A trademark for Coburg, almost a brand, are the Coburg Designtage, which took place in 2018 for the 30th time and this year will be the 31st annual festival. The creative
as well as innovative from regional economy took this event to present their ideas and products.
For visitors from the region and beyond, it is an annual highlight that attracted more than 6,000 people last year despite the inclement weather. And for creatives from near and now also from far away, it is the event in which ideas are presented vividly, in a special ambience.
Exhibition, presentation, demonstration and seduction at the same time, the designtage are a creative mix that invites you to actively participate. Nobody can resist the aesthetic demands of designtage. You can shape everything: things, processes, companies, regions, life. Everything that takes shape can be designed.
Posted 29 Jan 2019 10:36
Through Alberts Connection we aim to develop key skills that will make you a more accomplished designer.
Collaboration is key when realising projects in the built environment. Working with other people gives you an opportunity to know your skill set, how to share it with your team and implement your teammates abilities to create more proficient designs.
Conceptual Design
We will assist you in giving your projects a strong historical, contextual and theoretical basis so that the final Design will be grounded in facts that you can communicate.
Competition Design
You will present your designs to a jury led by Karsten Huneck, Anja Ohliger and Mario Tvrtkovic who will decide on the wining team or teams. This will give you a chance to build on your presentation skills both verbal and no verbal communication (Sketches, scale drawings, physical Models, etc).
You will all assist in building the winning design or designs for the Coburg design festival and communicate the ideas behind them to festival attendees. This will give you a unique opportunity to experience building something one to one and allow you to add something you have constructed to your design portfolios.
Posted 29 Jan 2019 10:27
Whilst in Germany, students from both Manchester and Coburg will be asked to work on a design competition in groups. There are many benefits of working as part of a team. It is an effective and valuable way to learn and is also extremely significant to the workplace. Working together will allow you to analyse your ideas in more depth and also to combine a range of skills that will help you to define a better design solution, than if you were working individually. In addition, teamwork can make study more efficient and fun and you will get to make new friends in another country.
Teamworking can provide a great chance for you to develop skills such as:
• Organisation
• Delegation
• Effective communication
• Co-operation
• Leadership
• Following
Posted 29 Jan 2019 10:15
I am a MArch student at the University of Manchester with one years work experince at an architectural practise called Good & Tillotson on the outskirts of Manchester.
I train six times a week at the gym and I play cricket every weekend during the summer. I enjoy cooking and do so everyday and I also eating out at restaurants.
Posted 29 Jan 2019 08:53
Anja Ohliger is a Professor in Design in Principle in the BA 1&2. As partner of OSA: Office for Subversive Architecture she was involved in many projects dealing with the question of perception of public spaces.
Mario Tvrtkovic is a Professor in Urbanism and Urban Design. He is one of the main initiators of Creaopolis, the experimental space close to the University of Coburg, which is the main subject of our workshop. In past experiences, he has already launched interventions with his students to make the potential of the space visible. Mario is hoping to ultimately design and install a "laboratory“ for social change and engagement in participation with the population of Coburg.
Please find some works (Sülzer Findlinge, Eintritt Frei, Frankfurter Garten, Kölnisch Wasser, etc) on their website.
Posted 28 Jan 2019 21:04
MArch student and a part time architectural assistant in a small practice based in Manchester.
Tennis player wannabe in my free time, I also enjoy eating out and drinking wine. Passionate about good food and good company.
Posted 28 Jan 2019 19:36
Atelier: PRAXXIS
Undergrad: Anna University
Experience: Eskay Design
Posted 28 Jan 2019 19:20
Are you aware that there are only 11 colours available for Riso print? The printer however picks up various beautiful shades and that is when the fun begins...
Posted 28 Jan 2019 18:33
Exploring some of the abstract and inspiring portfolios of Riso prints in the workshop. Have you got your favourite Riso print?
Posted 28 Jan 2019 18:29
This was our initial site visit and we walked around the whole building including the recording studio. Studio condition: The studio had been built before the established of GHS. Although it is still in usable condition, repairing and renovation works should be undertaken for further development.
Posted 28 Jan 2019 15:25
I am a 5th year architecture student, I love travelling and playing football, during my undergrad at MSA I played football for the architecture department.
I speak 2 languages and I worked in Nigeria for my Part I year out.
