Day 8- Development of the design. Looking at the shape and the shells. Here is an example of one of the possible shells and one of the possible combinations.
Posted 22 May 2015 16:48
Day 9-Final events Poster. Summarising the more important technology and a brief idea of my design. Although I regret not being able to develop the idea further and go into more detail in some areas such as the in car entertainment system.
Posted 22 May 2015 16:43
This picture shows the inside of future vehicle. The steering wheel is like planes' steering control.I also drew a section of the future cityscape to show the 3 levels of transportation more clearly.
Posted 22 May 2015 16:41
Day 7-Further development of ideas, looking into the shell of the vehicle and other aspects such as performance, ergonomics and aesthetics.
Posted 22 May 2015 16:25
Day 5-Initial sketches on the working of the car for movement. To decrease the energy needed to move the car; I looked at electromagnetism for the car to float and be able to travel without road surface friction. Only resistance is air resistance. Also looking into the car being in different exchanging parts but allow for an engine slot and a passenger and load slots.
Posted 22 May 2015 16:22
Day 6- I concentrated on some technologies to make the car work. Nano technology is one the main technologies that I am using. The Nano bugs have multiple purposes and can easily adapt to any needs. Other technologies I looked into are capacitors, hydraulic engines, suspension systems, computers and more.
Posted 22 May 2015 16:18
Day 4-We researched into the technology used in science fiction movies, existing researched technology and existing technology. We tried to use a mixture of these technology to created a futuristic transport. My research took me to nano technology, electromagnetism, 3d and 4d entertainment, computer and console gaming, self drive system, GPS and the nuclear reactor.
Posted 22 May 2015 16:12
Day 3-We presented our initial ideas and we had a discussion about our scenarios and our initial thoughts on the technology within our future transports.
Posted 22 May 2015 16:02
After watching other events groups present, It came our groups turn at around 12:30pm. Three of use from our group presented our work, including me. I talked briefly about my scenario, my chosen technology and how it works, final output for mode of transport, the final output of how the future transportation system works, and presented my main visual for the future cityscape at a larger scale which was the main final photo collage output require to produce.
Posted 22 May 2015 14:38
This is how the hydrocraft will work.
Posted 22 May 2015 14:29
During the last week I had put together two A2 presentation boards with the most significant work on ready to present on Friday.
Posted 22 May 2015 14:19
Before exhibiting and presenting our events work I had watched a couple of other event group presentations and was really inspired by the work they produced, next time I would like to implement some of the ideas they had for their process they went through into my work. I liked how every group approach their event with a different solution.
Posted 22 May 2015 14:18
This is the future cityscape. It has skyscrappers and floating cities that can be reached by water transport.
Posted 22 May 2015 13:52
The Hydrocraft will be the main form of transport in the future. With it being powered by electicity stored in the fuel cell converted from hydrogen.
Posted 22 May 2015 13:49
In the future, because of the abundance of water, hydrogen will be the main source of energy. Fusion energy will also be sustainable. Electricity converted from hydorgen will be the main souce of power.
Posted 22 May 2015 13:46
My scenario is like a modern day Venice as global warming has taken its toll and covered 40% of the Earths land surface.
Posted 22 May 2015 13:43
I watched two films, Waterworld and the Day after Tomorrow. Both have inspired me to do a scenario similar to the movies.
Posted 22 May 2015 13:41
The inside of the car is minimalist to reduce ware and as this cars would be inconstant use this would help keep them clean and usable, the car itself has sliding doors on each side to allow easy access and would seat six people with ample room for any luggage.
Posted 22 May 2015 13:35
On a larger scale there would be a network of one way streets that would cross through the city allowing quick access to anywhere in the city, because there is no friction between the car and the road the cars can run at speeds around 250 mph, and due to the cars being self driving this can be done safely.
Posted 22 May 2015 13:26
My mode of transport is a hovering car that is self driving, in the scenario no one would own a car, the car would be in constant motion working like a taxi and could be summoned with a smart phone like device. Once a car is requested the closest available free car would come and collect you and take you to the location requested through your smart phone.
