
With the rise of the amount of Methane, Carbon Monoxide and Carbon Dioxide in the air, the future of the Earth in 100 years doesn't seem very optimistic. World leaders are finding a solution to generate more energy rather than fuel and coal, but bearing in mind that mother nature is always ahead of us. Here's the question: Will the Earth still it be the same in 100 years?
By 2030, our population will hit 8 billion people, reservoir starts to evaporate and food rationing will begin due to not enough clean water.
By 2070, sea level will increase significantly due to the meltdown of Greenland, causing the remapping of Earth's surfaces. Cities start to drown.
By 2080, virus starts to breakthrough and causing death to human without proper meal and clean water. Population slides down to 4.8 billion people.
By 2115, which is the agenda's target, the civil society depletes and human will go back to the dark ages, fighting for food, for energy, for clean water, for what is left.

Posted 16 May 2015 00:37
Posted 15 May 2015 18:04
For my research for modern transportation systems in futuristic cities I watched iRobot and Minority Report.
Both these films use the automatic driving systems which is what I am aiming for in my scenario.
Segregation between manually driven cars and automatically driven cars is what i have taken from these films. The automatic cars will be elevated above the normal traffic
Posted 15 May 2015 11:36
Have a go to create the single transport in the future..

This kind of car has two modes.It can fly in the air powered by the special handled fire, which has quite high speed. Once the car is broke down or the driver is drunk,the car can change to the common mode by itself. Car will be on the ground and it can be drived by computer to safe place if the driver is drunk. In that case, no car will broke down in the air so that fewer traffic jams will turn up.
Posted 14 May 2015 23:51
Trying to create forms of space travel with a concept that humans create a Utopian society and working along side creatures of other planets.

Looking at a possibility that light particles can be used to create spaceships.
Posted 14 May 2015 23:02
Researching the future of Earth. Trying to come find out how the future will allow the advancements of technology and to know how much technology will advance.
Posted 14 May 2015 22:59