Posted 28 Jan 2019 14:39
I am a MArch student, part time employee at Corstorphine and Wright and a full time foodie. I did my placement at Corstorphine and Wright in Warwick working on projects such as residential and commercial ranging from student accommodation to retail parks.
I love to try up and coming independent coffee shops (mainly for brunch), travelling and playing hockey in my spare time.
Posted 28 Jan 2019 14:37
Today we arranged a Skype call with Ola, one of our collaborators, to discuss our progress and exchange contact details for collaboration with Ghanaian students during the events weeks. It was also very useful to discuss the outputs of the Research Methods group, who's work will be included in the exhibition, potentially setting up an extra task of having to audit all elements.
Posted 28 Jan 2019 12:26
I am a MArch student, a part-time cook and a whole-life adventure traveller. I have work experience in 3 countries (England, Russia and Bulgaria) and I speak 4 languages (Bulgarian, English, Russian and German).
My profile description is - a positivity engager, cakes and coffee addict, communication lover, constant culture and human learner.
Posted 28 Jan 2019 11:47
GHS // Final Poster
We have made our event more fun and interesting!
The Gorse Hill Studio(GHS)is an independent charity encouraging and supporting young people with additional needs and those struggling with mainstream education, which generates a wealth of positive impacts. By having an array of workshops including music, dance, drama, visual arts and digital arts, GHS offers opportunities for young people to learn, develop new skills, be creative, have fun and demonstrate to themselves and others that they have the skills, tools and social capital to be resilient and reach their full potential.
We have a great concern on specific demands of such social group, interested in creative art performance, and need your help to improve their learning environment!
Throughout the event session, innovative yet practical schemes of redesigning the recording studio for Gorse Hill Studios will be produced. These will be presented through a variety of forms and mediums, including but not limited to poster, physical models, video, sketches, and 3D representations.
Students will be inspired by site visits to the Gorse Hill Studios and The University of Salford Sound Lab, and will have direct discussions with our client, acoustic professionals, and architects from BDP in the form of critics.
Posted 27 Jan 2019 23:16
This week we were lucky enough to have Geoff Senior from the NWFA join us and give us an introduction on the archives history and how to use their extensive collection of films. The introduction consisted of us learning about the history and use of film, the organisation and the different users of the archive.
The main users of the archive can be divided into three different categories; higher education, public and commercial. After the presentation, it was concluded that the less dominant user is the higher education group. Through the use of the blog, we aim to promote the archive's readily available resources to us as architecture students in hope of increasing the amount of students that use this exceptional resource.
Posted 27 Jan 2019 21:33
Hello everybody,
So here is a timetable for the Events week with Group G. With our project, not only will you have the chance to challenge your creativity with designing enhancements for a recording studio, there will also be some exciting site visits in the first week, including:
1. Visit to the Acoustic Research Centre at the University of Salford - students will be able to gain an insight on acoustic technology;
2. Visit to Gorse Hill Studios - opportunity to interact with our collaborator and end users.
We believe these visits will prove valuable to students as it will involve processes and skills that you would pick up when working with real life projects. Representatives from Gorse Hill Studios will work closely with us and provide feedback to MSA students' proposals at the end of the Event.
Final outputs include: Full set of 1:10 coloured proposal drawings of the recording studio (plan & 4 elevations), a 1:10 scale model of proposal, at least 2 coloured graphics (perspectives or isometric) and proposed phasing diagrams.
Looking forward to working with you all soon!
Posted 27 Jan 2019 21:03
GHS // Crucial events
Join us and participate into these crucial events !
Posted 27 Jan 2019 19:36
GHS // Initial Site Plan
We are Group G and we focus on how architecture can improve the quality of life for the social minority.
Posted 27 Jan 2019 18:26
Team introduction Merz 19'
Hi guys, let's introduce ourselves in the team!
Kelly Cheung Infrastructure Space
Chloe Chan Praxxis
Farah Arar Platform
Saad Sharifeh Platform
Jonathan Ngan Infrastructure Space
Ethel Ng Platform
Posted 27 Jan 2019 13:26
Conceptual Stage
‘We need more of this criticality today – an architecture that jolts free from the spectacularity of the icon builders’ ‘ It is possible to scream with rubbish,’ by Tom Wilkinson in ‘Dada lives’ Architecture review.
Schwitters’ Merzbauten experiments continue to inspire many of the leading international artists and architects nowadays, like Zaha Hadid, Daniel Libeskind, Rem Koolhaas, etc. In this context, we are thinking to host a major international Merzbau exhibition or Dadaism workshop which influence in contemporary architecture, landscape, rural design and art.