Posted 22 May 2015 13:26
As my scenario called for a mode of transport that needs fuel I started to look at methods to reduce the waited energy such as heat and noise, one way I found to do this is to use superconductive magnets to hover thus removing friction as a factor. I also looked at self driving cars as if human error could be removed from the cars accidents would be reduced, speed could be increased and the car would always be driving at its most efficient.
Posted 22 May 2015 13:22
My scenario is that of an overpopulated world that is running low on both space and fuel, for these reasons the population of earth now lives in 4 super dense cities to free up land for the production of food and due to the limited fuel left on the planet low energy modes of transport are needed.
Posted 22 May 2015 13:16
To start out project on the future of transport we were asked to watch a few sci-fi films, for this I chose to watch Judge Dredd, as it resembled a scenario I had in mind for the project and Total Recall as it has some interesting modes of transport.
Posted 22 May 2015 13:13
Day 2- We created a scenario for our future transport based on the movies we have watched. I based my scenario on the movie 'DREDD' and incorporated the idea of justice.
Posted 22 May 2015 12:12
Day 1-Introduction to future transport and discussion of the brief. We then looked into science fiction movies and television series to discuss the following day.
Posted 22 May 2015 12:03
This design is my idea of the future bus. The design has evolved into an armoured vehicle due to the continuation of conflicts. this allows passenger to be fairly safe when traveling the hostile environment. The vehicle is powered by a thorium plasma battery so that it does not need refuelling often
Posted 22 May 2015 11:40
the environment i am going for is a war torn city scape where buildings have been destroyed due to conflict. The ground is littered by rubble making the environment seem hostile.
Posted 22 May 2015 11:28
Posted 22 May 2015 11:09
Posted 22 May 2015 11:03
elysium was the other film that i used to theme my scenario from. The use of imbalance between the rich and the poor was the main plot behind the film, with the poor being in constant servelance from robotic and drone technologies.
The earth has become a borron place due to the lack of resources, so the civilians of earth are in conflict with the government to regain the balance of power and rights.
Posted 22 May 2015 10:35
i was interested in the terminator salvation due to the apocalyptic movie plot where the earth has been war torn by the advancement in robotic technologies. The robots in the movie use futuristic flying vehicles based on drone technologies. However the human race still use ordinary vehicles which have rusted away to give them a rugged look.
Posted 22 May 2015 10:27
Casual Design and Scheme
Posted 22 May 2015 09:15
This is my proposal for future cityscape. This is actually collage how I imagine transportation in Manchester in 2115, therefore the background I've used is actual cityscape picture of area in Manchester at night.
Posted 22 May 2015 08:39
My scenario as shown the above, focuses mainly on over population and lack of fuel resources. Skyscrapers will fill the cities and we'll have to search for completely new way of travelling.
Posted 22 May 2015 08:35
When I was looking at different future scenarios I found out that in almost every concept I found, I noticed something in common - all of the visions for the future include cities, consisting almost only skyscrapers. That brought me to the idea that transport in the future wouldn't be efficient if it doesn't have suitable option for air travel - not only for groups but for single travel as well.
Posted 22 May 2015 08:21
My proposal for vehicle of the future. The idea for the aerodynamic shape I took from concept of the hornet vehicle, which can transform its wheels to large ''fans'' to switch in flight mode. That will be possible due to the joints placed above the wheels, making it possible to rotate. Solar panels will be placed all over the top of it and in the back there will be storage batteries for the unused sunlight. Travel will be non-pilot, monitored by high technology computer placed inside the cabin.
Posted 22 May 2015 08:04
I decided the vehicle I'm going to make will be powered by solar panels, due to no fuel resources in 100 years. I made a research about existing cars, powered by solar panels and different concepts about such types of vehicles. I was helpful because it gave me a clear direction of the possibilities solar systems have and what we could invent in the future using them. I really liked the idea of having batteries inside the vehicle to store the unused power. As we know weather is not always sunny so that would solve the problem with having enough energy for the journey.
Posted 22 May 2015 07:51
The movie I chose as an inspiration for my project, after some consideration, was Transformers - Revenge Of The Fallen. What I took from my movie, wasn't so much an idea for technology or exact looks, but the idea for transformation. I decided to bring the whole idea about vehicle, which transforms itself to meet the needs of the future travel. A vehicle - hybrid.
Posted 22 May 2015 07:26
Technology for the flying car. The thruster at the back of the car is just
like the principle of jet planes.The wheels spray air which is sucked by advanced engine to give the car counterforce so that cars can fly in the air smoothly.
Posted 22 May 2015 00:15
This is the design of the future vehicle. I drew the plans and elevations of the "car" (both flying and accident status). The car looks like F1 racing car with big, uncovered wheels. This shape effectively reduce
the wind resistance.Wheels are connected by advanced junctors to make them adjustable.
Posted 21 May 2015 23:23
This is the future cityscape which I imagined in 2200, showing the future transportation system in the context of several skyscrapers. We can see the three different modes of transport (3 levels) in the picture.Besides, although air road cannot reach every building, but people wherever they are can arrive at the closest station within 3 minutes.
Posted 21 May 2015 22:14
The scenario for my project is shown in the picture.With the development of science and technology,there are no limitations to transportation in 2200.People no longer have to worry about traffic jams at that time.Generally,transports are allocated into three levels.The roads in the air is for particular institutions such as hospital, police and big companies.They have private tracks so they are arrive to the destination quickly- no need to worry about the traffic situation.Most cars are driven in the air with thruster and jet wheels.However,if cars are broken down or the driver cannot drive the car (drunk for example)Cars start to be drived by computer
automatically on the ground, Transmission become quite humanized and convenient in 23 century.
Posted 21 May 2015 22:12
This is an image of how I imagine the future of transportation. Skyscrapers connected by a flying public transit system. Buildings will be vast enough to house their own stations to support easy commutes for staff and consumers.
Posted 21 May 2015 21:21
This is my conceptual design of the vehicle which will transport passengers from tower to tower. Each vehicle can carry a maximum of 6.
Posted 21 May 2015 21:08
This is how I imagine my transport working above the clouds. Buildings will either be initially designed to incorporate or adapted to create platforms for passengers to embark and alight.
Posted 21 May 2015 21:00
I watched the famous Star Trek Into Darkness as my precedent film.The film shows us lot of different cars flying in the air. Some of them are like today’s sports cars, which can move very fast while
some are like bus which move slowly but smoothly.This inspired me
to create different levels for the future transport system.
Meanwhile,roads are still exist,not only on the ground but also in the air.Roads in the air can be supported by thick columns. In the film,cars on the ground still use wheels to move which reminds me future cars can have two status. Ground cars move slowly but safely which is suitable for accident cars while roads in the air can be for special institutions such as hospital police and some big
companies. Air roads are like tracks which can move very fast and safely without requesting drivers’ much attention.
Posted 21 May 2015 19:45
This is a perspective of the city, show the transporters located between the domestic or commercial towers.
Posted 21 May 2015 17:47
The city plan illustrating how the transporters are located within the city to allow for people to travel within the city or outside.
Posted 21 May 2015 17:46
My final design was based on the sci-fic universe ‘Star Trek’. And the transportation method I designed comes from the existing idea in star trek, the transporter. In this universe, the people use the trap sorter to beam people to and out of the spaceship.
My idea was to apply this technology on the planet, allowing people to used this method to have international space travel for the people across the globe. This methods allow people to instantly travel anywhere on the planet.
Posted 21 May 2015 17:40
a distant view of the scheme, including the small airtight villages and their connected tunnels containing the high speed trains - all sat at the bottom of the ocean.
Posted 21 May 2015 17:24
A perspective cut of people inside the future train and its tube along the sea floor.
Posted 21 May 2015 17:19
A look at the individual trains themselves and the advancements in aerodynamics to prevent air resistance and increase speeds.
Posted 21 May 2015 17:18
I have chosen magnetic levitation technology to power my transport. Put simply, this is using two of the same magnetic points to create a repulsive force. I believe that in 100 years time, scientists and engineers will have figured out how to harness and control this technology. Transport will no longer need guidance rails. There could be some sort of emitting device which creates electro-magnetic waves on which vehicles can travel, as if like flying.