Posted 26 Jan 2019 14:05
Session plan
Hi guys! Take a look at our event weeks activities which include 3D sculptural workshop and field trip to the Lake District! We cant wait to meet our team!
Posted 26 Jan 2019 13:18
Karsten carried out his studies in Germany at the Technische Universität in Darmstadt. Throughout his education, he attained the assistant role of Ottmar Horerl, an artist whose work focused on public spaces. After graduating with a Diploma in Architecture, Karsten has had involvement with the OSA (Office for Subversive Architecture) where he continued to explore spatial conditions regarding agendas concerning art and architecture, at both local and global scales.
Posted 26 Jan 2019 13:07
Whilst at the MMU Special Collections, we explored printed media in which to collate architectural drawings. This included studying graphic design and page hierarchy to best illustrate the drawings. This will be important when collating our own magazine to be co-produced in collaboration with students from the University of Ghana,
Posted 25 Jan 2019 14:54
Visited the MMU Special Collections exhibition on Architectural Drawings today, spanning both general arrangement drawings and hand drawn details. The purpose was to explore potential influences for the style of drawings as an example for the first year and second year students. This will inform on the drawings that will be produced from which to construct the exhibition space.
Posted 25 Jan 2019 14:50
Manchester Central Library has confirmed that we can use a space in their building to display our exhibition! This will take place on the last day of Events weeks (5th of April). First and second years work will be reviewed by Manchester City Council, the OTH design team, hopefully MSA staff and it will be open to members of the public.
The events outputs will be displayed in the exhibition. These are 2 A1 sheets displaying historical research and future proposals for Clayton Hall. Additionally, we will produce an exhibition quality site model of the Hall as existing with some sketch models to show the proposed design.
Posted 24 Jan 2019 16:01
Introducing our Events Co-Ordinators.
Florence - LuLu
Tom - InfraSpace
Lauren - InfraSpace
Asher - USE
Iuliana - USE
Paul - CIA
Posted 24 Jan 2019 14:02
This exciting collaboration between Manchester and Coburg gives you the opportunity to travel to the city of Coburg in Germany.
We will fly to Coburg for two weeks to participate in a collaborative design competition which aims to see your proposals realised in a prestigious design competition.
We are fortunate enough to be given funding for your travel and accommodation. This will cover our trip to Coburg in March as well as in May, when we revisit the city to build our proposal.
Posted 24 Jan 2019 13:47
Before you choose to come and be a part of the Albert's Connection event we need to let you know about some key things..
1. A Passport
Make sure that it is in date and not about to run out during the dates we plan to be away.
2. A Visa
If you're an international student it may be likely that you need a visa to travel to Germany. Make sure you check that there is enough time to get the appropriate visa. This will also have to be funded by yourselves.
3. Full Availability
You need to make sure your calendar is clear for the dates March 24th - April 5th. Make sure your Granny's cousins sisters uncles big birthday bash isn't on the weekend that those dates cover. We also need your availability for the second week of May to fly back to Germany and build your proposal, so please pencil this into your calendars. (Don't worry, this does not coincide with your deadlines)
4. Toothbrush... come prepared you will be designing, so you will also need your full architecture school kit.
Posted 24 Jan 2019 13:43
Albert's connection is a project which aims to bring together students from the Manchester School of Architecture and the University of Coburg to collaborate on a design competition proposal for a prestigious design festival held in the city.
The site for the project is the former 'Schlachthof' (Slaughterhouse) where the design festival is held each year. Our students will work alongside the Coburg students to each propose an exciting and conceptual design proposal for the site.
Ideas will be driven by the connection between the two cities, Prince Albert, whose statue sits at the heart of both Manchester and Coburg. You will also be asked to observe the site of the Schlachthof in depth, to use and appropriate the space in an innovative way. Above are the plans and sections for the Schlachthof, showing the history and found state of the building.
The project will end by all cumulating at the Schlachthof for presentations in front of a design jury. The winning proposals will then be realised and built in Coburg for the design festival in May.
Posted 24 Jan 2019 13:15
Great meeting with Manchester City Council and Purcell today! Looking forward to meeting all our bachelors students and getting started on our exciting project! #unlockingthetownhall
Posted 24 Jan 2019 12:31
We sat down today looking through policy documents and guildelines released by RIBA to better understand the current situation and how RIBA plans to deal with Brexit.
Posted 23 Jan 2019 21:22
Meet the Team!
Posted 23 Jan 2019 20:06
Meet the Team!
Posted 23 Jan 2019 20:05
Meet the Team!
Posted 23 Jan 2019 20:05
Meet the Team!
Posted 23 Jan 2019 20:05
Meet the Team!
Posted 23 Jan 2019 20:05
Meet the Team!
Posted 23 Jan 2019 20:05
What is the North West Film Archive? The NWFA contains a wide collection of recorded footage dating back to the pioneering days of the moving image in the 1890s to present day video production. Housing an extensive catalog of around 50,000 items from documentaries to home movies, both professional and amateur. We had the pleasure of viewing some footage within the Archives’ circular viewing pods, during our visit. One thing for certain is that the NWFA viewing pods are perfect for both general curious viewing or more concentrated research intents purposes.
Posted 23 Jan 2019 16:20
Before getting in touch with our prospect collaborators, we visited their site, so that we assess the potential of the space. Overall, we liked Hatch as it has a great amount of area which would give us more flexibility in our design.
Posted 23 Jan 2019 14:12
‘On Screen’ is a collaborative project that will bring together students from the Manchester School of Architecture with our collaborators the NWFA. (North West Film Archive). Using our creative skills, we plan to promote and raise awareness of the archive and its available resources to us as students. We aim to engage future and existing students by developing an instructional guide representing how to use the archive. Manchester town hall is an iconic landmark of the city. The town hall has been a stage for many events throughout history, ranging from film sets to political rallies. We wish to shed light on the significance of the town hall and demonstrate how it is a fundamental piece of the city’s history. By collating clips of NWFA footage, we hope to convey the story of the town hall.
Posted 23 Jan 2019 13:55
Our initial group visit to the North West Film Archive at Manchester Central Library. Group D has been given the opportunity to document and research for footage regarding Manchester townhall by looking through the North West Film Archives (NWFA) extensive collection of moving images and video footage.
During our group visit, we met with Geoff Senior from the NWFA who is one of our event collaborators. We were given a tour around the amazing facilities that are housed at the NWFA which are provided free to both the public and academic researchers.
Although this was our initial visit, we will be uploading an in-depth guide into how to access all the resources available at the NWFA. Also, individual group member introductions will be uploaded at some point, once some of us have haircuts.
Posted 22 Jan 2019 23:06
Meet the group: Chloe Cann
Posted 22 Jan 2019 22:47
Meet the group: Christine Guan
Posted 22 Jan 2019 19:28
Meet the group: Emily Fettes
Posted 22 Jan 2019 18:54
Meet the group: Georgina Cormode
Posted 22 Jan 2019 18:40
Meet the group: Kate Silvester
Posted 22 Jan 2019 18:38
Hi everyone, we are Group X.
Situated in Brierfield, Pendle stands the redundant, disused Gas Tower. Can you help transform this forgotten landmark into a space which can engage with the local community?
Northlight will involve collaboration with the non-profit art organisation IN-SITU, workshops, model making and community discussions; to formulate a range of ideas which can inspire future development of the site.
Posted 22 Jan 2019 11:45
Who are in-situ?
In-Situ is a non-profit arts organisation based in Brierfield, Pendle. Set up in 2011 by Paul Hartley, Kerry Morrison and William Titley who were inspired by a desire to help bring art into the colourful existing cultures in Pendle, Lancashire. Through a range of art processes, their vision is to be part of everyday life and for their art to be an art of action.
We are looking forward to collaborating and producing some really cool ideas which one day could be part of Pendle permanently.
Posted 21 Jan 2019 21:29
St. Mary’s in the southeast of Manchester is a Roman Catholic Primary school accommodating for ages 5-11. The site is mainly single-storey teaching accommodation with one block of two-storey which sits up against the main road, shielding the various play areas from noise. Outdoor spaces are divided up into many sections, giving the children and the teachers the ability to learn and teach in several ways about many different things, including forestry. The specific site sits within these learning spaces and will require of the project the same intrigue and fun that the others maintain.
Posted 17 Jan 2019 18:04
Today was our first visit to the Science and Industry Museum. We toured the exhibits and spoke with Curator Katie Belshaw to discuss the direction our event is going.