Posted 21 May 2015 16:35
This is the future cityscape which I created showing the future transportation at a larger scale in the context of my zombie apocalyptical scenario.
Posted 21 May 2015 16:13
The scenario for my project is that it takes place roughly 300 years in the future. Technology has expanded and evolved dramatically from what we know today, and through it the prevent issues of society are all resolved. The entire world operated as a single government or system. Cars, plane, boats, all major methods of transportation have become obsolete. This is for several reasons, firstly, the energy used to power these vehicles are outdated, secondly the amount of materials used to construction the vehicles or the roads and paths is too much. And finely, the time consumption for traveling through these vehicles is too much. The technology of 2315 allows for instant travel around the world, individually, or in large numbers.
This has lead to the lack of need for motorways, or any other form of major or international travel paths. Transportation technology allows for people, food, good and everything else in-between to be transported instantly across the globe.
Posted 21 May 2015 16:06
The mode of transport is that every one/ household has their own pod, which is a smaller more efficient vehicle to travel around their walled city/town by repelling magnets. While there is also a bus system which picks up the pods by dangling tentacles and attached by magnets to take the pods from one city to another (longer distances) faster.
Posted 21 May 2015 15:47
A imaginary cityscape of the Floating City with the proposed Hover Car in use 100 years later.
Posted 20 May 2015 21:55
A proposed design of how the concept hover car can look like if we really are able to live in the Floating City 100 years from now so that the city can produce its own magnetic field and hover cars can be used since it down't rely on Earth's magnetic field anymore.
Posted 20 May 2015 21:48
A simple diagram explaining why two strong and permanent magnets cannot achieve levitation in the real world.
Posted 20 May 2015 21:45
I watched the classic Back to the Future II as my precedent. The use of hover board makes me curious if that would actually work and started my whole project with that direction.
Posted 20 May 2015 21:40
For my high speed trains that travel along the sea bed I will need advancements in water hydraulics and valves used at extremely high pressure. However, my future technology is the vac train - a airless tubular tunnel that the trains run through at thousands of miles per hour.
Posted 20 May 2015 21:08
My scenario is set in the future when climate change and extreme weathering have taken place and the earths surface is too dangerous to live on so everyone lives underwater.
Posted 20 May 2015 20:29
My first film precedents page. Using Sci Fi films to come up with our own futuristic example.
Posted 20 May 2015 20:27

Technology for the Tycoons Transport (Upper Class)
The automobile that the Tycoons will be driving in 2094 is going to be self-driven with a manual overdrive. They will have the freedom to control where they go unlike the automobile that the Fugalites have. The Fugalites will only have automobiles at ground level whereas the Tycoons will have the ability to fly around their Ultra Rich, luxurious skyline city allowing them complete freedom. The technology that is used within these automobiles will be the same as the Fugalites vehicles, therefore jet power but with a dragonfly main tail rotor to allow the dragonfly (transportation) to fly in different directions, therefore up, down and sideways. The main tail rotor will be connected to the jet power engines; the rotor will then start to spin creating a torque effect, which then allows the dragonfly (transportation) aspect to maneuver the vehicle in any direction. The primary objective of the technology is thrust and speed with maneuverability being a key factor.
Posted 20 May 2015 18:22
Technology for the Fugalites Transport (Lower Class)
The automobile that the Fugalites will be driving in 2094 is going to be self-driven. The Fugalites will have a limited sense of freedom, as they will only be allowed to go to the preset destinations contained within the vehicles satellite navigation system. They will be propelled using the same jet power technology as the Tycoons but without the dragonfly rotor. Again, the primary objective of the technology is thrust and speed but with restricted maneuverability unlike the Tycoons vehicle.