Through this discussion we defined the area of research, concentrating on the technological advances of Manchester in the post-war period, and how local companies will be using these in the future. Some interesting areas of research include, The Internet of Things, and Virtual Reality as an explorer of the city.
Over the next few weeks we are going to be looking in depth at the different strands of technological advances affecting professions in Manchester.
Posted 15 Jan 2019 18:11
Meet the Team Monday!
Introducing our Events A Co-Ordinators:
Erin Edmondson
BSc - Architecture & Environmental Design
Sheffield Hallam University
Laurence Richards
BA - Architecture & Planning
University of West England
David Wilkinson
BSc - Architecture & Environmental Design
Sheffield Hallam University
Edward Sykes
BSc - Architecture & Environmental Design
Sheffield Hallam University
Jorge Reynolds
BA - Architecture
University of Plymouth
Looking forward to getting started.
Posted 14 Jan 2019 10:23
The City of Ideas is an exhibition in planning at the Science and industry Museum, over the two week events program, we will be coming up with exhibition ideas which express the Historical, Cultural and Technological importance of Manchester as a pioneering city upon the world stage. We will have the chance to delve into research of the city, and produce a beautifully crafted book that displays our many artworks, drawings and concept models.
We hope the City of Ideas will help students to develop their presentation and communication skills, with the chance to make a difference to a real world exhibition outside of the university. Some technological skills that we as a team possess are the use of Rhino, SketchUp, Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign
Posted 10 Jan 2019 22:06
We had a great visit to Clayton Hall today. We were able to look round the fascinating building and when guided by the volunteers were able to appreciate the rich and potentially unique history. We look forward to working with Clayton Hall in the coming months and supporting their work.
Posted 10 Jan 2019 17:07
Brexit is one of the most talked about topics in recent years. The UK will officially leave the EU on the 29th March 2019. There lies a lot of uncertainties and unforeseeable future for the country. It is especially interesting for the architectural sector where it heavily relies on foreign professionals. Event F provides the perfect platform for students to debate how the industry will be affected by Brexit from educational and professional point of view.
Posted 10 Jan 2019 12:09
How can we improve the Studio for future 20+ years use? We can 'phase' the development to suit future GHS conditions. Let us start from The Recording Studio Re-Design to drive the development of GHS.
Posted 10 Jan 2019 09:33
Take a look at our session plan! Over the two weeks we plan to research, analyse and present a knowledge database that is yet to have been published before! We'll even have a look at interesting new production techniques such as rise printing! #AreYouAware
Posted 9 Jan 2019 22:10
The session plan for the two weeks.
We are still working with our collaborators on bringing in more participants to interact with the students during this period to better influence the final output.
Posted 9 Jan 2019 17:21
Conceptual Stage
‘The fact that more than 50 percent of the world’s population now lives in cities has become an excuse to ignore the country side,’ said Rem Koolhaas. Are the diminishing villages deemed to make way for luxury resorts and tourist facilities? As we look into the Lake District and Dada movement, we will search for new meanings and values of the rural.
Posted 9 Jan 2019 16:12
Group A - Events 2019.
Final Poster for collaboration with St. Marys Primary School
Posted 9 Jan 2019 16:01
An MSA and With One Voice collaboration.
The aim of this collaboration is to integrate people who are or have previously experienced homelessness into the cultural spaces that populate the city through the arts.
With one voice is an organisation that believes in giving a voice to the homeless community through this same medium. They organise exchanges between the arts, homeless organisations and policy makers across the world and support new initiatives and projects that are aimed towards similar goals.
The event will include design proposals for a variety of cultural sites in the city that will eventually contribute to the production of a downloadable design guide to improve such spaces.
Posted 9 Jan 2019 15:56
Gorse Hill Studio(GHS)is an independent charity encouraging and supporting young people with additional needs and those struggling with mainstream education, which generates a wealth of positive impacts. By having an array of workshops including music, dance, drama, visual arts and digital arts, GHS offers opportunities for young people to learn, develop new skills, be creative, have fun and demonstrate to themselves and others that they have the skills, tools and social capital to be resilient and reach their full potential.
We have a great concern on specific demands of such social group, interested in creative art performance, and need your help to improve their learning environment!
Throughout the event session, an innovative yet practical scheme of redesigning the recording studio for Gorse Hill Studios will be produced. This will be presented through a variety of forms and mediums, including but not limited to poster, video, sketches, and 3D representations.