Posted 20 May 2015 18:21
Cityscape - Proposed View
Posted 20 May 2015 12:24
The scheme for my transport is that there ill be a casual what can hold and cater for four people comfortably. The capsules are equipped with wifi and screens so they can communicate with other pods if need be. There are rotating wheels that are electromagnetically charged and stick to the roads, these wheel scan also rotate 360 degrees enabling the pods to move vertically up the side of buildings at the same velocity, this is cause by magnetic pads being placed every 20 yards on the road.
Posted 20 May 2015 10:58
The technology behind my scheme is that the elevated strips with the automatic cars will be electromagnetically charged. The wheels that at are either end of the automated capsules are magnetic and as they pass over the road they gain charge due to there being magnetic pads every 20 years on the road. This electromagnetic charge enables the pods to travel vertically with the same velocity as if they were travelling horizontally
Posted 20 May 2015 10:30
Watching minority report gave me the inspiration for my scenario with having the vehicles that are automatic and electric. The basic scheme is that there will be manually driven cars that are driven manually by people and then there is the elevated highways around 30ft above the normal highways that have the automatic pods. The pods can travel vertically up the side of buildings, similar to Minority Report, and have parking bays on the roofs where they drop off the passengers.
Posted 20 May 2015 09:53
Final Future Cityscape
Posted 20 May 2015 09:34
Mode of Transport
The mode of transport is different for the Ultra Rich (Tycoons) and the others (Fugalites) because within my scenario it is all based around the idea of humanity being divided in two different diverse classes based societies. Therefore, the Tycoons will be able to have more freedom than the Fugalites (having the ability to live in the Ultra Rich, Luxurious Skyline above the Fugalites) – meaning they have the ability to fly around in the dragonfly (transportation). The Fugalites are more controlled within the overpopulated, poverty ridden society due to them travelling around in self-driven cars.
Posted 20 May 2015 09:33
The bus system works by self-drive so a driver is not needed but there is an option to turn it off so you are also able to drive the bus as well just in case it breaks. It uses magnetic levitation like the Maglev train does but has a track above the ground high enough in the sky so the infected cannot reach it.
The pods that people have are very small and efficient as they do not use any fuel or anything that harms the earth or contributes to climate change. There is a track of magnets on the existing roads and a magnet in the pod repelling each other making to float above the ground and moving the magnet on the pod makes it move in the direction you want it to, the higher the angle you move it at the faster it travels.
Posted 19 May 2015 22:56
I started off by creating a few sketches of my idea and diagrams of how my future transport was going to work.
My chosen technology is magnetic levitation of a bus system in the air, similar to the maglev train that travels from one city to another through the infected territory at high speed through a long distance by picking up people's personalised pods which uses magnets to move and levitate above the ground as they repel each other, that travel shorter distances through the protected cities.
Posted 19 May 2015 22:48
The scenario I envisage happening in the future is how people will travel, not from city to city but from building to building. When skyscrapers are hundreds of storeys tall, a meeting at a neighbouring tower will be a trek! The fastest elevators at the moment run at 20 metres per second, to make this journey quicker I will imagine ways to traverse these buildings using futuristic transport and technology.
Posted 19 May 2015 15:14
To create a scenario and for inspiration, we were asked to watch sci-fi films. A common theme which runs through these movies is the war between human versus intelligent machines. The Matrix also challenges the idea of what reality is and imagines the possibility of our lives being unconsciously controlled inside a computer system. Many ideas of the future are dystopian and depict over populated cities with sky high mega structures such as those seen in Bladerunner.
Posted 19 May 2015 14:29
Based on a fictitious story where humanity is divided in two different diverse class based societies. The Mega Rich known as the Tycoons, live in a luxurious, ultra rich skyline city and the others known as the Fugalites reside below the Mega Rich in an overpopulated, poverty has ridden society.
A chain of events occurs that triggers the Fugalites to find a way to the luxurious, Ultra Rich Skyline city in order to create equality between the two classes whatever the cost.
Posted 19 May 2015 13:43
Elysium: Idea of control between two different classes. Isolate the two distinct classes by situating them in two different places (poor on the overpopulated planet and the ultra rich on a luxurious ship). No equality but the idea that everyone can achieve the American Dream and that you can gain equality from perseverance.
Posted 19 May 2015 13:40