Students will be inspired by site visits to the Gorse Hill Studios and The University of Salford Sound Lab, and will have direct discussions with our client, acoustic professionals, and architects from BDP in the form of critics.
Posted 9 Jan 2019 15:16
Conceptual stage
The beautiful Lake District is an ideal place for us to embark on an adventure on rural issue! With the breathtaking scenery of one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in front of the eyes, the event group will have a deep understanding on rural by immersing oneself into the nature. Merz Barn by Kurt Schwitters in the lake district will inform us the artist's view on ruralism and will be used as an inspiration for the discussion of the matter.
Posted 9 Jan 2019 15:05
Our group will be designing an exciting exhibition piece for the Special Collections team to showcase their extensive Photo Slide collection to students and researchers. Our aim is to produce an innovative way of viewing the photo slides whilst simultaneously providing exposure and awareness about the collection to those who haven't seen it before. We will be producing a full technical drawing package and supporting visuals for future marketing material in order for the Special Collections team to raise funding for a future build. Throughout the project we will be closely working with a real client that intends to use our design in the future as a permanent exhibition in the Special Collections library.
Posted 9 Jan 2019 15:03
Introducing 'Albert's Connection'.
‘Albert’s connection’ is a collaborative project that will bring together students from Manchester University and from Coburg University, in Germany, in order to use their creativity into a fun and engaging design competition.
The project consists of developing urban spatial interventions around the former Schlachthof (Slaughterhouse), which will be used for events held there as well as for the Creapolis at the Campus Design Open - Festival (parallel to the Coburger Design Tage).
Posted 9 Jan 2019 14:18
Hello and welcome to the AJ Events Blog 2019. Our project is Remnant: A Feeling for Time, situated on Winter Hill. The landscape is filled with rich history, and although it may not appear like it, scarred from human activity.
Back in November we met up with some members of the Woodland Trust to get some more information on the project and what they would like from us. They are planning to develop a series of toposcopes around the site for visitors. The aim of which has been split into three objectives: Learning, Behavioral and Emotional. These objectives will highlight the history of the site, educating visitors who visit whilst also offering some respite from long walks. Through education of the effects that humans have had on the landscape they hope that people think, react and care about the site.
What we will be creating is an atlas of research on the site, as well as design responses reflecting these. Through tracing of the historical, cultural and physical resources on the site we will be able to design toposcopes that fulfill the requirements of the Woodland Trust.
This is a project that the Woodland Trust plans to carry out in the future, meaning this work forms an essential grounding and potential influence for the final project. So if you're interested in landscapes, history and the environment come join group AJ.
Posted 9 Jan 2019 13:30
Special Collection team sells a small range of items to students such as books, prints and bookmarks. The team has called out for a group of architectural students to help Special Collections create a pop-up shop for the collections, in order for them to present their products better, with the adaptability to expand the range. We are to design in groups a pop-up shop that can be easily transported, selling items around Library and University Campus with the help and guidance from Special Collections team.
Posted 9 Jan 2019 12:00
On the 12th November 2018 we met with Mr John Usher, Deputy Headmaster, at St Mary’s RC Primary school, Levenshulme. John and the group discussed existing facilities the school has, overarching aspirations for the school and finally the specific goals we are aiming for as part of the Events project. The conclusion was to design a sustainable outdoor space to educate the pupils of the importance of sustainable living in modern society.
Posted 9 Jan 2019 11:40
Due to prevailing demands, infrastructural projects such as power stations were built during the post-war period. The rapid establishment of the industrial landscape and its effect on the rural urban environment was in fact comparable to the UK industrial revolution. Having its influence on the physical landscape, co-production was highly recognized in the UK.
Throughout the events session, we will explore the relationship between the infrastructure establishment and landscape architecture design based on the University collection and case studies of works from mid-C20 landscape architects, including Brenda Colvin, Sylvia Crowe and Derek Lovejoy.
In collaboration with MERL (Museum of English Rural Life), we will present this to the broader public through a form of digital exhibition. This will be a new, engaging way of communication which tells the story of the design intentions behind post-war power stations and its cooperative landscape design.
Posted 9 Jan 2019 11:33
As a group we have decided to collaborate with Ronald McDonald House Charity that provides free 'home away from home' accommodation to families with children in hospital.
Our event proposes to aid in the conceptual re-design of the RMH Manchester terrace, turning it into a garden of reflection for the residents. You will not only have the chance to work on a live design project but also the opportunity to help an extremely worthwhile cause.
Please see our poster for more event information
Posted 9 Jan 2019 11:31
If you had the chance to design your own zero-carbon house, what would you do? As a response to the housing crisis as well as the ecological disaster that is the 21st
century, more and more architects are turning to zero-carbon housing as a solution.
But is there place for it in Greater Manchester?
Working in collaboration with the Chorlton Community Led Housing Group (CCLHG) and Manchester Urban Co-Housing (MUCH), we are going to be exploring prototypical zero-carbon housing, to be situated on an existing masterplan for Ryebank Fields in Chorlton.
In the end, we will be pitching these ideas to CCLHG and MUCH in a professional presentation with a virtual reality experience of the typologies and the overall masterplan.
Check out CCLHG and MUCH below
Posted 9 Jan 2019 11:23
As a team we will be designing a museum grade display case for a selection of the c.8000 piece international poster collection held by the Special Collections Museum in the MMU Library. The collection doesn’t have an existing display unit and is therefore invisible to the public for most of the time, we would like to change that!
Our final output will be a detailed drawing package of our proposal, which we will submit to the special collections team at the end of the event. The drawing package will include: GA plans of the spaces the case could occupy, detailed drawings of our proposal and visualisations and diagrams of how users will interact with the collection.
We will be simultaneously developing both our creative and detail design skills by efficiently following the design process from problem to concept to solution. In order to develop these skills, there will be appropriate seminars led by the master's students which will go alongside the project development.
Posted 9 Jan 2019 11:07
Our Town Hall is a live restoration project led by Manchester City Council to retain and enhance the cultural heritage of the city’s most iconic venue. Our collaborators - Manchester City Council and Purcell have tasked us with creating interactive installations at the entrances of the Town Hall, collating a visual proposal which engages with the next generation of young people in Manchester. We will be working closely with students from a local secondary school to develop our ideas and jointly re-design elements – making the Town Hall an attractive space which all young people can freely engage with and use.
If you are keen to work with young people and create an interactive virtual reality experience, then we need you!
Posted 9 Jan 2019 10:00
Clayton Hall Needs You!!!
Hidden on the outskirts of Manchester, this Grade II* Listed building showcases the ‘Living Histories Museum’ of Clayton Hall.
You will be tasked to develop proposals in the form of a feasibility study to rejuvenate this visitor attraction looking at key issues:
- exhibition space
- education space
- accessibility
The feasibility study will also look at ways to ensure the Hall remains a sustainable venue for years to come.
Posted 9 Jan 2019 09:17
The pop up market underneath the Mancunian Way on Oxford Road HATCH needs our help! As they are growing, we are going to create a bespoke seating/installation to
meet their requirements.
A live project with excellent networking opportunities.
Posted 9 Jan 2019 08:04
Merz 19' poster
Our group will be working with collaborators from the Lake District. We are excited to have several visitors during the events week to hold creative workshops and discuss ideas about the rural!
Posted 9 Jan 2019 06:03
Art + Garden + Life is project that focusses on both delivering an architectural intervention and an interactive event that addresses integration techniques for the needs and rehabilitation of homeless or rough sleepers of Manchester residing in the Sanctuary Supported Living program at Victoria House. The project emphasises encouraging residents into the garden, taking part in the design and assembly of a planter for gardening use and artistic mural painting. As a result, the delivery proposes an outcome for future activity and a personalised space. Our knowledge of architecture not only provides us with the capability of designing, detailing and producing a physical element but to act as a social component for a wide range of interactions: an interaction with people to an interaction amongst disciplines.
Posted 8 Jan 2019 21:16
Keep an eye out for a fact every Wednesday
Posted 8 Jan 2019 20:47
We are Events Q and we are working with WOAH.
Posted 8 Jan 2019 20:31
Manchester is a city full of imagination and innovation with a history that has produced numerous cult bands and break-through scientific technologies. We are a collective interested in unraveling this past and want explore this magnificent history through a series of interesting trips and discussions.
The Science and Industry Museum are looking for us to help advise them on the direction of their upcoming exhibition on Manchester entitled the 'CITY OF IDEAS'. The focus will be on the post war period, and how Manchester will be pushing the technologies of the future. The final aim being a beautiful book of models images, drawings and artworks.
This beautifully crafted book will be presented to a team of curators at the Science and Industry Museum at the end of the two weeks.
Posted 8 Jan 2019 19:26